Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Anyone that thinks this is a "conservative conspiracy" by these pizzeria owners are idiots, just a way for you guys to wipe the shit off your face after it all hit the fan with your boycott of some no name small town business.

And all your generous donations effected the left how?
Isn't this a tempest in a teapot?

I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Anyone that thinks this is a "conservative conspiracy" by these pizzeria owners are idiots, just a way for you guys to wipe the shit off your face after it all hit the fan with your boycott of some no name small town business.

And all your generous donations effected the left how?

Whether it has an effect or not, doesn't really matter to me. It must have some effect, because just looking around this forum, they sure seemed freaked out about it.

But honestly, that doesn't matter to me. My donation supports a cause I believe in. That's enough for me. Perhaps the pizza place will end up closed anyway. I still supported a cause I believe in. Perhaps the owners will leave the state. I still supported a Christian brother in need. Best to him, and Godspeed.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Anyone that thinks this is a "conservative conspiracy" by these pizzeria owners are idiots, just a way for you guys to wipe the shit off your face after it all hit the fan with your boycott of some no name small town business.

And all your generous donations effected the left how?
Everytime you give a dollar to Memories Pizza, a tranny dies of AIDS.
Isn't this a tempest in a teapot?

I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.

Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Anyone that thinks this is a "conservative conspiracy" by these pizzeria owners are idiots, just a way for you guys to wipe the shit off your face after it all hit the fan with your boycott of some no name small town business.

And all your generous donations effected the left how?
Everytime you give a dollar to Memories Pizza, a tranny dies of AIDS.

If that were true, at least there would be a reason.
I have to say, I've enjoyed seeing just how much people hate the faggots here. 843K Fuck You Faggots. That's somethin' alright. Entirely confirms why we need strong PA laws, since Americans aren't gown up enough to do the right thing.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Anyone that thinks this is a "conservative conspiracy" by these pizzeria owners are idiots, just a way for you guys to wipe the shit off your face after it all hit the fan with your boycott of some no name small town business.

And all your generous donations effected the left how?

Whether it has an effect or not, doesn't really matter to me. It must have some effect, because just looking around this forum, they sure seemed freaked out about it.

But honestly, that doesn't matter to me. My donation supports a cause I believe in. That's enough for me. Perhaps the pizza place will end up closed anyway. I still supported a cause I believe in. Perhaps the owners will leave the state. I still supported a Christian brother in need. Best to him, and Godspeed.
I wouldn't bother explaining it to this autist, he is beyond help here. Normal people with a moral compass understand the point of helping someone who have lost their business due to persecution of vindictive mentally ill faggots, he isn't a normal person, so he doesn't understand.
Isn't this a tempest in a teapot?

I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.

Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?

Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.
I have to say, I've enjoyed seeing just how much people hate the faggots here. 843K Fuck You Faggots. That's somethin' alright. Entirely confirms why we need strong PA laws, since Americans aren't gown up enough to do the right thing.
The right thing is to protect the right to free exercise of religion and free association and oppose this tyranny under the guise of so called "civil rights". You are the immoral one here.
Isn't this a tempest in a teapot?

I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.

Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?

Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.

What ever you say bubba. I'm just watching in amazement.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

Your swift rush to conclusion lacks forethought and critical thinking. It comes down to the mere fact that this country was founded on Christianity and we're not going to go willingly into the night avoiding the offensive homo culture. It's damaging to society on so many levels.

But the left liberals again fail to stand up for America and instead want to turn it into hell

The fat lady will soon have to take a seat, her warm up is over

What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.

Now, you may think that you have somehow won a little sumpthin' sumpthin' with raising money for one establishment but you cannot and will not raise the money for the people that live there. They need jobs. They need to bring in higher paying jobs. You cannot attract them with that crap. You cannot elevate a business to either a church or an individual. Period.

And if you have one brain cell rocking around in your head consider this: You take care of the bullshit that you know is wrong now and the Democrats can't use this crap in the next election cycle. Now they have to deal with policy.

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