Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

When ever you Taliban types strike, don't worry, we'll be there to take care of your victims.

Oh, have a blessed holy Easter :ahole-1:

Damn. $750,000.00 for each bible thumper who says he hates gays. Where do I sign up? I'm beginning to hate those fags myself.
WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
LOL, the tard's gonna double down!
WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
LOL, the tard's gonna double down!

You bet I am. Come on. Dish out another wad your own hard earned money for no reason. Show me who is boss.
WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
LOL, the tard's gonna double down!
You bet I am. Come on. Dish out another wad your own hard earned money for no reason. Show me who is boss.
It was for a worthy cause. The people spoke, they're sick of the Gaystapo.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

One wonders how much money from gay lobbies are spent every single year, to show they hate Christians.

Why is it that when you people on the left spend money to hate people, that's good. When we spend money to support our Christian brothers, that's bad? You realize that the Pizza place didn't launch a campaign against Gays. No movement to burn gays at the stake, or throw them in jail, or close their businesses.

Yet you do that to us... but your tiny little mind, we're the ones engaging in hate? Well.... My expectations were low, and you have met them again.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

One wonders how much money from gay lobbies are spent every single year, to show they hate Christians.

Why is it that when you people on the left spend money to hate people, that's good. When we spend money to support our Christian brothers, that's bad? You realize that the Pizza place didn't launch a campaign against Gays. No movement to burn gays at the stake, or throw them in jail, or close their businesses.

Yet you do that to us... but your tiny little mind, we're the ones engaging in hate? Well.... My expectations were low, and you have met them again.

No idea about the workings of gay lobbies, but I suppose they do spend money. I'm not sure if they are doing it out of hate for others, or a desire for equal treatment for themselves, but it's their money. They can do what they want. However, I suspect they have some sort of desired goal for the spent money. I find it fascinating that so many right wingers just throw their money out there with no particular reason that I can find. I'm not saying it's wrong, because it's yours to do with as you wish. Just odd. And, I confess, funny as hell.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

One wonders how much money from gay lobbies are spent every single year, to show they hate Christians.

Why is it that when you people on the left spend money to hate people, that's good. When we spend money to support our Christian brothers, that's bad? You realize that the Pizza place didn't launch a campaign against Gays. No movement to burn gays at the stake, or throw them in jail, or close their businesses.

Yet you do that to us... but your tiny little mind, we're the ones engaging in hate? Well.... My expectations were low, and you have met them again.

No idea about the workings of gay lobbies, but I suppose they do spend money. I'm not sure if they are doing it out of hate for others, or a desire for equal treatment for themselves, but it's their money. They can do what they want. However, I suspect they have some sort of desired goal for the spent money. I find it fascinating that so many right wingers just throw their money out there with no particular reason that I can find. I'm not saying it's wrong, because it's yours to do with as you wish. Just odd. And, I confess, funny as hell.

OH! So you are not sure!
..."for no other reason than to show they hate liberals"...

Funny how you are 100% sure of the motivations of those who donate money to help a tiny pizza shop.... but the gay lobby... you have no idea.

Tell me.... can I be 100% sure of the motivations of the gay lobby, and not be sure about the motivations of those who donate to a tiny pizza shop? Or does that pre-judging only work one way in your world?

We've already said the reason. For those of us who are Bible believing Christians, we have a view that is spelled out very clear. We do not believe in gay marriage. The Bible makes that clear. G-d created marriage, and G-d said it is between a man and woman. Not man and man, or woman and woman. That's all there is to it.

And we as Christians, are supposed to stand up for our belief. Has nothing to do with so and so over there is gay. I couldn't care less if he is gay or not. He can be gay all he wants. That doesn't change my view, and how I live my life. So if I make cakes, and a gay couple asks me to make them a cake for their birthday, I'll do it. If they ask me make a cake for their gay wedding, which my religious views expressly prohibit.... the answer is no.

YES.... we of this belief system, will spend money supporting our freedom to practice our religious views. That sir... is all there is to it. If you want to call that 'hate', I don't care. When has the opinions of pagans ever mattered to me or any other Christian? If the Christians of Rome, were willing be burned at the stake for their faith, I sure can handle some whiny leftists calling me a 'homophobe' or hate monger, or whatever other silly names you want to call me and think I care.

That's the answer. That's why.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Spot on Andy, the party of "give us free college education, birth control, SNAP (EBT), etc etc dares to sit there and accuse someone of not earning? Complete BS
I have no empathy for bigots, hope they go bankrupt like their value system already is.
Well I am sure the quarter MILLION raised to help them is keeping them just fine while the hide from murderous terrorist democrats and gays. Remind us how threatening to kill a lefty is terrorism and bad but threatening to kill a christian is just another day on the block?
I just find it amazing that some dingaling would make a statement and then cry over a backlash for an event that they more than likely don't cater to anyways.

Oh, donations............well, it makes perfect sense now.
Forty grand in a few hours!

A few more hours and they might be able to clear their debts.

Don't be surprised if, within the next 48 hours, another dying restaurant does the same thing to collect some cash.

That could happen if an atheist who by definition has no moral compass owns a restaurant does that. In this case, the plea for cash was from a radio station DJ.

This has been discussed. Did you have a larger point to make or are you catching up?
It will be over a million by tomorrow. Americans have always found people forced into service to another repugnant.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
$800,000+ raised for Memories.

How much raised for the arson inciting coach who lost her job over it?
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
$800,000+ raised for Memories.

How much raised for the arson inciting coach who lost her job over it?

I didn't even know that. Unbelievable. These people.

Clue phone everyone on here: You are not anonymous. The internet is like BROADCAST. You are publicly BROADCASTING what you say over the entire nation.

Here's a hint. If you wouldn't say it in public, don't say it on the internet. You will be found out. It's like these stupid women that take pictures of themselves naked, and are shocked people are looking at their naked butts on the internet, and act all shocked and surprised. Come on people..... wake up.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

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