Infanticide Will be a Major Issue in 2020:Thank You Mr. President

No lies. It’s on par with the Holocaust.

If I thought a holocaust of children was happening, I wouldn't just be sniveling about it on a message board, as you are. I'd be putting my body on the line. Non-violently. Nobody would be at risk except me.

You? Your inaction marks you as either a coward or liar. My money is on "liar". Almost all pro-lifers are shameless liars, being they don't think abortion is murder. Thats's why they just sit on their butts and do nothing.
Abortion is murder. Pro-life rallies...been there done that. Trying to stop baby murder in blue states...nearly impossible. Also, you are a coward because you SUPPORT infanticide.
No lies. It’s on par with the Holocaust.

If I thought a holocaust of children was happening, I wouldn't just be sniveling about it on a message board, as you are. I'd be putting my body on the line. Non-violently. Nobody would be at risk except me.

You? Your inaction marks you as either a coward or liar. My money is on "liar". Almost all pro-lifers are shameless liars, being they don't think abortion is murder. Thats's why they just sit on their butts and do nothing.
If you “thought” Holocaust of children was happening? WTF you think is going on idiot?
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
Fetuses are people. Life begins at conception and all life is given by God.
If you “thought” Holocaust of children was happening? WTF you think is going on idiot?

Something that's definitely not a "holocaust of children". Duh.

And again, by your behavior, we see you don't think there's a "holocaust of children" going on either. Oh, you attended a rally? Well, that showed them. Not. When are you putting your body on the line? That's what any decent human would be expected to do when faced with a "holocaust of children".

You don't like to address that. None of the pro-lifers do. The fundamental pro-life claim is a big lie. Pro-lifers lie and say they think abortion is murder as an excuse to implement their sick pervy authoritarian agenda. They get off on being control freaks.
If you “thought” Holocaust of children was happening? WTF you think is going on idiot?

Something that's definitely not a "holocaust of children". Duh.

And again, by your behavior, we see you don't think there's a "holocaust of children" going on either. Oh, you attended a rally? Well, that showed them. Not. When are you putting your body on the line? That's what any decent human would be expected to do when faced with a "holocaust of children".

You don't like to address that. None of the pro-lifers do. The fundamental pro-life claim is a big lie. Pro-lifers lie and say they think abortion is murder as an excuse to implement their sick pervy authoritarian agenda. They get off on being control freaks.
Mengele would be a pro-abortion Democrat if he were alive today.
Another anti-abortion crusader who would step over a hungry child on his way to the golf course.

Amen! Trump has worn out his ability to bully, demagogue, intimidate, and scare people - except with his base.
If you “thought” Holocaust of children was happening? WTF you think is going on idiot?

Something that's definitely not a "holocaust of children". Duh.

And again, by your behavior, we see you don't think there's a "holocaust of children" going on either. Oh, you attended a rally? Well, that showed them. Not. When are you putting your body on the line? That's what any decent human would be expected to do when faced with a "holocaust of children".

You don't like to address that. None of the pro-lifers do. The fundamental pro-life claim is a big lie. Pro-lifers lie and say they think abortion is murder as an excuse to implement their sick pervy authoritarian agenda. They get off on being control freaks.
It’s 100% murder.
When your party does not automatically try to fuck kids in every way then maybe your concern for fetuses will not seem so schizophrenic and anti-women.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
Sure that’s what we need. More diseases, crime, unemployment, welfare sponges, lice, bed bugs, and drug overdoses.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?
Mengele would be The DNC Nominee for President today.

If you “thought” Holocaust of children was happening? WTF you think is going on idiot?

Something that's definitely not a "holocaust of children". Duh.

And again, by your behavior, we see you don't think there's a "holocaust of children" going on either. Oh, you attended a rally? Well, that showed them. Not. When are you putting your body on the line? That's what any decent human would be expected to do when faced with a "holocaust of children".

You don't like to address that. None of the pro-lifers do. The fundamental pro-life claim is a big lie. Pro-lifers lie and say they think abortion is murder as an excuse to implement their sick pervy authoritarian agenda. They get off on being control freaks.
Mengele would be a pro-abortion Democrat if he were alive today.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
So you think poor people should have been exterminated in the womb?
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
Sure that’s what we need. More diseases, crime, unemployment, welfare sponges, lice, bed bugs, and drug overdoses.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?
Start executing drug dealers. Does Singapore have a drug problem?
Where does it leave the democrat agenda when there was a standing ovation during the State/Union speech where the President calls for a law against late term abortion. The mainstream media is doing their part in protecting democrats though. In his statement supporting the late term abortion bill, the part where Gov Northam suggests that the killing of a newborn infant was part of the process, was cut from all MSM coverage if they played it at all. In lame effort to keep the truth from the public about the ghastly late term abortion procedure the democrat party threw the governor under the bus by accusing him of racism.
My side contributes billions in money and time to charity for kids.

The Left simply say I pay taxes to do that.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
Sure that’s what we need. More diseases, crime, unemployment, welfare sponges, lice, bed bugs, and drug overdoses.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?
How many babies are you willing to murder?
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
They are common criminals...nothing more.
They are poor people who are not fetuses.
So you think poor people should have been exterminated in the womb?
I think motherhood should be a choice, not an 18 year trap with no help from the government. It is clear you have never even considered what would happen after an abortion ban.
LOL! Nope. Newt is a Nut.
Trump will use infanticide like a truncheon and beat the Democrats mercilessly with it. American people against the murder of healthy babies because their mother was a selfish whore.
Of course you usually need three doctors to agree that the fetus is not viable and or the mother's life is absolutely in danger. This is a lie and it's way past time to the GOP to hang it up as a wedge issue.
Your side rips kids away from their parents and puts them in cages.
My side enforces the law.
The law does not require that people be treated like garbage, even if it did any decent person would not like it.
Sure that’s what we need. More diseases, crime, unemployment, welfare sponges, lice, bed bugs, and drug overdoses.
That's what you would get from thousands of abandoned foster kids you would dump in a system already overburdened and a favorite target for republican budget cuts. How many motherless crack babies do you want adopt?
How many babies are you willing to murder?
A fetus is not a baby no matter how much you try to make it. Did it ever occur to you that a woman who would have an abortion might not be in a position to be the kind of mother a child deserves?

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