Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Q: Why did it take 2.5 years to indict Trump on the lie of insurrection?
Straight from Trump's ass to your mouth.

It took four years for the GOP to impeach Bill Clinton over a blowjob.
It looks like the cult members have already decided to take:

the word of One Man over the justice system
the word of One Man over our electoral process.
the word of One Man over any news they don't like.

All while waving that flag. Yay.

It's creepy, scary and dangerous.
There IS NO "justice system" It has been replaced with a Biden system - which acts to destroy anyone in opposition to it. (3rd world fascism.

It is the word of MILLIONS.
Where did America go?

I think we need to divide the country.

The Leftist Half: This would resemble a Communist/Socialist country. Anyone who disagrees with the State narrative will be censored. Protestors will be jailed. The media would be the propaganda arm of the State. Money would be redistributed from those who worked to earn it to those who did not. Being smart and successful will be discouraged so the less capable would feel everyone is equal. Jobs and promotions would be based on race.

The Right Half: This would resemble the America of my youth. Different opinions were expressed, and debate proceeded without yelling “raaacist” to stop the discussion. The media reported the news objectively. People were encouraged to prepare for a career, and rewarded when they had talent and ability. Those with less talent or ability did the best with what they had. Jobs and promotions would go to the most competent.

OK…..need to stop cause kitty is crying for dinner. Carry on.
The Right Half: Gays would be shoved back into the closet, blacks would be redlined again, Whites Only lunch counters would return, and without the GDP of the blue states the Right Half would devolve back into poverty.
The whole nation is paying for Trump’s megalomania and narcissism, his childish inability to admit he lost.

The prosecution in this case will present witness testimony and evidence to try to prove Trump knew he lost. That Trump conspired to steal the election by working with others to tamper with electoral votes should be easy to prove.

Thankfully enough Republicans in courts around the nation and in positions of managing elections (and VP Pence) at crucial moments showed sufficient integrity to stop Trump succeeding in his effort to steal the election.

But Trump has succeeded until now in dominating the Republican Party by controlling the votes of his cult followers, who still give his absurd “Big Lie” credence. Our country is now paying for the failure of enough Republican Senators — many more of whom should have known better — to vote guilty in Trump’s post-Jan. 6 Impeachment.

At least now hopefully new evidence and testimony will be presented to convince even more Americans that the dispositive 2020 election fraud originated … from Donald Trump himself, aided and his closest and most cynical followers — who will also hopefully be exposed and found guilty of their crimes.

But the nation cannot truly heal itself, or return to anything resembling healthy political life (with two reasonably sane opposing parties) until it definitively rejects the outrageous political demagoguery and conspiracies of Trump — whatever happens in all these cases — by decisively voting against MAGA Trumpism in 2024.
Biden stole the election. I posted the evidences (en masse)

Propagandize all you want. Trump is very popular all across the country, and every indictment poppycock they come up with, just makes him stronger. :biggrin:
The indictment remains sealed for now.

A grand jury investigating the efforts of former president Donald Trump and others to overturn the results of the 2020 election has returned an indictment, though the document remained under seal and it was not immediately clear who was charged, or with what alleged crimes.
Trump’s legal team was notified Tuesday that the former president had been indicted, according to a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the indictment had not yet been made public.
A spokesman for the former president, Steven Cheung, accused the current administration of trying to interfere with the 2024 election by targeting the current GOP frontrunner.

Grand jury files indictment in Trump 2020 election probe

Smith said the indictment was unsealed.

This is serious business. The charges are bogus AF, all of them, except those pertaining to assault on police officers.

Are they seriously trying this shit after cheating an election?

This could be SHTF.
Other lawyers told him to question the results.

The recording of Bannon bragging about the Big Lie Trump was going to create on Election Night and the days which followed is the smoking gun that you rubes were preemptively being set up for the hoax before the election.

Other lawyers told him to question the results.
Trump had not one, but two, teams of investigators on his payroll look into his fraud allegations.

BOTH told him it was all bullshit.

So Trump had those reports buried.

That will be used against him in court.

Meadows told him he lost. Barr told him he lost. Trump himself admitted in private he had lost.

You are being gaslighted.
I can't imagine any Trump supporter being concerned about this one. Other than to be annoyed at seeing so many tax dollars wasted in an attempt to self-grandize and further interfere with the 2024 presidential election.

There is no chance that this will result in a conviction. It is the lamest one yet, and the rest have been incredibly lame. "Fraud" for going through legal processes to avoid losing an election? Gore never got indicted. Gee, I wonder what the difference could be? What, oh what could be the diff?
Creating illegal fake electors is not "legal processes", dipshit.

Gore used the court system to challenge the 2000 election, and when the courts ruled against him, he accepted his loss and certified the election in his role as Vice President.

Trump refused to accept the courts' rulings and incited an insurrection instead. He demanded his Vice President de-certify the election. A task the VP is not authorized to do. And when Pence went against him, Trump sicced the bloodthirsty mob on him over an hour into the insurrection.

You must be truly retarded to compare Trump and Gore.
Of course he will, his mouth is his own worse enemy. Always has been, that's why he's in this predicament now. Lies .
I imagine his lawyers have sat Defendant Donald down several times and told him, "You have the right to remain silent. FOR GOD'S SAKE, USE IT!!!"
That just proves what a ridiculous witch-hunt this is.

Why not let voters decide if they want Trump back instead of weighing him down with bogus charges?
The voters already decided they didn't want Trump back, and so he tried to overthrow our democracy.
None of the indictments pertain to Jan 6th speech. There are no first amendment rights violated.

Again, which indictment do you think violates his first amendment rights?

Please be specific.
I did not say they did. If you cannot follow a conversation you should abstain from commenting.
The Right Half: Gays would be shoved back into the closet, blacks would be redlined again, Whites Only lunch counters would return, and without the GDP of the blue states the Right Half would devolve back into poverty.
The Right Half:
Gays should not be in a closet. They should not exist.
Blacks would be equal with whites, instead of getting AA preference in just about everything.
Military would provide a strong defense, while the left country would be invaded and conquered by El Salvador.

Of the top 10 GDP states 5 are blue, 5 are red.
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