Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.
Isn’t it the supreme courts decision?

Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better

How many of your children have been aborted? Maybe you should consider it on the first one or next one so that your ignorance and hate doesn't propagate through your off spring. It's not okay to Kill a person convicted and sentenced to death for killing a mother and unborn child(Scott Peterson)and others But it's okay to just kill the unborn child if the mother feels it's an inconvenience or long term financial burden. You have to realize how stupid you sound and how dishonest your political stances are. RBG will be gone soon and Probably Roe v Wade soon after. Euthanasia for brain dead adults is not legal but killing live babies with healthy brains is. You really are stupid or blind or just indoctrinated.:th_waiting:

Why do you need RBG gone? You already have enough Supremes to overturn it. I think you want one less liberal woman on the court who will call you out.

So this is about politics. You sit by and patiently wait while babies are being murdered? You have enough votes to stop the practice if you truly think it's murder.

Who says it's not ok to Kill Scott Peterson? The only reason I don't think he should be killed is because it isn't 100% sure he did it. Sure enough to convict him but not for the death penalty.

The death penalty should be for slam dunk cases like when the white dude shot up the black church. There is no question he did that shit. Kill him.

BTK is still alive. Why? Kill him. He admitted he did it.
Ok so we should execute every dr. who ever admitted to aborting a child and "Slam Dunking" it into a waste receptacle. I bet you've had an abortion and smiled afterwards. GHOUL. And I don't stand by and watch! I just can't go and stop it for fear of a lifetime of incarceration for killing the murderers who are performing these procedures. Do you have any children that lived.
If I kill a school shooter who is killing children I'm a hero! If I kill a Dr. who is killing children I'm a Murderer.
They don't just sit there making rulings or whatever. They have to wait for a case to make its way up to them, a pertinent case to abortion

Making up a case to send to them should be easy. And if they don't outright ban the practice then they don't believe it's murder either.

They would probably do the correct, Constitutional thing and send the matter to the states.
So they must not believe it is murdering babies like you believe. Aren't they all Christians? You would think this is a slam dunk.

I think they are scared of women who don't think it is murder. Or they don't believe it themselves. Many Republicans are pro choice.

My disconnect with the “pro-life” message, aside from the obvious autonomy issue, is that very rarely have I seen my pro-life friends argue as passionately for children’s healthcare or universal healthcare or refugees or against the death penalty or poverty or for mental health advocacy or homeless advocacy or for VA reform, etc.

I know. I have some intelligent friends who claim to respect women, and in their minds, they probably think this is all about “the unborn,” but there is an undeniable theme of so-called irresponsibility and selfishness and “promiscuity” on the part of women that is framed, packaged and touted by the pro-life movement.

It isn’t just inaccurate. It isn’t just insulting and degrading. It is absolutely deadly to women. It is an attack on them and their families, folks who have to make hard choices and should never be shamed for doing so.

You claim Christ is a champion of “the unborn.” You claim God’s law supersedes that of humankind.

Putting aside for a second that 1) your religious preference shouldn’t dictate others’ choices and 2) that Christ trusted women, there is a glaring hypocrisy in this line of thinking.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about poverty when you say government shouldn’t create social safety nets.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about the Good Samaritan when you make a decision to walk past the homeless or say that your tax dollars shouldn’t go to pay for someone else’s healthcare or claim that “illegal immigrants” should go back to their own country.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about judgement while you claim to fully understand and dictate the very personal decisions of women and families.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about turning the other cheek while you claim that “civilian collateral damage” is necessary to the security of a free state, whether it be drone warfare or unfettered access to firearms?

You say your heart is full of Christ’s love, but why does that only manifest itself on this particular issue and no others?

f you are willing to die on this hill top over the “unborn,” you will not convince me until you adequately address these underlying issues, until you establish a firm, consistent philosophy on the sanctity of life that addresses the above, until you can tell me, on every issue, whether the Bible or the Constitution has greater authority.

When you can do that, you will have my support, but I don’t believe it’s possible. The bounds of logic are too great a burden to bear on this matter.

Exercise empathy, live out the whole Bible, and then — and only then — can we talk about what women do with their bodies.

Why I Am Christian And Pro-Choice | HuffPost
Tax everyone at 99% then.
What would that do?
Give you pure equality.
Isn’t it the supreme courts decision?

Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better

How many of your children have been aborted? Maybe you should consider it on the first one or next one so that your ignorance and hate doesn't propagate through your off spring. It's not okay to Kill a person convicted and sentenced to death for killing a mother and unborn child(Scott Peterson)and others But it's okay to just kill the unborn child if the mother feels it's an inconvenience or long term financial burden. You have to realize how stupid you sound and how dishonest your political stances are. RBG will be gone soon and Probably Roe v Wade soon after. Euthanasia for brain dead adults is not legal but killing live babies with healthy brains is. You really are stupid or blind or just indoctrinated.:th_waiting:

Why do you need RBG gone? You already have enough Supremes to overturn it. I think you want one less liberal woman on the court who will call you out.

So this is about politics. You sit by and patiently wait while babies are being murdered? You have enough votes to stop the practice if you truly think it's murder.

Who says it's not ok to Kill Scott Peterson? The only reason I don't think he should be killed is because it isn't 100% sure he did it. Sure enough to convict him but not for the death penalty.

The death penalty should be for slam dunk cases like when the white dude shot up the black church. There is no question he did that shit. Kill him.

BTK is still alive. Why? Kill him. He admitted he did it.
Ok so we should execute every dr. who ever admitted to aborting a child and "Slam Dunking" it into a waste receptacle. I bet you've had an abortion and smiled afterwards. GHOUL. And I don't stand by and watch! I just can't go and stop it for fear of a lifetime of incarceration for killing the murderers who are performing these procedures. Do you have any children that lived.

Ah another abortion doctor killer in the waiting. Nice.

Yes I have 2 kids. I've had 2 abortions too. So what?
Making up a case to send to them should be easy. And if they don't outright ban the practice then they don't believe it's murder either.

They would probably do the correct, Constitutional thing and send the matter to the states.
So they must not believe it is murdering babies like you believe. Aren't they all Christians? You would think this is a slam dunk.

I think they are scared of women who don't think it is murder. Or they don't believe it themselves. Many Republicans are pro choice.

My disconnect with the “pro-life” message, aside from the obvious autonomy issue, is that very rarely have I seen my pro-life friends argue as passionately for children’s healthcare or universal healthcare or refugees or against the death penalty or poverty or for mental health advocacy or homeless advocacy or for VA reform, etc.

I know. I have some intelligent friends who claim to respect women, and in their minds, they probably think this is all about “the unborn,” but there is an undeniable theme of so-called irresponsibility and selfishness and “promiscuity” on the part of women that is framed, packaged and touted by the pro-life movement.

It isn’t just inaccurate. It isn’t just insulting and degrading. It is absolutely deadly to women. It is an attack on them and their families, folks who have to make hard choices and should never be shamed for doing so.

You claim Christ is a champion of “the unborn.” You claim God’s law supersedes that of humankind.

Putting aside for a second that 1) your religious preference shouldn’t dictate others’ choices and 2) that Christ trusted women, there is a glaring hypocrisy in this line of thinking.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about poverty when you say government shouldn’t create social safety nets.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about the Good Samaritan when you make a decision to walk past the homeless or say that your tax dollars shouldn’t go to pay for someone else’s healthcare or claim that “illegal immigrants” should go back to their own country.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about judgement while you claim to fully understand and dictate the very personal decisions of women and families.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about turning the other cheek while you claim that “civilian collateral damage” is necessary to the security of a free state, whether it be drone warfare or unfettered access to firearms?

You say your heart is full of Christ’s love, but why does that only manifest itself on this particular issue and no others?

f you are willing to die on this hill top over the “unborn,” you will not convince me until you adequately address these underlying issues, until you establish a firm, consistent philosophy on the sanctity of life that addresses the above, until you can tell me, on every issue, whether the Bible or the Constitution has greater authority.

When you can do that, you will have my support, but I don’t believe it’s possible. The bounds of logic are too great a burden to bear on this matter.

Exercise empathy, live out the whole Bible, and then — and only then — can we talk about what women do with their bodies.

Why I Am Christian And Pro-Choice | HuffPost
Tax everyone at 99% then.
What would that do?
Give you pure equality.
I don't want that I'm richer than you.
Fixing the facts (fake news) around the party talking points will be the major issue coming out of the latest set of lies from SJWer Anti-choice wing of the GOP.
Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better

How many of your children have been aborted? Maybe you should consider it on the first one or next one so that your ignorance and hate doesn't propagate through your off spring. It's not okay to Kill a person convicted and sentenced to death for killing a mother and unborn child(Scott Peterson)and others But it's okay to just kill the unborn child if the mother feels it's an inconvenience or long term financial burden. You have to realize how stupid you sound and how dishonest your political stances are. RBG will be gone soon and Probably Roe v Wade soon after. Euthanasia for brain dead adults is not legal but killing live babies with healthy brains is. You really are stupid or blind or just indoctrinated.:th_waiting:

Why do you need RBG gone? You already have enough Supremes to overturn it. I think you want one less liberal woman on the court who will call you out.

So this is about politics. You sit by and patiently wait while babies are being murdered? You have enough votes to stop the practice if you truly think it's murder.

Who says it's not ok to Kill Scott Peterson? The only reason I don't think he should be killed is because it isn't 100% sure he did it. Sure enough to convict him but not for the death penalty.

The death penalty should be for slam dunk cases like when the white dude shot up the black church. There is no question he did that shit. Kill him.

BTK is still alive. Why? Kill him. He admitted he did it.
Ok so we should execute every dr. who ever admitted to aborting a child and "Slam Dunking" it into a waste receptacle. I bet you've had an abortion and smiled afterwards. GHOUL. And I don't stand by and watch! I just can't go and stop it for fear of a lifetime of incarceration for killing the murderers who are performing these procedures. Do you have any children that lived.

Ah another abortion doctor killer in the waiting. Nice.

Yes I have 2 kids. I've had 2 abortions too. So what?

My prayers and sympathies to you.
“Once in Gosnell’s absence, Cross saw

Gosnell is your creation, pervo, so what's the point of the story?

Oh, I see, you're demonstrating the kind of thing that gets you off.

That explains why the pro-life goal is "Make sure every abortion doctor is a Gosnell!". Pro-lifers want more of what they consider to be wank material.
You don't have any idea how the SC works, do you?
No tell me

They don't just sit there making rulings or whatever. They have to wait for a case to make its way up to them, a pertinent case to abortion

Making up a case to send to them should be easy. And if they don't outright ban the practice then they don't believe it's murder either.

They would probably do the correct, Constitutional thing and send the matter to the states.
So they must not believe it is murdering babies like you believe. Aren't they all Christians? You would think this is a slam dunk.

I think they are scared of women who don't think it is murder. Or they don't believe it themselves. Many Republicans are pro choice.

My disconnect with the “pro-life” message, aside from the obvious autonomy issue, is that very rarely have I seen my pro-life friends argue as passionately for children’s healthcare or universal healthcare or refugees or against the death penalty or poverty or for mental health advocacy or homeless advocacy or for VA reform, etc.

I know. I have some intelligent friends who claim to respect women, and in their minds, they probably think this is all about “the unborn,” but there is an undeniable theme of so-called irresponsibility and selfishness and “promiscuity” on the part of women that is framed, packaged and touted by the pro-life movement.

It isn’t just inaccurate. It isn’t just insulting and degrading. It is absolutely deadly to women. It is an attack on them and their families, folks who have to make hard choices and should never be shamed for doing so.

You claim Christ is a champion of “the unborn.” You claim God’s law supersedes that of humankind.

Putting aside for a second that 1) your religious preference shouldn’t dictate others’ choices and 2) that Christ trusted women, there is a glaring hypocrisy in this line of thinking.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about poverty when you say government shouldn’t create social safety nets.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about the Good Samaritan when you make a decision to walk past the homeless or say that your tax dollars shouldn’t go to pay for someone else’s healthcare or claim that “illegal immigrants” should go back to their own country.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about judgement while you claim to fully understand and dictate the very personal decisions of women and families.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about turning the other cheek while you claim that “civilian collateral damage” is necessary to the security of a free state, whether it be drone warfare or unfettered access to firearms?

You say your heart is full of Christ’s love, but why does that only manifest itself on this particular issue and no others?

f you are willing to die on this hill top over the “unborn,” you will not convince me until you adequately address these underlying issues, until you establish a firm, consistent philosophy on the sanctity of life that addresses the above, until you can tell me, on every issue, whether the Bible or the Constitution has greater authority.

When you can do that, you will have my support, but I don’t believe it’s possible. The bounds of logic are too great a burden to bear on this matter.

Exercise empathy, live out the whole Bible, and then — and only then — can we talk about what women do with their bodies.

Why I Am Christian And Pro-Choice | HuffPost

Nice grandstanding by the not-Christian pro-choicer, but I can tell you this. This is not how ANY of this works. People are touched and concerned by what touches and concerns them--and that's that. You don't go up to people who walk 20 miles a day for 3 days straight in a breast cancer walk and screech at them, "YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT PROSTRATE CANCER??? DO YOU HATE MEN??" You don't go up to people raising money for ALS and screech to them about Muscular Dystrophy.

You will note this only happens to Christians, pretty much. ONLY Christians get concerned about dead babies and get screeched at about "YEAH BUT WHAT ABOUT POOR PEOPLE??? HUH???"

There's a reason for that. I could explain it to you Jesus comes back and you still wouldn't get it, so I won't bother. But maybe some here will absorb what I have said.
So they must not believe it is murdering babies like you believe. Aren't they all Christians? You would think this is a slam dunk.

I think they are scared of women who don't think it is murder. Or they don't believe it themselves. Many Republicans are pro choice.

My disconnect with the “pro-life” message, aside from the obvious autonomy issue, is that very rarely have I seen my pro-life friends argue as passionately for children’s healthcare or universal healthcare or refugees or against the death penalty or poverty or for mental health advocacy or homeless advocacy or for VA reform, etc.

I know. I have some intelligent friends who claim to respect women, and in their minds, they probably think this is all about “the unborn,” but there is an undeniable theme of so-called irresponsibility and selfishness and “promiscuity” on the part of women that is framed, packaged and touted by the pro-life movement.

It isn’t just inaccurate. It isn’t just insulting and degrading. It is absolutely deadly to women. It is an attack on them and their families, folks who have to make hard choices and should never be shamed for doing so.

You claim Christ is a champion of “the unborn.” You claim God’s law supersedes that of humankind.

Putting aside for a second that 1) your religious preference shouldn’t dictate others’ choices and 2) that Christ trusted women, there is a glaring hypocrisy in this line of thinking.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about poverty when you say government shouldn’t create social safety nets.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about the Good Samaritan when you make a decision to walk past the homeless or say that your tax dollars shouldn’t go to pay for someone else’s healthcare or claim that “illegal immigrants” should go back to their own country.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about judgement while you claim to fully understand and dictate the very personal decisions of women and families.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about turning the other cheek while you claim that “civilian collateral damage” is necessary to the security of a free state, whether it be drone warfare or unfettered access to firearms?

You say your heart is full of Christ’s love, but why does that only manifest itself on this particular issue and no others?

f you are willing to die on this hill top over the “unborn,” you will not convince me until you adequately address these underlying issues, until you establish a firm, consistent philosophy on the sanctity of life that addresses the above, until you can tell me, on every issue, whether the Bible or the Constitution has greater authority.

When you can do that, you will have my support, but I don’t believe it’s possible. The bounds of logic are too great a burden to bear on this matter.

Exercise empathy, live out the whole Bible, and then — and only then — can we talk about what women do with their bodies.

Why I Am Christian And Pro-Choice | HuffPost

I don't care for your cavalier attitude about ending a life....who gave you the right to decide another person's fate because the timing of their arrival may be inconvenient? Why did the woman decide not to take birth control or let her partner cum inside her? Because he didn't like rubbers and she wanted to please him? So the baby dies a horrible death by having a sharp instrument stabbed though it's skull? Half of these babies are female you you advocate murdering little girls for the crime of what exactly....trying to be born and live a life? I admit I've produced pregnancies that resulted in abortions....3 I know of, 2 I didn't object to since the woman and I barely knew each I tried to stop but was too late to the scene of the crime. As I grew older I started to think about my role in that and felt ashamed because I could have used rubbers but was self-indulgent and left birth control up to the woman. This was before DNA could hook you up to 21 years of child-support....that alone would have put a pack of Trojans in my wallet for when I got lucky....later when the queers introduced the hideous AIDs into mix, I was much more careful about who I was messing with, who she'd messed with. And now that I'm in the 4th quarter of my life and look back on how I behaved, I know one day I'm going to have to answer for those abortions, and I have no answer other than alcohol clouded my judgement....maybe that's a pass, but I kinda doubt it.
So they must not believe it is murdering babies like you believe. Aren't they all Christians? You would think this is a slam dunk.

I think they are scared of women who don't think it is murder. Or they don't believe it themselves. Many Republicans are pro choice.

My disconnect with the “pro-life” message, aside from the obvious autonomy issue, is that very rarely have I seen my pro-life friends argue as passionately for children’s healthcare or universal healthcare or refugees or against the death penalty or poverty or for mental health advocacy or homeless advocacy or for VA reform, etc.

I know. I have some intelligent friends who claim to respect women, and in their minds, they probably think this is all about “the unborn,” but there is an undeniable theme of so-called irresponsibility and selfishness and “promiscuity” on the part of women that is framed, packaged and touted by the pro-life movement.

It isn’t just inaccurate. It isn’t just insulting and degrading. It is absolutely deadly to women. It is an attack on them and their families, folks who have to make hard choices and should never be shamed for doing so.

You claim Christ is a champion of “the unborn.” You claim God’s law supersedes that of humankind.

Putting aside for a second that 1) your religious preference shouldn’t dictate others’ choices and 2) that Christ trusted women, there is a glaring hypocrisy in this line of thinking.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about poverty when you say government shouldn’t create social safety nets.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about the Good Samaritan when you make a decision to walk past the homeless or say that your tax dollars shouldn’t go to pay for someone else’s healthcare or claim that “illegal immigrants” should go back to their own country.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about judgement while you claim to fully understand and dictate the very personal decisions of women and families.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about turning the other cheek while you claim that “civilian collateral damage” is necessary to the security of a free state, whether it be drone warfare or unfettered access to firearms?

You say your heart is full of Christ’s love, but why does that only manifest itself on this particular issue and no others?

f you are willing to die on this hill top over the “unborn,” you will not convince me until you adequately address these underlying issues, until you establish a firm, consistent philosophy on the sanctity of life that addresses the above, until you can tell me, on every issue, whether the Bible or the Constitution has greater authority.

When you can do that, you will have my support, but I don’t believe it’s possible. The bounds of logic are too great a burden to bear on this matter.

Exercise empathy, live out the whole Bible, and then — and only then — can we talk about what women do with their bodies.

Why I Am Christian And Pro-Choice | HuffPost

I don't care for your cavalier attitude about ending a life....who gave you the right to decide another person's fate because the timing of their arrival may be inconvenient? Why did the woman decide not to take birth control or let her partner cum inside her? Because he didn't like rubbers and she wanted to please him? So the baby dies a horrible death by having a sharp instrument stabbed though it's skull? Half of these babies are female you you advocate murdering little girls for the crime of what exactly....trying to be born and live a life? I admit I've produced pregnancies that resulted in abortions....3 I know of, 2 I didn't object to since the woman and I barely knew each I tried to stop but was too late to the scene of the crime. As I grew older I started to think about my role in that and felt ashamed because I could have used rubbers but was self-indulgent and left birth control up to the woman. This was before DNA could hook you up to 21 years of child-support....that alone would have put a pack of Trojans in my wallet for when I got lucky....later when the queers introduced the hideous AIDs into mix, I was much more careful about who I was messing with, who she'd messed with. And now that I'm in the 4th quarter of my life and look back on how I behaved, I know one day I'm going to have to answer for those abortions, and I have no answer other than alcohol clouded my judgement....maybe that's a pass, but I kinda doubt it.
So 23.7% of women are whores and murderers?

And that’s just the women who have gotten abortions. How many others would too if the rubber broke?

I don’t care about your holier than though attitude
So 23.7% of women are whores and murderers?

And that’s just the women who have gotten abortions. How many others would too if the rubber broke?

I don’t care about your holier than though attitude

I admitted what I was a part of and what I feel responsible for. I also am not anti-abortion in the case of rape, incest, or a deformed baby that will never have a happy moment. I'd never ask a woman to carry a rapist's baby or endanger her physical health to go full term if her heart couldn't take it or it would destroy her life. But there is a point at which the baby is viable....not sure exactly when that is, but after that moment, it should be given a chance to live if it can survive birth and be welcomed into our world. She can kiss it goodbye and be free of it...there are thousands of couples who can't conceive who are waiting for that moment....let them take over for her.
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So they must not believe it is murdering babies like you believe. Aren't they all Christians? You would think this is a slam dunk.

I think they are scared of women who don't think it is murder. Or they don't believe it themselves. Many Republicans are pro choice.

My disconnect with the “pro-life” message, aside from the obvious autonomy issue, is that very rarely have I seen my pro-life friends argue as passionately for children’s healthcare or universal healthcare or refugees or against the death penalty or poverty or for mental health advocacy or homeless advocacy or for VA reform, etc.

I know. I have some intelligent friends who claim to respect women, and in their minds, they probably think this is all about “the unborn,” but there is an undeniable theme of so-called irresponsibility and selfishness and “promiscuity” on the part of women that is framed, packaged and touted by the pro-life movement.

It isn’t just inaccurate. It isn’t just insulting and degrading. It is absolutely deadly to women. It is an attack on them and their families, folks who have to make hard choices and should never be shamed for doing so.

You claim Christ is a champion of “the unborn.” You claim God’s law supersedes that of humankind.

Putting aside for a second that 1) your religious preference shouldn’t dictate others’ choices and 2) that Christ trusted women, there is a glaring hypocrisy in this line of thinking.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about poverty when you say government shouldn’t create social safety nets.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about the Good Samaritan when you make a decision to walk past the homeless or say that your tax dollars shouldn’t go to pay for someone else’s healthcare or claim that “illegal immigrants” should go back to their own country.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about judgement while you claim to fully understand and dictate the very personal decisions of women and families.

Show me in your Bible where it talks about turning the other cheek while you claim that “civilian collateral damage” is necessary to the security of a free state, whether it be drone warfare or unfettered access to firearms?

You say your heart is full of Christ’s love, but why does that only manifest itself on this particular issue and no others?

f you are willing to die on this hill top over the “unborn,” you will not convince me until you adequately address these underlying issues, until you establish a firm, consistent philosophy on the sanctity of life that addresses the above, until you can tell me, on every issue, whether the Bible or the Constitution has greater authority.

When you can do that, you will have my support, but I don’t believe it’s possible. The bounds of logic are too great a burden to bear on this matter.

Exercise empathy, live out the whole Bible, and then — and only then — can we talk about what women do with their bodies.

Why I Am Christian And Pro-Choice | HuffPost

I don't care for your cavalier attitude about ending a life....who gave you the right to decide another person's fate because the timing of their arrival may be inconvenient? Why did the woman decide not to take birth control or let her partner cum inside her? Because he didn't like rubbers and she wanted to please him? So the baby dies a horrible death by having a sharp instrument stabbed though it's skull? Half of these babies are female you you advocate murdering little girls for the crime of what exactly....trying to be born and live a life? I admit I've produced pregnancies that resulted in abortions....3 I know of, 2 I didn't object to since the woman and I barely knew each I tried to stop but was too late to the scene of the crime. As I grew older I started to think about my role in that and felt ashamed because I could have used rubbers but was self-indulgent and left birth control up to the woman. This was before DNA could hook you up to 21 years of child-support....that alone would have put a pack of Trojans in my wallet for when I got lucky....later when the queers introduced the hideous AIDs into mix, I was much more careful about who I was messing with, who she'd messed with. And now that I'm in the 4th quarter of my life and look back on how I behaved, I know one day I'm going to have to answer for those abortions, and I have no answer other than alcohol clouded my judgement....maybe that's a pass, but I kinda doubt it.
So 23.7% of women are whores and murderers?

And that’s just the women who have gotten abortions. How many others would too if the rubber broke?

I don’t care about your holier than though attitude
Oh, about 50% of women are whores. They go to clubs and have one night stands.
Fixing the facts (fake news) around the party talking points will be the major issue coming out of the latest set of lies from SJWer Anti-choice wing of the GOP.
Pro-life wing.
Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better

How many of your children have been aborted? Maybe you should consider it on the first one or next one so that your ignorance and hate doesn't propagate through your off spring. It's not okay to Kill a person convicted and sentenced to death for killing a mother and unborn child(Scott Peterson)and others But it's okay to just kill the unborn child if the mother feels it's an inconvenience or long term financial burden. You have to realize how stupid you sound and how dishonest your political stances are. RBG will be gone soon and Probably Roe v Wade soon after. Euthanasia for brain dead adults is not legal but killing live babies with healthy brains is. You really are stupid or blind or just indoctrinated.:th_waiting:

Why do you need RBG gone? You already have enough Supremes to overturn it. I think you want one less liberal woman on the court who will call you out.

So this is about politics. You sit by and patiently wait while babies are being murdered? You have enough votes to stop the practice if you truly think it's murder.

Who says it's not ok to Kill Scott Peterson? The only reason I don't think he should be killed is because it isn't 100% sure he did it. Sure enough to convict him but not for the death penalty.

The death penalty should be for slam dunk cases like when the white dude shot up the black church. There is no question he did that shit. Kill him.

BTK is still alive. Why? Kill him. He admitted he did it.
Ok so we should execute every dr. who ever admitted to aborting a child and "Slam Dunking" it into a waste receptacle. I bet you've had an abortion and smiled afterwards. GHOUL. And I don't stand by and watch! I just can't go and stop it for fear of a lifetime of incarceration for killing the murderers who are performing these procedures. Do you have any children that lived.

Ah another abortion doctor killer in the waiting. Nice.

Yes I have 2 kids. I've had 2 abortions too. So what?
So you have two homicides under your belt?
“Once in Gosnell’s absence, Cross saw

Gosnell is your creation, pervo, so what's the point of the story?

Oh, I see, you're demonstrating the kind of thing that gets you off.

That explains why the pro-life goal is "Make sure every abortion doctor is a Gosnell!". Pro-lifers want more of what they consider to be wank material.
Gosnell is an evil sonofabitch on par with Hinerich Himmler.

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