Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a fund started for any business facing a gaycott? They could list themselves and then there could be a button to click to donate a dollar or $5 to help support them as they are threatened and harassed by the LGBT cult to try to force them financially to abdicate their faith.

Well? Website builders? I can donate some time on designing pages if anyone wants to take this on?? Paypal. Forums? I can see it now..
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a fund started for any business facing a gaycott? They could list themselves and then there could be a button to click to donate a dollar or $5 to help support them as they are threatened and harassed by the LGBT cult to try to force them financially to abdicate their faith.

Well? Website builders? I can donate some time on designing pages if anyone wants to take this on?? Paypal. Forums? I can see it now..
I hope they keep doing things like this, it exposes them as the anti-christian and anti-freedom control freaks these leftists and homosexual activists are. It only swings moderates and undecided people against them.
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
Last edited:
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

Nah, two wrongs, does not make it right. Just because I disagree with what some corporation does, doesn't mean I think I have the right to break up their business.

The problem is the governor, and the people. If there was no pressure from the public, no amount of force from Apple or any other company, could make him change the law.

The governor should have stuck to what was right, regardless of anything. He failed.

The public should support religious freedom, which is one of the primary reasons this country exists. They failed.

But I'm not going to violate some other person's rights, just because they are trying to violate mine. That's not a win.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
$800,000+ raised for Memories.

How much raised for the arson inciting coach who lost her job over it?

I didn't even know that. Unbelievable. These people.

Clue phone everyone on here: You are not anonymous. The internet is like BROADCAST. You are publicly BROADCASTING what you say over the entire nation.

Here's a hint. If you wouldn't say it in public, don't say it on the internet. You will be found out. It's like these stupid women that take pictures of themselves naked, and are shocked people are looking at their naked butts on the internet, and act all shocked and surprised. Come on people..... wake up.
Well, glad that coach showed her ass and is no longer influencing kids.
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

Nah, two wrongs, does not make it right. Just because I disagree with what some corporation does, doesn't mean I think I have the right to break up their business.

The problem is the governor, and the people. If there was no pressure from the public, no amount of force from Apple or any other company, could make him change the law.

The governor should have stuck to what was right, regardless of anything. He failed.

The public should support religious freedom, which is one of the primary reasons this country exists. They failed.

But I'm not going to violate some other person's rights, just because they are trying to violate mine. That's not a win.
Republicans are so fuckin' scared of what people who would never vote for them anyway, that those that might vote and put them in power just stay home in Presidential elections.

Fuck 'em, I am going to vote for a communist if another spineless Republican scared to defend himself and his beliefs gets the nomination.
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
What you need to be worried about is the big business backlash.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

Nah, two wrongs, does not make it right. Just because I disagree with what some corporation does, doesn't mean I think I have the right to break up their business.

The problem is the governor, and the people. If there was no pressure from the public, no amount of force from Apple or any other company, could make him change the law.

The governor should have stuck to what was right, regardless of anything. He failed.

The public should support religious freedom, which is one of the primary reasons this country exists. They failed.

But I'm not going to violate some other person's rights, just because they are trying to violate mine. That's not a win.
This is the problem with you as American conservatives, you are pro-corporatist, even when they are hostile to you. Your beliefs are noble, but you are naive to believe in a "free market" that doesn't exist in your country to begin with. With all the special tax breaks, subsidies, bail outs, regulations, corporations are happy to collude with the state and with liberals to undermine conservatives and small businesses. They are rigging the game and don't hold your values to begin with.

It wasn't the people that caved. The people through their representatives voted for this law, and Apple blackmailed the Governor into undermining the will of the people. This threatens Democracy and Conservatism.

Incorporation is not a right, it is a privilege, and should be properly regulated under anti-trust laws, particularly in instances like this where corporations subvert the legislative system.

Until you break up corporate wealth in this country and start promoting small business, you won't get anywhere in promoting conservative values, because whether it is on immigration or social issues like gay marriage, corporations will always outgun you with their wallets.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
I'll give you a bullet to off yourself, the world would be a better place without you.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
I'll give you a bullet to off yourself, the world would be a better place without you.

You're supposed to love me. What are you, a hypocrite?
Mark 12:31
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
I'll give you a bullet to off yourself, the world would be a better place without you. didn't by any chance send a tweet to that pizza place?
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
I'll give you a bullet to off yourself, the world would be a better place without you.

You're supposed to love me. What are you, a hypocrite?
Mark 12:31
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
You shouldn't be looking on the internet for the love your parents didn't give you.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
I'll give you a bullet to off yourself, the world would be a better place without you. didn't by any chance send a tweet to that pizza place?
Don't you have some 75 year old florist to sue for not making a wedding bouquet?
WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.
Let us know the next small business you are going to threaten and harass, I will happily donate. Not only because I support helping decent normal people against these out of control power hungry faggots, but because I love seeing your stupid shitlib boycotts blow up in your face.

You converted me. I hate fags. Now, where is my money?
I'll give you a bullet to off yourself, the world would be a better place without you.

You're supposed to love me. What are you, a hypocrite?
Mark 12:31
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
You shouldn't be looking on the internet for the love your parents didn't give you.

Leave my parents out of it, and I won't bring up that incident with you and that watermelon behind your garage
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News
They're busy counting the money. Smooth move on their part....very smooth move.
Anyone that thinks this is a "conservative conspiracy" by these pizzeria owners are idiots, just a way for you guys to wipe the shit off your face after it all hit the fan with your boycott of some no name small town business.

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