Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
So you think poor people should have been exterminated in the womb?
I think motherhood should be a choice, not an 18 year trap with no help from the government. It is clear you have never even considered what would happen after an abortion ban.

So, you are a young mother in Virginia and your baby is there lying on a table across from you and she decides to kill it. You're cool with that are you?
I guarantee they knew he did this long ago but didn’t care. Once he fucked up and exposed the horror of The Leftist Agenda of Infanticide, they dusted this back off and tried to sweep Infanticide under the rug while still trying to get rid of him using their faux outrage over black face.

Where does it leave the democrat agenda when there was a standing ovation during the State/Union speech where the President calls for a law against late term abortion. The mainstream media is doing their part in protecting democrats though. In his statement supporting the late term abortion bill, the part where Gov Northam suggests that the killing of a newborn infant was part of the process, was cut from all MSM coverage if they played it at all. In lame effort to keep the truth from the public about the ghastly late term abortion procedure the democrat party threw the governor under the bus by accusing him of racism.
Fetus is Latin for Baby Dumbass.

Democrats came up with that so they no longer had to use the word baby.

My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
Sure that’s what we need. More diseases, crime, unemployment, welfare sponges, lice, bed bugs, and drug overdoses.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?
How many babies are you willing to murder?
A fetus is not a baby no matter how much you try to make it. Did it ever occur to you that a woman who would have an abortion might not be in a position to be the kind of mother a child deserves?
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.
But you have designer clothes and “kicks” and lots of “Bling”

Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your DVD player doesn’t play Blu Ray.
Well there's another example of you people hating every poor person who is not a fetus. Guarantee a government financed quality upbringing and college for every baby you would force women to have or continue to be called a hypocrite for your abortion views.
RightWingers will refuse to believe they are out gunned and out numbered and that all the screaming on forums accomplished ZILCH.....
right to the bitter end.....I guess it's the only "woobi" they have left....


all that was required for the Left to kick your asses to the curb (and laugh hysterically while doing it) was for supposedly good men to do .......nothing......(exactly what the Right has done in spades)

Nope the left will continue winning seats in Congress and taking over the Gubbment.......put a fork in it....young people today are already the stupidest bunch in American history and are all hypnotized by the lefts siren song of sexuality, entertainment and "liberalism". Even if it kills em. Glad I won't be around for the BS that's coming.
Lying about infanticide will be a major issue for the right on judgement day, being they'll burn in Hell over it. You can't proudly serve the Lord of Lies, as most conservatives do, and not pay for it eventually.

The devil himself couldn't have said it better.
Be gone, you deceiver.....:dev2:
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.

So you support a mothers "right" to kill her child after it's been born. You folks are such moral, stand up people.
Let's be clear here.

We're talking about a law that changes the approval needed for a third trimester abortion (to save the life of the mother) from three doctors to one.

Not hardly what the anti-abortion freaks are claiming huh?

Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would have to go to some other country for that. Our children are in a word, fat. They are unhealthy fat to morbidly obese.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

And, the Donald will get to make another SCOTUS nom.. Ginsburg won't make it to next Autumn. :eek2yum:
Are you sure she's not gone already?
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?

According to Democrat-Socialist dogma there's no need for anyone to adopt them.

Just kill them.
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.

So you support a mothers "right" to kill her child after it's been born. You folks are such moral, stand up people.
Let's be clear here.

We're talking about a law that changes the approval needed for a third trimester abortion (to save the life of the mother) from three doctors to one.

Not hardly what the anti-abortion freaks are claiming huh?


"So you support a mothers "right" to kill her child after it's been born. You folks are such moral, stand up people" answer the question child.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

If you poll women about abortion, the results are misleading. If women are asked if abortion would be made illegal across the board, the polls will show that they are against abolishing it. However, if you ask them if there should be restrictions, most women respond, "Yes".

Dims holding to killing viable infants and then publically applauding it SHOULD help Trump.
The law legalizing the murder of children that have been delivered changed things. This isn't abortion any more. This is murder and Democrat states are all rushing to out do each other in killing children.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?

According to Democrat-Socialist dogma there's no need for anyone to adopt them.

Just kill them.

Fortunately, Independent voters see the writing on the wall
Yet, Democraps think infanticide, doing away with private healthcare, and over-taxing job creators, and porous borders is a winning hand.
Please resume your normal activities....

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