I really wish these left wing asshat cowards would do this to a radical muslim business.......but no.....they are bullies...and bullies only pick on people who can't fight back.......the fucking cowards......
Cant fight back?

Im just in fact called the christians AND the gays cowards and called the muslims tough guys, all in one post.

Holy shit.
I have no empathy for bigots, hope they go bankrupt like their value system already is.

Hmmm...and exactly how were they bigots....they never refused to serve gays in their restaurant...ever......may even have had gay employees.....but their religion keeps them from participating in a gay wedding....that's how were they bigots.....

The real bigots are the ones willing to destroy them because they hate christianity.........those fuckers are evil.......
Their religion is bigoted and so are they.

And your response marks you out as a bigot too. See how that works.
No, i dont actually.

I dont buy into the pseudo intellectual canaard that anti bigots are thus bigots.

Theyre simply anti bigot.

Nuance. Gray area. Ive been saying forever, some people dont have the brain capacity to manage them.

And you certainly don't have that brain capacity......but your hate....and your vileness make up for that lack of brain capacity.....
Apparently i do, since i can understand nuance.

All that other blah it dork.
I really wish these left wing asshat cowards would do this to a radical muslim business.......but no.....they are bullies...and bullies only pick on people who can't fight back.......the fucking cowards......
Cant fight back?

Im just in fact called the christians AND the gays cowards and called the muslims tough guys, all in one post.

Holy shit.

Didn't say the muslims were tough guys....I just called the left cowards because they won't try this crap with a radical muslim owned business....Christians are peaceful people who just want to quietly live their the owners of this pizza place destroyed by the left......for wanting to practice their religion freely, without government is you bigots who won't let them live in peace.....
I really wish these left wing asshat cowards would do this to a radical muslim business.......but no.....they are bullies...and bullies only pick on people who can't fight back.......the fucking cowards......
Cant fight back?

Im just in fact called the christians AND the gays cowards and called the muslims tough guys, all in one post.

Holy shit.

Didn't say the muslims were tough guys....I just called the left cowards because they won't try this crap with a radical muslim owned business....Christians are peaceful people who just want to quietly live their the owners of this pizza place destroyed by the left......for wanting to practice their religion freely, without government is you bigots who won't let them live in peace.....
'Radical muslim owned?'


Bro, are there terrorists on the fbi most wanted list running eateries in the heart land?

Tell us more.
you people supporting this anti religion think you are safe from left wing hate because you support the gay fascists some history....your time will come and your support of anti christian bigotry will not protect you from the left.....they devour their own.........
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
What a retard.

Nobody orders pizza for a wedding.

That place said they serve gays.....but they said they would refuse to cater a gay wedding, which is their right...since this country allows us to practice our beliefs without being attacked by government, and now by private individuals that want to carry out acts of domestic terrorism against them.

All of this mess is only going to cause a backlash against Democrats next year. People will remember the hate that Gays caused with this. What is really surprising is Gays aren't being attacked all over the country. I guess it will be just a matter of time as long as the Gay Nazis keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them or won't comment when asked.

Of course nobody orders pizza for a wedding. That's why you can tell it was just a bigoted marketing ploy. Every bigot around will want to pitch in to help for a day. After that, it doesn't matter.

Nobody orders pizza for a wedding? I can't tell if you were joking or not.

I have actually been to a Pizza catered wedding. Nobody from my family, but some friends of the family did that. It was pretty darn good too.

It's actually fairly common as I understand it.
That place will end up with a million or more in charitable donations. Heard they're already pushing 100K?
All straight people need to boycott queer owned businesses. Let the 3% really see how ignorant they are.

Yeah ... we need to pass a law requiring gays to put signs in their windows, declaring their gay-ness. Arm bands are also needed.

Just change the Star of David to a big pink G.

Hey I don't go to Starbucks, that's a start.

I don't go to Chick-Fil-A. I think their food is disgusting.

About ninety percent of the places that I am to boycott are really, really easy to boycott. Whoo. Hella work done there.
What a retard.

Nobody orders pizza for a wedding.

That place said they serve gays.....but they said they would refuse to cater a gay wedding, which is their right...since this country allows us to practice our beliefs without being attacked by government, and now by private individuals that want to carry out acts of domestic terrorism against them.

All of this mess is only going to cause a backlash against Democrats next year. People will remember the hate that Gays caused with this. What is really surprising is Gays aren't being attacked all over the country. I guess it will be just a matter of time as long as the Gay Nazis keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them or won't comment when asked.

Of course nobody orders pizza for a wedding. That's why you can tell it was just a bigoted marketing ploy. Every bigot around will want to pitch in to help for a day. After that, it doesn't matter.
Who is being the biggest asshole in this; The folks that don't want to cater a gay wedding.... or the folks who that come down on them and try to put them out of business, and thus forcing them into financial ruin?

The pizza place of course. Weddings were never a part of their business to start with. This was nothing more than a scam for money and attention. Evidently, bigots all over the country fell for it.

The fools on the left got caught picking on a lil guy and now need to run for cover!

Lol, you can't make this shit up!

Bulldog, that may be the most gutless thing I've ever seen a progressive post.

That's saying a lot

Yelp Users Troll Indiana Pizzeria That Refuses To Cater Gay Weddings

^^^^There's your enemy. Go get 'em.

Awww really? I love Chick-fil-a.
you people supporting this anti religion think you are safe from left wing hate because you support the gay fascists some history....your time will come and your support of anti christian bigotry will not protect you from the left.....they devour their own.........
The facists have always been the bigots.

Gays are normal and moral human.beings.

You dont get to be a scumbag towards them "cuz my book says so," ass hole. It doesnt absolve you of being a escalated you to a mind controlled bigot.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
What a retard.

Nobody orders pizza for a wedding.

That place said they serve gays.....but they said they would refuse to cater a gay wedding, which is their right...since this country allows us to practice our beliefs without being attacked by government, and now by private individuals that want to carry out acts of domestic terrorism against them.

All of this mess is only going to cause a backlash against Democrats next year. People will remember the hate that Gays caused with this. What is really surprising is Gays aren't being attacked all over the country. I guess it will be just a matter of time as long as the Gay Nazis keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them or won't comment when asked.

Of course nobody orders pizza for a wedding. That's why you can tell it was just a bigoted marketing ploy. Every bigot around will want to pitch in to help for a day. After that, it doesn't matter.

Nobody orders pizza for a wedding? I can't tell if you were joking or not.

I have actually been to a Pizza catered wedding. Nobody from my family, but some friends of the family did that. It was pretty darn good too.

It's actually fairly common as I understand it.

My statement could have been overly broad. In a country this big, I guess anything is possible. I don't doubt there have been weddings with Snickers Candy bars as the centerpiece, but candy or pizza is not generally considered standard wedding fare.
Yes...the dress code of the modern left....rainbow arm bands, green shirts and jack boots.....what a bunch of thugs........
All straight people need to boycott queer owned businesses. Let the 3% really see how ignorant they are.

Yeah ... we need to pass a law requiring gays to put signs in their windows, declaring their gay-ness. Arm bands are also needed.

Just change the Star of David to a big pink G.

Hey I don't go to Starbucks, that's a start.

I don't go to Chick-Fil-A. I think their food is disgusting.

About ninety percent of the places that I am to boycott are really, really easy to boycott. Whoo. Hella work done there.


Awww really? I love Chick-fil-a.

Hate 'em. Hate Schlotzsky's. Hate Popeye's. Hate Shakey's. Hate Pizza Hut. Hate KFC. Hate McDonald's. Hate Taco Smell. Not interested in Starbucks since they ditched Orange Valencia. Hate Wal-Mart. Hate K-Mart. Not real fond of Target.

Hate may be too strong a word. Maybe bleh.

In fact, I can't tell if I am a boycotter's best friend or worst nightmare.
Yes...the dress code of the modern left....rainbow arm bands, green shirts and jack boots.....what a bunch of thugs........

I got five that you will pitch some aspect of selling the Second Amendment before the thread is out.
Yes...the dress code of the modern left....rainbow arm bands, green shirts and jack boots.....what a bunch of thugs........

I got five that you will pitch some aspect of selling the Second Amendment before the thread is out.

Hmmm...let me think.....well...I hope this pizza owner has a concealed carry permit....the leftists may very well vandalize his store or attack him, his family or his employees....

Does that work for you?
Yes...the dress code of the modern left....rainbow arm bands, green shirts and jack boots.....what a bunch of thugs........

I got five that you will pitch some aspect of selling the Second Amendment before the thread is out.

Hmmm...let me think.....well...I hope this pizza owner has a concealed carry permit....the leftists may very well vandalize his store or attack him, his family or his employees....

Does that work for you?

I knew you could do it.
Yes...the dress code of the modern left....rainbow arm bands, green shirts and jack boots.....what a bunch of thugs........

I got five that you will pitch some aspect of selling the Second Amendment before the thread is out.

Well, the Second Amendment really should be expanded to mean Right to Defense in both the "resources and help with civil/legal process of defense" not just using "firearms or weapons" as defense.

Right now, people don't have equal protection or defense of interests/beliefs, because the legal system is skewed by money and political influence. The politics between gay beliefs vs. Christian beliefs shows the bias in the media and the legal system towards one over the other.

Had the people in the bakery/photography lawsuits been allowed EQUAL defense to mediate and resolve their
cases, INCLUDING their religious views EQUALLY as the beliefs of the customers suing them and complaining through
the govt agencies, then maybe we could have avoided this current mess.

by mediating BEFORE passing laws or making policies. Not imposing legally back and forth, and then resolving it afterwards.

There is a common principle of right to defense, but it is masked because of all the hype over gay politics and religion.
People cannot see past the volatile issues to see what's wrong with the democratic process being lost in the fight over beliefs that are grabbing all the attention.
Yes...the dress code of the modern left....rainbow arm bands, green shirts and jack boots.....what a bunch of thugs........

I got five that you will pitch some aspect of selling the Second Amendment before the thread is out.

Well, the Second Amendment really should be expanded to mean Right to Defense in both the civil/legal sense
not just using firearms or weapons as defense.

Right now, people don't have equal protection or defense because the legal system is skewed by money and political influence.

Had the people in the bakery/photography lawsuits been allowed EQUAL defense to mediate and resolve their
cases, INCLUDING their religious views EQUALLY as the beliefs of the customers suing them and complaining through
the govt agencies, then maybe we could have avoided this current mess.

by mediating BEFORE passing laws or making policies. Not imposing legally back and forth, and then resolving it afterwards.

There is a common principle of right to defense, but it is masked because of all the hype over gay politics and religion.
People cannot see past the volatile issues to see what's wrong with the democratic process being lost in the fight over beliefs.

That is a very nice try but that is a very big fail. You're going to need to leave that one to the Pro.

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