Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Naaah, nobody cares. Really: you haven't noticed that? NOBODY CARES.

We're gravely overpopulated, the whole world: that's why all the non-human species are going extinct. The fewer humans the better. That's just how it is and everyone but certain anti-abortion men who want women to reproduce their genes even if they have to force them, you know that. But nobody is in sympathy with horrible men like that.

Seriously, let’s take Yolanda. Yolanda already has a kid on welfare and no baby daddy. Or not one with a job. Are republicans saying they want th3 Yolanda’s of America having that second baby?

This is why 75% of America is pro choice. Hell half the Republican Party is split on this issue.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

LOL...guess again, pal.

This is from the midterms...and it shows that few people give a shit about abortions.

Top Issues for Voters: Healthcare, Economy, Immigration

Trump ain't gonna gain shit from the abortion debate.

And with him ripping babies from immigrant parents...he can't even take the moral high ground.

Forget it pal, barring a war, Trump is finished in 2020...guaranteed.
If they thought it was murder the Supreme Court wouldn’t wait. They would overturn roe tomorrow. But they don’t so babies die.

Why? Because they know women would show up and vote out trump so they could replace rbg with a liberal.

That's right, boubala. You want to keep women voting GOP, don't interfere with our bodies, our lives. That's how it works. There are more women than men, and women vote more than men do. Them's the facts. You mess with our basic needs and interests, you will so lose.
If they thought it was murder the Supreme Court wouldn’t wait. They would overturn roe tomorrow. But they don’t so babies die.

Why? Because they know women would show up and vote out trump so they could replace rbg with a liberal.

That's right, boubala. You want to keep women voting GOP, don't interfere with our bodies, our lives. That's how it works. There are more women than men, and women vote more than men do. Them's the facts. You mess with our basic needs and interests, you will so lose.
Why would you think that the majority of women will support what abortion has become and what it is used for.
Aborted babies’ BODY PARTS sewn into mice to ‘humanise’ them for grim ‘Frankenstein’ experiments in US labs
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would smash their head with a golf club.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
Save the hypocrisy. That policy was in effect under Obama and all those pictures bandied about of children in cages occurred while he was president. Democrats have shown that they're the party supporting drug runners and sex traffickers. People who object to securing our border are guaranteeing that children will be put on long journeys so they can be used to get adults into the country. No need to focus on helping those home nations to become safe and profitable as long as Democrats benefit by the sad picture of refugees.
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would smash their head with a golf club.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.

But it was okay when it was done by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. Got it!

This photo was taken in June of 2014. What were you saying?


This photo was taken during the administration of President Bill Clinton. My guess is that you don't have a clue as to what this photo is about.
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Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would smash their head with a golf club.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
your sides rips them away and then rips them up and then tosses the parts in a garbage can.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?

As you know, the primary issue being discussed here is late-term abortions, those after the 20th week.

Why do you believe that the use of abortions is an acceptable form of birth control?
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

And, the Donald will get to make another SCOTUS nom.. Ginsburg won't make it to next Autumn. :eek2yum:
Are you sure she's not gone already?

She was at a recital by one of her nieces. She sat in the back of the auditorium and no photos were allowed.
I hope he pushes this.

Abortion is very popular with women.

23.7% of US women by age 45 will have an abortion. Out of the other 76% of us women only 25% want to ban abortion. The other 50% are pro choice. They may never have to get an abortion but if they wanted one they sure as hell wouldn’t want to be told no.

Please provide us with a reliable source and working link to your allegations. Thank you!
Trump ain't gonna gain shit from the abortion debate.

And with him ripping babies from immigrant parents...he can't even take the moral high ground.

Forget it pal, barring a war, Trump is finished in 2020...guaranteed.

Wishful thinking on your part.

Donald Trump will gain greatly from the abortion issue. You know it, and I know it. Can't you see them now? Ads featuring the Democrat Governor of Virginia describing making the infant comfortable while he consults with the mother on whether or not the infant should live or die.

No problem with the separating children from the adults accompanying them. After all, it was fine when it was done by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama.

This photo, widely circulated by Democrats as being recent, was actually taken in 2014.

Do you know who this is a photo of and when it was taken? Yeah, probably not.
Trump used the SOTU perfectly to set the dems up for failure in 2020. About 75% of the people that watched liked his message. He set up the perfect platform for 2020. Everything that makes sense to normal people is what the dems are running against.

Secure borders
Not killing your children
We kind of like the USA
People getting jobs
Socialism sure sucks

All the things the dems are going to run against.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

And, the Donald will get to make another SCOTUS nom.. Ginsburg won't make it to next Autumn. :eek2yum:
Are you sure she's not gone already?

She was at a recital by one of her nieces. She sat in the back of the auditorium and no photos were allowed.
And no one saw her.
No lies. It’s on par with the Holocaust.

Much worse....6M perished in the Holocaust....60M American babies lost to the butchers like Tiller....did they murder one who'd have cured cancer? written a beautiful symphony? stopped a school shooting, or simply lived a good and peaceful life? Of course....all that and more.....SIXTY MILLION American children who can never show us the love and talent they were capable of.....tossed instead into a trash can after their organs were harvested and sold....only monsters can agree to allow this carnage to continue.
LOL! Nope. Newt is a Nut.
Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.
Isn’t it the supreme courts decision?

Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Thank you for pointing out out how important is is that we elect Democratic Senators to protect abortion rights since those Justices are confirmed by the Senate

People needed to understand that better

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