Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Read post #458.
That's a joke right?

Are you saying that anything a person insinuates, asserts, says, or claims; is not admissable in a court of law because of the first amendment?

For real? That kind of excuse is what you have been reduced too?

I'm a little embarrassed for you and whatever site you plucked that nonsense from ( I assume you didn't conclude that on your own) should be subject to heavy scrutiny.

I wish you well.
They think they "won" something in 2020. Look how pathetic they are: A doddering, old, incontinent, impotent, lame duck pedophile in the WH who can't get his agenda passed, because the GOP-held House is cock-blocking the Democrats. Like Obama's only signature piece of legislation, the ACA, Biden's* "Build Back Better" is also dead in the ditch.


* Corrupt liar, usurper, election thief and pedophile
Wow. Your propagandists have really kept you in the dark!

Biden got a major infrastructure bill passed. Something Trump promised but could not achieve. He's also gotten our allies to join us in cutting off China's access to computer chips. He has reduced the deficit Trump left him by trillions of dollars. And much more, dipshit.

And he did it all with half a brain, which says a lot about Trump.
That's a joke right?

Are you saying that anything a person insinuates, asserts, says, or claims; is not admissable in a court of law because of the first amendment?

For real? That kind of excuse is what you have been reduced too?

I'm a little embarrassed for you and whatever site you plucked that nonsense from ( I assume you didn't conclude that on your own) should be subject to heavy scrutiny.

I wish you well.
No I am saying what Trump said is protected by the 1st amendment. If that is not true Pelosi needs to be held accountable for the summer of 2020 riots.
Wow. Your propagandists have really kept you in the dark!

No I am saying what Trump said is protected by the 1st amendment. If that is not true Pelosi needs to be held accountable for the summer of 2020 riots.
None of the indictments pertain to Jan 6th speech. There are no first amendment rights violated.

Again, which indictment do you think violates his first amendment rights?

Please be specific.
The whole nation is paying for Trump’s megalomania and narcissism, his childish inability to admit he lost.

The prosecution in this case will present witness testimony and evidence to try to prove Trump knew he lost. That Trump conspired to steal the election by working with others to tamper with electoral votes should be easy to prove.

Thankfully enough Republicans in courts around the nation and in positions of managing elections (and VP Pence) at crucial moments showed sufficient integrity to stop Trump succeeding in his effort to steal the election.

But Trump has succeeded until now in dominating the Republican Party by controlling the votes of his cult followers, who still give his absurd “Big Lie” credence. Our country is now paying for the failure of enough Republican Senators to vote guilty in Trump’s post-Jan. 6 Impeachment.

At least now hopefully, with new evidence and testimony being presented in court, even more Americans will be convinced that the real 2020 “election fraud” originated … from Donald Trump himself. Of course he was aided by a coterie of his closest, most cynical followers — some of whom also hopefully will be exposed and found guilty of their crimes.

But however these prosecutions go, the nation cannot truly heal itself, or return to anything resembling healthy political life (with two reasonably sane opposing parties) until it definitively rejects the outrageous political demagoguery and conspiracies of Trump … by decisively voting against Trump & Trumpism in 2024.
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Trump Attorney John Lauro say free speech is now criminalized. He points out the obvious that this indictment comes after the revelations about Biden and his son. The 1st amendment is now under assault.
Trump did a lot more than whine, dipshit.

It is the job of Defendant Donald's attorney to confuse you rubes about the facts.
The whole nation is paying for Trump’s megalomania and narcissism, his childish inability to admit he lost.

The prosecution in this case will present testimony (from who is still unclear) and evidence to try to prove Trump knew he lost. That Trump conspired to steal the election by working with others to tamper with electoral votes should be easier to prove.

Thankfully enough Republicans in courts around the nation and in positions of managing elections and VP Pence at crucial moments showed sufficient integrity to stop Trump’s attempt to steal the election.

But Trump has succeeded until now in dominating the Republican Party by controlling the votes of his cult followers, who still give his absurd “Big Lie” credence. Our country is now paying for the failure of enough Republican Senators who knew better not to have stood up and voted guilty during the post-Jan. 6 Impeachment vote.

At least now hopefully new evidence and testimony will be presented to convince even more Americans that the dispositive 2020 election fraud originated … from Donald Trump himself, aided and his closest and most cynical followers — who will also hopefully be exposed and found guilty of their crimes.

But the nation cannot truly heal itself, or return to anything resembling healthy political life (with two reasonably sane opposing parties) until it definitively rejects the outrageous political demagoguery and conspiracies of Trump — whatever happens in all these cases — by decisively voting against MAGA Trumpism in 2024.

Bias. My how we are blinded by it all.

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