Because ............who the hell has their wedding catered by a pizza joint? Morons.

Catering Brick Oven Mobile Catering

That's just down right sad.

After checking, there's actually a ton of mobile pizza businesses that cater weddings.

But, I'm not really interested in how many offer it. I wonder how many are actually catered. I mean Subway offers catering. We need stats! A complete and total investigation is in demand simply so that we can understand this mysterious subculture. Who ARE these people? Where do they come from? How do they live? What other interesting habits do they have? Pepsi and milk? I am particularly interested in those that purchased dress, wore formal attire and then had it catered.

I understand small, family made or even potluck weddings. In fact, I have run into a few weddings that the family favorites or those dishes that take extensive time and are reserved for special occasions are made. I have encountered weddings where an entire hog is cooked. I have encountered older couples that go through the deed and have a simple dinner party afterwards that they themselves cook. I just find it odd that people would go through the drama, the crap, the ultimate mistake and.............have pizza catered.
That place will end up with a million or more in charitable donations. Heard they're already pushing 100K?


WOW..... Those bigots are really coming through, aren't they?

BULLDOG [With tolerant people on both sides, AND closeminded bigots on both sides]

How come only one side of this conflict is labeled as the bigots?
Isn't that bigoted?

Because only one side advocates unfair treatment.
Because ............who the hell has their wedding catered by a pizza joint? Morons.
Well, you're the moron here because they were asked the hypothetical question by a reporter and made the mistake of answering it honestly.

This is further evidence the left rules by tyranny.

I disagree with the method you claim is being used, but it's good that you finally realize the left is calling the shots, and the bigoted right is destined to lose.
Doing a hit piece on people minding their own business is how you define "calling the shots"? No, it just makes you an asshole, like the smear monger.
Well, you're the moron here because they were asked the hypothetical question by a reporter and made the mistake of answering it honestly.

This is further evidence the left rules by tyranny.

Ever the persecuted. Heaven forbid you ever become accountable for your actions. It's always someone's fault for being a douche.
How did you get that from me proving you're a moron? You back up idiotic comments with insults, which is further evidence.

You heard me the first time. You talk a lot about responsibility but you run from that at every turn.
I heard you talk shit and back it up with shit and support it with even more shit. Loser.
You heard that you talk about responsibility but when it's time to accept it then you run like hell. Again.
You are a lying asshole. It's all you have.
Because ............who the hell has their wedding catered by a pizza joint? Morons.
Well, you're the moron here because they were asked the hypothetical question by a reporter and made the mistake of answering it honestly.

This is further evidence the left rules by tyranny.

I disagree with the method you claim is being used, but it's good that you finally realize the left is calling the shots, and the bigoted right is destined to lose.
Doing a hit piece on people minding their own business is how you define "calling the shots"? No, it just makes you an asshole, like the smear monger.

Who do you think was calling the shots when Pence reversed himself?
The pizza place of course. Weddings were never a part of their business to start with. This was nothing more than a scam for money and attention. Evidently, bigots all over the country fell for it.
Sounds like you're eaten too many cum coated cookies.

I wouldn't know what that sounds like, but I have no doubt you do.
Oh please do elaborate. How is pointing out a scam gutless? Do you think weddings were a large part of his pizza business before? Of course not. The owner is just another bigot, similar to the bigots here, who hates gays that wanted attention, so he put out his ridiculous statement. Nobody is running from anything except the bigoted pizza place owner.
And you STILL have no clue what happened.
Not wanting to bake jizz pies isn't the same as hate but that's your limitation, not theirs.
Oh please do elaborate. How is pointing out a scam gutless? Do you think weddings were a large part of his pizza business before? Of course not. The owner is just another bigot, similar to the bigots here, who hates gays that wanted attention, so he put out his ridiculous statement. Nobody is running from anything except the bigoted pizza place owner.
And you STILL have no clue what happened.
Not wanting to bake jizz pies isn't the same as hate but that's your limitation, not theirs.

Damn. I'm not familiar with jizz pies any more than the cum soaked cookies you were discussing earlier, but you are free to enjoy what ever diet you want.
Ever the persecuted. Heaven forbid you ever become accountable for your actions. It's always someone's fault for being a douche.
How did you get that from me proving you're a moron? You back up idiotic comments with insults, which is further evidence.

You heard me the first time. You talk a lot about responsibility but you run from that at every turn.
I heard you talk shit and back it up with shit and support it with even more shit. Loser.
You heard that you talk about responsibility but when it's time to accept it then you run like hell. Again.
You are a lying asshole. It's all you have.

No. You're a pathetic jack ass. The reality is that the statement was made and it was deemed worth standing up for. But, you want it to be the reporter's fault and some type of innocence lost. That doesn't mean that I, in any way, shape or form, condone a high school coach's tweet.
Guess the owners grossly miscalculated public opinion.:lol:
They've gotten $40k in donations and counting. Maybe eliciting liberal whining does pay.

They will have enough to pay off their debts and get out.
OH paleeeeze! You know the attention span of liberals. A cop will shoot another thug and they'll move on.

They got the attention, they got some cash and they are out.
Oh please do elaborate. How is pointing out a scam gutless? Do you think weddings were a large part of his pizza business before? Of course not. The owner is just another bigot, similar to the bigots here, who hates gays that wanted attention, so he put out his ridiculous statement. Nobody is running from anything except the bigoted pizza place owner.
And you STILL have no clue what happened.
Not wanting to bake jizz pies isn't the same as hate but that's your limitation, not theirs.
Damn. I'm not familiar with jizz pies any more than the cum soaked cookies you were discussing earlier, but you are free to enjoy what ever diet you want.
I'm not gay, nor do I impose my sexuality onto others, unlike the Gaystapo.

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