BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Trump is entitled to some immunity in Jan. 6 case

Hahab no it doesn’t! Hahaha when yoj go to another country yoj are subject to their laws you really are stupid

Post 777

"Dismissed. As a U.S. Citizen he still possessed all Constitutional Rights. The only way you can lose them is through due process or you rescind your citizenship. Neither happened".

Post 777

"Dismissed. As a U.S. Citizen he still possessed all Constitutional Rights. The only way you can lose them is through due process or you rescind your citizenship. Neither happened".
That has nothing to do with your link were people were arrested in Mexico for violating Mexican laws
That has nothing to do with your link were people were arrested in Mexico for violating Mexican laws
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
A president can not kill his political rivals and claim it was an official act. The SCOTUS did not rule that he can.
Yes he can. He has them killed, then claims it was an official act.

Just like that. Do you mean to say he won't get away with it? If so, why not? Thats the discussion.

Keep in mind that the corrupt court just opined that Trump pressuring Pence to break the law may be considered an official act, since they were discussing Pence's duties.
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Yes he can. He has them killed, then claims it was an official act.

Just like that. Do you mean to say he won't get away with it? If so, why not? Thats the discussion.

Keep in mind that the corrupt court just opined that Trump pressuring Pence to break the law may be considered an official act, since they were discussing Pence's duties.
Killing your political rival isn’t an official act. Even if xiden claims it is. It’s not
Killing your political rival isn’t an official act.
And the sitting president who does it then says it is and describes why it is.

Some rando on a message board disagrees.

So what? What then?

It's like you guys can't even launch, with this topic. I'm trying to help you along.
And the sitting president who does it then says it is and describes why it is.

Some rando on a message board disagrees.

So what? What then?

It's like you guys can't even launch, with this topic. I'm trying to help you along.
A court determines it. The president would be impeached, then indicted, the prosecutor highlights murder is not an official act. The court agrees, xiden goes to prison

This isn’t hard to understand
Yes he can. He has them killed, then claims it was an official act.

Just like that. Do you mean to say he won't get away with it? If so, why not? Thats the discussion.

Keep in mind that the corrupt court just opined that Trump pressuring Pence to break the law may be considered an official act, since they were discussing Pence's duties.
Common sense eludes you.
Congress and all federal officials like Fauci, Clapper, Brennan and so many more ARE above the law, is the reality. Look at Iran-Contra all those years ago.

I've addressed this point more than once. This was a chance for the Supreme Court to fix that.

They whiffed.

I agree that in theory they are not, but that ship sailed decades ago. Obama embraced Bush's Unitary Executive and became Gunslinger Barack. Obama and Holder refused to prosecute Bush, Cheney and Yoo, just as Bush Sr. pardoned all the Iran-Contra players.

What it says on paper is NOT how things are in practice. Assange spent 12 years in captivity for exposing the crimes of government, but Fauci is sitting comfortably after poisoning society. As Orwell noted, the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.

And now it's a part of the foundation of the country.

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