What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

I agree re: elections have consequences.

I fired them when ACA passed

[QUOTE="Steinlight, post: 11118679, member: 47146"]As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association.[/QUOTE]

Hey, had those fine Republican Christians NOT FOLDED in a day or so, guess what, your expectation of Republicans losing would have changed to a "guarantee" that they would lose.

I think those politicians that you love so much have put their job and well being in front of your God.

You gonna let em get away with that?
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
Can you provide proof the owners are anti-gay? Perhaps something they said?
Free market forces did not force this business to close. Gays living in New York would never have asked this pizza place to cater their wedding. They wouldn't have known that it existed. These gays could threaten the business though.

If free market forces were to have any effect that would be up to the people living in this town of 2100. That hasn't been shown to be true at all.
Isn't this a tempest in a teapot?

I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.

Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?

Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.

What ever you say bubba. I'm just watching in amazement.

Amazement, and apparently ignorance as well.
This issue well represents the dishonesty and hypocrisy of most conservatives.

What has happened to the restaurant is exactly what conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws advocate: that a business with a policy of discrimination should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces,' not government compelling a business to accommodate a given class of persons. Such businesses, conservatives hostile to public accommodations laws tell us, will be 'put out of business' by the good people of the local community refusing to subsidize the business' racism or bigotry, or the business will change its policy to avoid going out of business.

Of course, this notion is ridiculous, naïve, and completely unfounded, but this has nonetheless always been the conservative response in opposition to public accommodations laws.

Now that this is indeed happening to Memories Pizza, what conservatives have always argued for, they cry foul.

What you said... seems to make our case, not discredit it.

We're against public accommodation laws. True.
We support a business following it's religious views. True.
A private business should be 'regulated' by 'private market forces'. True.

This is what happened to Memories Pizza. FALSE.

The pizza place did not close because of market forces. The Pizza place closed because of direct threats of physical harm to the owners and employees of the business.

And by the way.... us supporting the pizza place through donations, is in fact a private market force.

So we are completely true to our stated belief system. You are the one portraying threats of violence, as being 'the market'. That is not the market.
[QUOTE="Steinlight, post: 11118679, member: 47146"]As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association.

Hey, had those fine Republican Christians NOT FOLDED in a day or so, guess what, your expectation of Republicans losing would have changed to a "guarantee" that they would lose.

I think those politicians that you love so much have put their job and well being in front of your God.

You gonna let em get away with that?[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for anyone else, but I never 'loved' those politicians. It's generally the left that 'loves' politicians. It's generally the left that has groupies running around doing "Obama Girl" videos.

It's the left who want "a new hope" for all man kind....


It's the left fawning over hope and change, and promoting their guy as a messiah.

We on the right, do not hope in government. When I vote for a politicians... I am voting for someone I hope will not screw up my life. I'm hoping they leave me alone. I'm hoping they STOP trying to fix everything.

It's the exact opposite mentality from you on the left, which sit around waiting for "A new hope" from some politician.

See, you live in a fantasy world, where if you vote for the right guy, he'll not put his job and well being in front of everything else.

We on the right, understand all politicians will act politically. That's what they do. So our goal is to vote for the guy who will do the least damage. Who will mess up as little as possible.

I don't need a politicians government program. Let me keep my own money, and I'll be my own program.
I don't need a politicians government housing. Stop taxing my property so I can keep my own house.
I don't need a politicians gov-health care. Stop confiscating my income, and I'll buy my own health care.

That's the difference between the right and the left. You vote for someone, then sit on your butt and hope he fixes your life.

We vote for someone, hoping he'll leave us alone, so we can fix our own lives.
Isn't this a tempest in a teapot?

I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.

Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?

Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.

What ever you say bubba. I'm just watching in amazement.

Amazement, and apparently ignorance as well.

I confess. I am ignorant of how the right wing mind works. Before you start your happy dance over my confession, you should ask an adult what ignorant actually means.
Latest tally - stopped at over $800,000,000!!!!!
Yeah I saw that last night. I wondered if they were going to break over $million. Probably figured today's lavender-IRS would eviscerate them if they kept on... Actually, that orange figure says $eight hundred But I'm sure that's how much the 82% wish they could pledge to them...

Such a financial "pain" for Memories Pizza :lmao:

Like I said... 82% ! That figure keeps popping up Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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I would have to disagree with you. This issue is fundamental to the future of the entire nation. Do we have freedom of religion and association, or not? Do people have the right to follow their views of faith, or not?

Perhaps there are some here, that this isn't a big issue. That's fine.

But for me, and those like me.... this isn't even just "an issue". This is a matter of life and death. I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm just trying to make my position clear. I will die over this issue. It's fundamental to my entire faith. If we, as Americans lose this..... then entire ideal of America is now dead. Everything our forefathers fought and died for... or even the immigrants and settlers who were willing to die to come here to escape persecution, and be able to live out their faith freely.... it will all have been lost. All the blood spilled for this country, will be rendered irrelevant and meaningless.

This discussion, right here, and right now, is the very foundation of why America exists. If we give that up, then we have actually lost everything, literally everything, that this country was built for.

Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?

Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.

What ever you say bubba. I'm just watching in amazement.

Amazement, and apparently ignorance as well.

I confess. I am ignorant of how the right wing mind works. Before you start your happy dance over my confession, you should ask an adult what ignorant actually means.

Happy dance? Why would I be happy that someone in the world is ignorant?

Do you think I would want bad things for you? I am happy when everyone is better off, not worse off. Even those I disagree with. If came on here and said you just earned millions of dollars, I would think that's fantastic.

No no. All I wish for, is that you would see the other side of the argument, even if you still disagree with it. Or at the very least, admit the argument is over the freedom of religion and association, not over.... pizza. Come on.
Who knew that everything, literally everything, that this country was built for would hang on a pizza? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?

Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.

What ever you say bubba. I'm just watching in amazement.

Amazement, and apparently ignorance as well.

I confess. I am ignorant of how the right wing mind works. Before you start your happy dance over my confession, you should ask an adult what ignorant actually means.

Happy dance? Why would I be happy that someone in the world is ignorant?

Do you think I would want bad things for you? I am happy when everyone is better off, not worse off. Even those I disagree with. If came on here and said you just earned millions of dollars, I would think that's fantastic.

No no. All I wish for, is that you would see the other side of the argument, even if you still disagree with it. Or at the very least, admit the argument is over the freedom of religion and association, not over.... pizza. Come on.

Oh, I'm quite clear on the broader issue. You think your specific religious beliefs should override the laws. However, you are adamant that any other religions should not enjoy the same ability. You might remember the crazy claims of Sharia law somehow usurping our courts. With a government that serves all the people, each specific group will, of necessity eventually have to make accommodations for the rest. You're like a preschooler in daycare holding the only ball and screaming "It's MINE!!!!" and not caring about anybody else. My only confessed ignorance is how you think giving all that money is a blow against liberals. It's your money, I don't care what you do with it.
Hey, had those fine Republican Christians NOT FOLDED in a day or so, guess what, your expectation of Republicans losing would have changed to a "guarantee" that they would lose.

I think those politicians that you love so much have put their job and well being in front of your God.

You gonna let em get away with that?
The thing you and republican politicians have in common is your love for airport glory holes.

These good folks at the pizzeria just got rich from the disgusting liberal attack.

God has blessed them!
Really? So you think this entire thread is about pizza? I must have missed all those posts about virtues of sausage over pepperoni. In fact, I seemed to have missed all of your posts about pizza recipes. By all means, list off your favorite ingredients, if you think this thread is all about pizza.

I realize some people are a bit slow.... but wow... 12 pages of posts, and you still don't know what the primary discussion of this thread is about.

On the other hand, bulldogs *are* typically all about eating.... Yes Mr.Fluffy... *pats head* ...It is all about pizza. Now go play with your bone, and I'll give you a slice later.

What ever you say bubba. I'm just watching in amazement.

Amazement, and apparently ignorance as well.

I confess. I am ignorant of how the right wing mind works. Before you start your happy dance over my confession, you should ask an adult what ignorant actually means.

Happy dance? Why would I be happy that someone in the world is ignorant?

Do you think I would want bad things for you? I am happy when everyone is better off, not worse off. Even those I disagree with. If came on here and said you just earned millions of dollars, I would think that's fantastic.

No no. All I wish for, is that you would see the other side of the argument, even if you still disagree with it. Or at the very least, admit the argument is over the freedom of religion and association, not over.... pizza. Come on.

Oh, I'm quite clear on the broader issue. You think your specific religious beliefs should override the laws. However, you are adamant that any other religions should not enjoy the same ability. You might remember the crazy claims of Sharia law somehow usurping our courts. With a government that serves all the people, each specific group will, of necessity eventually have to make accommodations for the rest. You're like a preschooler in daycare holding the only ball and screaming "It's MINE!!!!" and not caring about anybody else. My only confessed ignorance is how you think giving all that money is a blow against liberals. It's your money, I don't care what you do with it.

I don't care what you think I'm like. Did I ever give you the impression that your opinion of me matters to me at all?

As for as Sharia law, that's not my problem. That's your problem. I'm under the laws of G-d, and I don't recognize Sharia law.

So, doesn't matter to me much at all. Now if you try and force me to follow Sharia, ok yeah that's a problem. But that's not comparable. I'm not demanding your business follow my rules. You are trying to force me to follow yours. You are like the Sharia law people, not me.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Hard earned dollars are usually the Last to be given to total strangers on the internet dumb dumb.

But hey....this does show the Obama economy is doing very well if you putzes can just hand over your cash.

These good folks at the pizzeria just got rich from the disgusting liberal attack.

God has blessed them!

No, they told a lie, were attacked by losers on the internet and are cashing in like Joe the plumber, that Bundy fellow in Nevada, etc..
It will happen every time the hateful liberal left pull a stunt like this

BTW- It is clear when the left is in the corner on USMB, they sound like the congressman yelling.. lie...lie...lie

Really, that's all that's left.

So, the left calls them lies like that closes the subject lol

What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

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