Looks like another crackersauraus biblethumpacus rex ‘Dinosaur’ ‘Dying Off’

People like you have been claiming that for over 1,000 years. Now one single pizza shop closes it's doors, and you think all the Bible Believing Christians are magically gone?

lol.... yeah. That's a great one. Write that joke down in a book and sell it.

The Roman empire was slaughtering Christians by the thousands, and when the war between pagans and Christians was over, Rome was converted, not the Christians.

Voltaire claimed "Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world" and later hoped to end Christianity.

Voltaire is dead and gone, but Voltaire's former home is owned by the Geneva Bible Society, and is used to print Bibles.

Yet again... you think because one pizza shop closed, you can defeat us? How sily.

I make a promise to you here, and now: You can close our shops, protest and vandalize, ruin our businesses, fine us, or penalize us, toss us in jail or prison, you can even kill us... but we will never back away from our faith, and long after both you and me are dead and buried, there will be the Bible, and those with faith in it, until the end of the age.

You are trying to fight a battle that was lost thousands of years before you were ever born. It's kind of sad for you.
I just picked up that the closing is temporary because of the asshole looney tunes on the lefts death threats.

Owners are in hiding. But on the bright side $33,000 was raised in 3 hours by supporters of Memories Pizza.

It's over 65,000 now

YAY! Imagine death threats from around the country to these poor people whose only sin is having faith.

As usual this is blowing up in the loon's faces, it's now up to 112K LOL
Gays are going to have to go all in and start burning churches pretty soon or be overwhelmed in the argument.
All straight people need to boycott queer owned businesses. Let the 3% really see how ignorant they are.
I just picked up that the closing is temporary because of the asshole looney tunes on the lefts death threats.

Owners are in hiding. But on the bright side $33,000 was raised in 3 hours by supporters of Memories Pizza.

It's over 65,000 now

YAY! Imagine death threats from around the country to these poor people whose only sin is having faith.

As usual this is blowing up in the loon's faces, it's now up to 112K LOL

As someone said earlier - a brilliant marketing ploy and I'm sure Westboro is taking notes.
I just picked up that the closing is temporary because of the asshole looney tunes on the lefts death threats.

Owners are in hiding. But on the bright side $33,000 was raised in 3 hours by supporters of Memories Pizza.

It's over 65,000 now

YAY! Imagine death threats from around the country to these poor people whose only sin is having faith.

As usual this is blowing up in the loon's faces, it's now up to 112K LOL

That kind of response not only speaks volumes, it is volumes!
All straight people need to boycott queer owned businesses. Let the 3% really see how ignorant they are.

Yeah ... we need to pass a law requiring gays to put signs in their windows, declaring their gay-ness. Arm bands are also needed.

Just change the Star of David to a big pink G.

Looks like another crackersauraus biblethumpacus rex ‘Dinosaur’ ‘Dying Off’

People like you have been claiming that for over 1,000 years. Now one single pizza shop closes it's doors, and you think all the Bible Believing Christians are magically gone?

lol.... yeah. That's a great one. Write that joke down in a book and sell it.

The Roman empire was slaughtering Christians by the thousands, and when the war between pagans and Christians was over, Rome was converted, not the Christians.

Voltaire claimed "Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world" and later hoped to end Christianity.

Voltaire is dead and gone, but Voltaire's former home is owned by the Geneva Bible Society, and is used to print Bibles.

Yet again... you think because one pizza shop closed, you can defeat us? How sily.

I make a promise to you here, and now: You can close our shops, protest and vandalize, ruin our businesses, fine us, or penalize us, toss us in jail or prison, you can even kill us... but we will never back away from our faith, and long after both you and me are dead and buried, there will be the Bible, and those with faith in it, until the end of the age.

You are trying to fight a battle that was lost thousands of years before you were ever born. It's kind of sad for you.

:clap: Well said.
I just picked up that the closing is temporary because of the asshole looney tunes on the lefts death threats.

Owners are in hiding. But on the bright side $33,000 was raised in 3 hours by supporters of Memories Pizza.

It's over 65,000 now

YAY! Imagine death threats from around the country to these poor people whose only sin is having faith.

As usual this is blowing up in the loon's faces, it's now up to 112K LOL
Sounds like to me the pizzeria owner is playing you guys for fools.
As reported on another thread, a fund to keep them open has been set up and, as of early this morning, it contained more than $48,000!
Because ............who the hell has their wedding catered by a pizza joint? Morons.
Well, you're the moron here because they were asked the hypothetical question by a reporter and made the mistake of answering it honestly.

This is further evidence the left rules by tyranny.

Ever the persecuted. Heaven forbid you ever become accountable for your actions. It's always someone's fault for being a douche.
How did you get that from me proving you're a moron? You back up idiotic comments with insults, which is further evidence.

You heard me the first time. You talk a lot about responsibility but you run from that at every turn.
I heard you talk shit and back it up with shit and support it with even more shit. Loser.

You heard that you talk about responsibility but when it's time to accept it then you run like hell. Again.

Of course, The Blaze opened up a funding site, and made sure their followers were informed about it. That was just marketing and a way to keep their followers riled up for another day or two. After the initial day or two of donations, they will be off on another false outrage mission, and the pizza place will still be closed.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News

If they really were getting threats- that is wrong.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
What a retard.

Nobody orders pizza for a wedding.

That place said they serve gays.....but they said they would refuse to cater a gay wedding, which is their right...since this country allows us to practice our beliefs without being attacked by government, and now by private individuals that want to carry out acts of domestic terrorism against them.

All of this mess is only going to cause a backlash against Democrats next year. People will remember the hate that Gays caused with this. What is really surprising is Gays aren't being attacked all over the country. I guess it will be just a matter of time as long as the Gay Nazis keep attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them or won't comment when asked.

Of course nobody orders pizza for a wedding. That's why you can tell it was just a bigoted marketing ploy. Every bigot around will want to pitch in to help for a day. After that, it doesn't matter.

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