Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

If you “thought” Holocaust of children was happening? WTF you think is going on idiot?

Something that's definitely not a "holocaust of children". Duh.

And again, by your behavior, we see you don't think there's a "holocaust of children" going on either. Oh, you attended a rally? Well, that showed them. Not. When are you putting your body on the line? That's what any decent human would be expected to do when faced with a "holocaust of children".

You don't like to address that. None of the pro-lifers do. The fundamental pro-life claim is a big lie. Pro-lifers lie and say they think abortion is murder as an excuse to implement their sick pervy authoritarian agenda. They get off on being control freaks.
“Once in Gosnell’s absence, Cross saw a large baby delivered into the toilet. She saw his little arms and legs moving in a swimming motion as he struggled to get out of the toilet bowl. Cross held her hands 12-16 inches apart to demonstrate to the jury how big the baby was. Adrienne Moton, who was the first worker to testify for the prosecution, snipped the baby’s neck in front of the mother while she sat bleeding into the toilet. Moton then took the body away and put it into a container.”
AGAIN...the law in question merely changes the number of doctors it takes to authorize a third trimester abortion from 3 to 1.

Stop lying
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would smash their head with a golf club.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.

Your side rips kids out of their mothers and throws them in an incinerator! Sound familiar?
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.
You would smash their head with a golf club.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
Obama practice of separating children from criminals is Trumps fault?

AGAIN...the law in question merely changes the number of doctors it takes to authorize a third trimester abortion from 3 to 1.

Stop lying

It’s a lie. It allows non doctors to abort any baby up to birth since all pregnancies involve a risk to the mother. There is zero medical reason to abort a child in the 3rd trimester.

Kill a baby a day after birth Murder ! Kill it before it emerges from the Host, okay! Really sounds like they consider these human beings to be merely parasitic infections like tape worm or something. How Ghoulish !:muahaha:
AGAIN...the law in question merely changes the number of doctors it takes to authorize a third trimester abortion from 3 to 1.

Stop lying

It’s a lie. It allows non doctors to abort any baby up to birth since all pregnancies involve a risk to the mother. There is zero medical reason to abort a child in the 3rd trimester.

Kill a baby a day after birth Murder ! Kill it before it emerges from the Host, okay! Really sounds like they consider these human beings to be merely parasitic infections like tape worm or something. How Ghoulish !:muahaha:
The Left are demonic.
LOL! Nope. Newt is a Nut.
Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.
I hope he pushes this.

Abortion is very popular with women.

23.7% of US women by age 45 will have an abortion. Out of the other 76% of us women only 25% want to ban abortion. The other 50% are pro choice. They may never have to get an abortion but if they wanted one they sure as hell wouldn’t want to be told no.
What about kids?

Don't they get protection?

LOL! Nope. Newt is a Nut.
Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.
Isn’t it the supreme courts decision?

Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
Planned Parenthood needs to lose it’s Non Profit Status.

It’s Federal Funding needs pulled.
With this I agree I don't see any evidence that they (Planned Parenthood) are helping young women and men Plan anything other than promiscuous sex and unwanted pregnancy. Which they can then profit from through federal money provided to pay for the abortion of the Children they say they are helping people Plan for . They should rename themselves the Abortion Mill. What a great business model! You produce your own source of income. Kind of like growing tomatoes and being subsidized by the Govt. to destroy the crop. :imsorry3: NOT!

Too bad Republicans only care about the fetus.

It would be great if they cared about the born.
The Democratic Party will be held accountable for their support of baby murder...and they will be crushed. There is no good way to sugar coat this issue and make the killing of a healthy baby a legitimate action in our society.
Newt Gingrich: Trump's State of the Union changed history on Tuesday night – Here's what Pelosi must've felt

Naaah, nobody cares. Really: you haven't noticed that? NOBODY CARES.

We're gravely overpopulated, the whole world: that's why all the non-human species are going extinct. The fewer humans the better. That's just how it is and everyone but certain anti-abortion men who want women to reproduce their genes even if they have to force them, you know that. But nobody is in sympathy with horrible men like that.
LOL! Nope. Newt is a Nut.
Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.
Isn’t it the supreme courts decision?

Well yeah! And I'm sure SCOTUS won't take a case on Abortion Until after RBG is replaced. That's what scares the hell out of the Left. A (5) Conservative Justice Majority. The biggest threat to Socialism is a Court full of Constitutionalist Judges. The worm is about to turn.:thewave:
I’d be curious to see what followed. I truly believe 75% of America agrees with us unfortunately 50% don’t vote.

So it would be interesting to see.

You don’t need 5 votes to overturn roe v Wade. Every day you wait how many babies are murdered? You have blood on your hands

Too bad Republicans only care about the fetus.

It would be great if they cared about the born.
If they thought it was murder the Supreme Court wouldn’t wait. They would overturn roe tomorrow. But they don’t so babies die.

Why? Because they know women would show up and vote out trump so they could replace rbg with a liberal.

So babies die. Republican senators are murderers. If they truly believed it was murder they’d outlaw it and not play politics with babies lives.

Who are the conservative justices and what is their position on murdering babies? Just curious.
AGAIN...the law in question merely changes the number of doctors it takes to authorize a third trimester abortion from 3 to 1.

Stop lying

It’s a lie. It allows non doctors to abort any baby up to birth since all pregnancies involve a risk to the mother. There is zero medical reason to abort a child in the 3rd trimester.

Post the fucking law.

You won't because you're full of shit.

It's about the number of doctors required to approve an abortion and nothing more.

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