Indiana's Arizona type illegal's bill introduced


Just a regular American
Jul 24, 2010
An illegal immigration bill was introduced into the Indiana Senate and given a hearing. This bill if passed as written could take the license of businesses hiring illegal's. It also would eliminate any language but English on government documents and websites with a couple of exceptions. Similar bills (less restrictive) in the past were introduced but failed to pass. With the strong Republican majorities this year the prospect for passage appears to be much better, already 10 Senators have signed on.

Ariz.-style immigration law proposed | | Journal and Courier

I believe we will see a tidal wave of this kind of legislation and passage in the state legislatures this year and the corresponding court cases that will arise. A hot topic for 2011 unless the economy tanks again, that is.
An illegal immigration bill was introduced into the Indiana Senate and given a hearing. This bill if passed as written could take the license of businesses hiring illegal's. It also would eliminate any language but English on government documents and websites with a couple of exceptions. Similar bills (less restrictive) in the past were introduced but failed to pass. With the strong Republican majorities this year the prospect for passage appears to be much better, already 10 Senators have signed on.

Ariz.-style immigration law proposed | | Journal and Courier

I believe we will see a tidal wave of this kind of legislation and passage in the state legislatures this year and the corresponding court cases that will arise. A hot topic for 2011 unless the economy tanks again, that is.

Just try and talk about a bill like that in Illinois!!:

Delgado bill remembering those who were deported during the Great Depression signed into Law
It's a matter of time before many other states jump on the bandwagon - this invasion that has taken place is absolutely out of control. The feds are to blame for letting it go this far. They will pay a high price for this in the future - WE ALL WILL!!
The only way to improve on SB1070 is to see all states pass something similar.
I think this is the proper way to go, through the states and not the Feds. Other states will fall in line when they see the illegals leaving the states with those laws looking for a place to call home next. If they don't want to be the home of illegal intruders, they best be getting on that bandwagon.

The next hurdle once they past the law, ENFORCE it.
That's the problem isn't it? The will and ability to enforce the laws. The feds are not enforcing the current law and that is why the states are trying to pass these laws. I can forsee a problem here and that is how can a state deport an illegal. If they tun them over to ICE wil they accept them? Another problem is the funding for holding illegals by the state. A lot of states are facing a fiscal crisis right now and looking for ways not to lock people up because of the cost.
Maybe if the states surrounding Illinois have tough anti-invasion laws, you'll be able to knock out those Latinos that hit the road for Mexico after they kill somebody or steal big bucks.

But they'll probably be riding with a priest on the hood to keep the cops away!
That's the problem isn't it? The will and ability to enforce the laws. The feds are not enforcing the current law and that is why the states are trying to pass these laws. I can forsee a problem here and that is how can a state deport an illegal. If they tun them over to ICE wil they accept them? Another problem is the funding for holding illegals by the state. A lot of states are facing a fiscal crisis right now and looking for ways not to lock people up because of the cost.

Another bill should be passed. A fine of $10,000 to employers for every illegal they hire. That would accomplish two things. Illegals would be fired on the spot. With no incomes they have no choice but to move elsewhere voluntarily.

The fines could mount up quickly adding to a fund for IDU (Illegal Deportation Units) for buying busses and hiring LE for the ride back home.

Another law would be useful to be posted arouind would be warning if illegals are found, the entire family of illegals go. They will have to sell their items possessions not sent back home to the state, empty their bank accounts and pay for their way back home. At their time of arrest, their bank accounts will be frozen.
An illegal immigration bill was introduced into the Indiana Senate and given a hearing. This bill if passed as written could take the license of businesses hiring illegal's. It also would eliminate any language but English on government documents and websites with a couple of exceptions. Similar bills (less restrictive) in the past were introduced but failed to pass. With the strong Republican majorities this year the prospect for passage appears to be much better, already 10 Senators have signed on.

Ariz.-style immigration law proposed | | Journal and Courier

I believe we will see a tidal wave of this kind of legislation and passage in the state legislatures this year and the corresponding court cases that will arise. A hot topic for 2011 unless the economy tanks again, that is.

:clap2: I hope it passes. And I hope more states make it abundantly clear to our federal government that they are not going to continue to bend over and take it up the ass (like they have for so long).
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An illegal immigration bill was introduced into the Indiana Senate and given a hearing. This bill if passed as written could take the license of businesses hiring illegal's. It also would eliminate any language but English on government documents and websites with a couple of exceptions. Similar bills (less restrictive) in the past were introduced but failed to pass. With the strong Republican majorities this year the prospect for passage appears to be much better, already 10 Senators have signed on.

Ariz.-style immigration law proposed | | Journal and Courier

I believe we will see a tidal wave of this kind of legislation and passage in the state legislatures this year and the corresponding court cases that will arise. A hot topic for 2011 unless the economy tanks again, that is.

Good, every state should pass this type of legislation.

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