What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.
Walkerton, Indiana had a dark storefront Wednesday night as Memories, the now infamous bigoted pizza parlor has decided to close its doors until “temperatures cool.”

After what they probably thought was a brilliant marketing ploy to get bigots across Indiana to start having their weddings catered with extra cheese and pepperoni, the owners had no choice but to shutter the business or continue to face an onslaught of social media backlash, extremely negative press and what they described as “threatening phone calls.”

Memories Indiana s Now Infamous Anti-Gay Pizza Place Forced To Close In Under One Day If You Only News

$840,000 plus change

What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

So you agree that the people who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion are as bad as we're told the "evil bigots" are?
What I find amazing is there are so many fags out there. Wow!

And consequently, many parents who have cried at night and wonder how they failed their children so miserably

If my son or daughter was gay, it would not change my feelings about them a single fraction of a percent.

Parents who do are bad parents, as well as bad people.

What about parents (and/or their children) who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion?
I dont care for threats of violence. I said it like eleven times already.

So you agree that the people who threaten, harrass and obstruct legitimate business owners over a difference of opinion are as bad as we're told the "evil bigots" are?
Threats of violence? Yes just as bad.(worse, really).

Harrassment in the form of non violently protesting the business? No, not as bad.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Hard earned dollars are usually the Last to be given to total strangers on the internet dumb dumb.

But hey....this does show the Obama economy is doing very well if you putzes can just hand over your cash.

Insults. Great. Good way to win people to your argument.

Ok, so I make about $23,000 a year. (according to my tax return). I work 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week. I personally donated to the fund myself.

What makes the dollars that I gave, not the hard earned ones, and the others that I kept, the hard earned ones? I have no other source of income.

Actually, I was earning $30,000 under Bush. My income declined since Obama is in office.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

You can say that, but I really don't care. We are going to follow our religious views, whether you think we are allowed or not. I could not care less if you think it elevates our business to whatever, or doesn't.

A couple at my parents church where I was raised, advertised a room for rent, but only to a Bible believing Christian. They did this for years. Then some government lawyers showed up, and said they couldn't do that.

Did they stop? Nope. They just advertised in churches, instead of in the newspaper. But otherwise, did not change anything.

We are not going to be forced to change how we live, just because a bunch of leftist nazis are running around demanding we live how you want.

Not going to happen. Get used to it.
Only in America can the gaystapo force a pizza joint to close and two days later said pizza joint be 3/4 of a million dollars better off. Well done left loons, very well done

WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Hard earned dollars are usually the Last to be given to total strangers on the internet dumb dumb.

But hey....this does show the Obama economy is doing very well if you putzes can just hand over your cash.

Insults. Great. Good way to win people to your argument.

Ok, so I make about $23,000 a year. (according to my tax return). I work 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week. I personally donated to the fund myself.
So...let me ask you this question. What price-tag do you put on someone being driven into insolvency through their own actions? Had they said, "We don't cater, period" which is the truth by the way....none of this would have taken place. But they told the little white lie they did and bingo......payday.

As for your paycheck...ouch.

What makes the dollars that I gave, not the hard earned ones, and the others that I kept, the hard earned ones? I have no other source of income.
If you value your money and actually thought you worked hard for it, you wouldn't be contributing to a "charity" that has about a million free and clear to start with.

Actually, I was earning $30,000 under Bush. My income declined since Obama is in office.

What did you do to earn your pay decrease?
WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Hard earned dollars are usually the Last to be given to total strangers on the internet dumb dumb.

But hey....this does show the Obama economy is doing very well if you putzes can just hand over your cash.

Insults. Great. Good way to win people to your argument.

Ok, so I make about $23,000 a year. (according to my tax return). I work 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week. I personally donated to the fund myself.
So...let me ask you this question. What price-tag do you put on someone being driven into insolvency through their own actions? Had they said, "We don't cater, period" which is the truth by the way....none of this would have taken place. But they told the little white lie they did and bingo......payday.

As for your paycheck...ouch.

What makes the dollars that I gave, not the hard earned ones, and the others that I kept, the hard earned ones? I have no other source of income.
If you value your money and actually thought you worked hard for it, you wouldn't be contributing to a "charity" that has about a million free and clear to start with.

Actually, I was earning $30,000 under Bush. My income declined since Obama is in office.

What did you do to earn your pay decrease?

You're getting close to crossing the line here... I'm watching


These good folks at the pizzeria just got rich from the disgusting liberal attack.

God has blessed them!

No, they told a lie, were attacked by losers on the internet and are cashing in like Joe the plumber, that Bundy fellow in Nevada, etc..

What lie?

That t
But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

You can say that, but I really don't care. We are going to follow our religious views, whether you think we are allowed or not. I could not care less if you think it elevates our business to whatever, or doesn't.

A couple at my parents church where I was raised, advertised a room for rent, but only to a Bible believing Christian. They did this for years. Then some government lawyers showed up, and said they couldn't do that.

Did they stop? Nope. They just advertised in churches, instead of in the newspaper. But otherwise, did not change anything.

We are not going to be forced to change how we live, just because a bunch of leftist nazis are running around demanding we live how you want.

Not going to happen. Get used to it.

Did that really happen? What news paper were the ads in and when did they run?

Let me all of the sudden have mass amnesia and can't remember or "choose not to"....right sparky?
I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Hard earned dollars are usually the Last to be given to total strangers on the internet dumb dumb.

But hey....this does show the Obama economy is doing very well if you putzes can just hand over your cash.

Insults. Great. Good way to win people to your argument.

Ok, so I make about $23,000 a year. (according to my tax return). I work 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week. I personally donated to the fund myself.
So...let me ask you this question. What price-tag do you put on someone being driven into insolvency through their own actions? Had they said, "We don't cater, period" which is the truth by the way....none of this would have taken place. But they told the little white lie they did and bingo......payday.

As for your paycheck...ouch.

What makes the dollars that I gave, not the hard earned ones, and the others that I kept, the hard earned ones? I have no other source of income.
If you value your money and actually thought you worked hard for it, you wouldn't be contributing to a "charity" that has about a million free and clear to start with.

Actually, I was earning $30,000 under Bush. My income declined since Obama is in office.

What did you do to earn your pay decrease?

You're getting close to crossing the line here... I'm watching

You're not standing in line to buy ammunition outside of Dicks in preparation for the upcoming apocalypse? Are we off of that crusade and on to this one now?
WOW....Right wingers threw 3/4 of a million dollars of their own hard earned money at a stranger for no other reason than to show they hate liberals, and the only thing that will come of it is they will have less money to spend. You really showed us. Now, do it again.

I doubt's probably not that "hard earned".

I do hope they keep it up though....

It's amazing how people on the left claim to hate prejudice, and then pre-judge everyone..... and constantly.

Do tell Candy...... why is my money not "hard earned"? What 'definition' of hard earned exempts everyone who chooses to donate to a cause they believe in?

Hard earned dollars are usually the Last to be given to total strangers on the internet dumb dumb.

But hey....this does show the Obama economy is doing very well if you putzes can just hand over your cash.

Insults. Great. Good way to win people to your argument.

Ok, so I make about $23,000 a year. (according to my tax return). I work 10 hour shifts, 4 days a week. I personally donated to the fund myself.
So...let me ask you this question. What price-tag do you put on someone being driven into insolvency through their own actions? Had they said, "We don't cater, period" which is the truth by the way....none of this would have taken place. But they told the little white lie they did and bingo......payday.

As for your paycheck...ouch.

What makes the dollars that I gave, not the hard earned ones, and the others that I kept, the hard earned ones? I have no other source of income.
If you value your money and actually thought you worked hard for it, you wouldn't be contributing to a "charity" that has about a million free and clear to start with.

Actually, I was earning $30,000 under Bush. My income declined since Obama is in office.

What did you do to earn your pay decrease?

Well, already you don't seem to know the story. Had nothing to do with "catering". Here is the actual quote from the article that sparked the entire controversy.

“If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no,” says Crystal O'Connor of Memories Pizza.​

RFRA Michiana business wouldn t cater a gay wedding - ABC57 News - See the Difference Michiana

Crystal, never mentioned the word "catering".

The title of the article, by the reporter said "Michiana business wouldn't cater a gay wedding"

But the owners of Memories Pizza, never said catering, because like you mentioned, they don't cater.

So there was no lie. If anyone 'lied', it would have to be the reporter who implied they cater weddings.

If you value your money and actually thought you worked hard for it, you wouldn't be contributing to a "charity" that has about a million free and clear to start with.

Really? Because I also donate to homeless shelters, and charities for young women from troubled homes, and both get millions free and clear too. Should I base my charitable giving on what others give? Or perhaps just on whether or not it's a cause I believe in and want to support?

That statement seems to explain why charitable giving among the left is so low relative to the right. If your view is that you should only donate to charities that have very little money, then you likely don't donate very much.

Most charities have millions. The American Red Cross has a yearly budget of over $3.5 Billion. I suppose by your logic I should never donate to them either.

What did you do to earn your pay decrease?

I love the prejudice. You know absolutely nothing about me at all, and yet assume I caused it.

No big deal. FYI, I was let go when work dried up in 2010. Apparently that massive stimulus bill, stimulated my company into layoffs. Score another point for Obama.
Last edited:
Did that really happen? What news paper were the ads in and when did they run?

Let me all of the sudden have mass amnesia and can't remember or "choose not to"....right sparky?

You can believe whatever you want to believe. Columbus Dispatch, in the early 90s. But if you wish to question it, I'll give you a hint... I've done it myself. I live in a two bedroom condo, and offered a room up for rent, but I made it absolutely clear, must be a Christian, and must go to church, and must have a Bible. Yes, must have a bible. I had a roomy for about 2 years, and they moved on. Haven't had another.

But yes, this is not all that uncommon. We just don't advertise openly anymore. But we still do it. I promise you.
The corporate hijacking of the democratic process is a threat. Just look at how Apple and Salesforce blackballed the coward Governor Pence into rescinding a law passed by the people's representatives. Big business, as shown by this recent episode, are the enforcers of liberalism and are an enemy of conservative values. They are a fundamentally anti-conservative force. All they care about is profit maximization and will promote and perverse social agenda if it improves their bottom line.

If I were president, I would have threatened to break up Apple under anti-trust legislation for their behavior here.

But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

Hellbound? Catering to extremists? You are living in a fantasy world of your own delusions. You even can't stay on topic. The Republican Governor caved in a day when major corporations threatened to pull jobs and investment due to this law. Your world view is so childish and shallow(hur dur, vote Democrat, Say no to H8!) you can't understand the political and ethical ramifications of these major multinationals undermining the people's elected representatives and undermining the rights of Christians by blackballing this spineless governor into rescinding the bill.

Your examples prove my point, the Republicans are decadent corporate whores that don't defend conservatism in the slightest. They are happy to fight to deny a working man a decent wage, but they will fold in a day to the blackmail of megacorporations who fund their campaigns and disallow the right of free religion and free association in the name of faggotry. They protect their donors and monied interests, not the interests of the people who vote for them as this episode in Indiana shows. They only care about conserving profits, not protecting the rights of Christians and other people of faith.

I must have missed the clause in the First Amendment you are talking about. "No law shall be made impeding the free exercise of religion(*except in a person's place of business)".

This is an issue at the core of a free society. Society at it's foundation is made up of relations and associations between individuals. Without these interwoven connections between us, there is no society, just atomized individuals. So at a foundational level, if a the State disallows this right of free and voluntary association(and by extension the ability to not associate with individuals), the society is fundamentally not free.
Last edited:
Did that really happen? What news paper were the ads in and when did they run?

Let me all of the sudden have mass amnesia and can't remember or "choose not to"....right sparky?

You can believe whatever you want to believe. Columbus Dispatch, in the early 90s. But if you wish to question it, I'll give you a hint... I've done it myself. I live in a two bedroom condo, and offered a room up for rent, but I made it absolutely clear, must be a Christian, and must go to church, and must have a Bible. Yes, must have a bible. I had a roomy for about 2 years, and they moved on. Haven't had another.

But yes, this is not all that uncommon. We just don't advertise openly anymore. But we still do it. I promise you.

I didn't say that. Fix it.
But, you're not and you aren't anyone particularly important.

I mean, you're particularly important here.

But, in the big bad world--you aren't.

Finger wagging accomplishes nothing.
I am not important apparently, but you waste your time making empty posts with no substance to me. You should get some perspective and stop posting unless you have something worthwhile to say.

Here let me give you something of substance. That link that I gave you? That was a group from a church that protested the law. They did so because they came to the conclusion that while they may have beliefs they cannot push them to the extent that they destroy the economy. They cancelled their 2017 gathering.
Destroy the economy? That is an interesting take. I more or less agree, it seems conservative leaders folded to corporate blackmail and economic terrorism. I am not surprised, the political process in the US has been more or less hijacked by these multinational corporations. This recent episode in Indiana is just a more overt example of it. What I am more interested here is in the average so called liberal's support of this subversion of democracy by companies like Apple and Salesforce, who threatened to pull jobs out of the state because of a law passed by the people's elected representatives.

As for elections, I expect Republicans to lose, like the cowardly and corrupt faggots they are. This is in part due to the fact they fold in one day flat on a basic issue of religious freedom and free association. There is no good reason for a conservative to support the Republican Party, especially after an episode like this, and they will pay for it at the voting booth, like that have in the last two presidential elections.

Indiana seems to be hell bound on destroying the economy for Indiana. Lunch Pail Republican David Fagan resigned as a Port Commisioner because the Republicans want to repeal the Common Construction Wage. The Indiana Republicans have already admitted that the R2W law had nothing to do with inviting businesses to the state. So, it's looking like your economic terrorists are the Republicans. Don't look to the Democrats to the save the day.

Your religious freedom does not elevate businesses to the status of individuals or churches. These are about private lawsuits. These folks cater to the extremists.

You can say that, but I really don't care. We are going to follow our religious views, whether you think we are allowed or not. I could not care less if you think it elevates our business to whatever, or doesn't.

A couple at my parents church where I was raised, advertised a room for rent, but only to a Bible believing Christian. They did this for years. Then some government lawyers showed up, and said they couldn't do that.

Did they stop? Nope. They just advertised in churches, instead of in the newspaper. But otherwise, did not change anything.

We are not going to be forced to change how we live, just because a bunch of leftist nazis are running around demanding we live how you want.

Not going to happen. Get used to it.

Astro-turf personal story alert!!!!

Nobody gives a damn about your personal religious views. The law clearly related to private lawsuits. Get over it.

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