Inferior Products being sold, so buyer be very aware now..


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
In this economy where coporations have been in this buy and build things as cheap as they possibly can anymore, and then to turn around and sell to us these products at prices that represent what we usually pay for quailty merchandise, as if these products are supposedly getting better and better all the time, then "Houston" we have a huge problem going on in America today. Is it that corporations are doing this now because of a highly addicted throw away consumerism economy in which they have created on purpose for extreme profits to be made, yet we are now getting the duping of our life times when purchasing their products under the old once known quailty company names, in which we once had trusted without thought of ?

No wonder the earth & climate is getting trashed faster than a speeding bullet train, and people are getting poorer and poorer by the minute while riding this train, because their money is being spent for inferior products that are supposed to last if paying a price for them to last, but now are lasting no where near the time periods they had lasted before.

The lines between the three teers of product levels we once had in this nation, are becoming more blurred by the day (melting into one another & becoming one teer), because hold out corporations have seen what the cheap product side of pushing and buying such products have done for these other giants now, and so they want in on the action or upon the bandwagon just as well. It's like corruption or a virus that got started, where as before you know it, no one is imune from it anylonger.

I purchased a "sears" sold to me washer and dryer (Kenmore) back in the early 90's, over 20 some odd years ago, and the dryer is still working, but the washer quit around 18 years of service. I then went to replace the washer with a new Kenmore, but sears didnot have one instock at the time, and said they would have to order me one, but I needed a washer immediately. I then said that I would try Lowes that evening, so I went to Lowes and purchased a washer for the same money that I would have paid for the Kenmore, but this one was a Whirlpool. It lasted one year, before the transmisson broke and left this washer useless and more expensive to fix than it would be to buy another one (the local appliance mechanic said to me). I then went and purchased a sears Kenmore washer again (in which they had in stock this day), and it has been working for around three or more years now. Now sears is out of business in our area ? (GO FIGURE). I then purchased a well pump from Lowes next, in which didnot last for more than a year, so I purchased a used well pump from my friend that lasted 4 to 5 years before wearing it out, because I was watering heavily a garden and using it for my home. It was a great pump for sure.. Now I went and purchased a new well waterpump from Lowes again, because they were the only ones open on Sunday, in which I needed a pump badly for water that day. I brought the pump home, and hooked it up, but then it wouldnot start (it would just hum), so my friend came over to assist me (double check my work), but couldnot figure out what was wrong either, especially in the dark. We were about to give up, when all of a sudden my friend said I see it, and it was found that the electric motor fan screen was bent into the fan, thus locking up the motor so it couldnot run. We cleared the screen by cutting a hole in it, just to get it running that night, because my wife needed water due the grandbabies and others who live in the household now with us. I took pictures of the pump before and after the repairs, just to show the manager at Lowes what we had run into with a pump that I had purchased at the store. He said that he wanted to go back there and rip open all the boxes, just to see if the pumps had problems also not seen, as the boxes didnot show the problem in which I had encountered. This leads me to believe that these corporations are selling inferior products or product lines, because they can reep the maximum dollars from these products, even if these products fail in a market atmosphere that is monopolized by corporations who have tightened the noose upon being able to get better quality products at a time when they are needed, to be purchased by us as consumers who think we are getting quality products, per the price we are paying in which has become equal to what we were always paying before for quality products when purchased at these prices.

Hey, if I pay for what I get, meaning a cheap price for a cheap product, then I will never say a word about it, but when I pay a price that suggest that I am getting or should be getting a quality product and then don't, then I feel I have been cheated and so should anyone else who is getting cheated in these ways and in these days. :eek:

Do you have consumer stories to tell also ?
when I pay a price that suggest that I am getting or should be getting a quality product and then don't, then I feel I have been cheated and so should anyone else who is getting cheated in these ways and in these days. :eek:

Do you have consumer stories to tell also ?

why not check out quality before you buy so you will never get cheated again? Did the silly liberal ever think of that?
when I pay a price that suggest that I am getting or should be getting a quality product and then don't, then I feel I have been cheated and so should anyone else who is getting cheated in these ways and in these days. :eek:

Do you have consumer stories to tell also ?

why not check out quality before you buy so you will never get cheated again? Did the silly liberal ever think of that?
I don't need you following me around (stalking me), just so you can make some kind of funny at your own expense, but if you have a story to offer then do tell, otherwise go somewhere else where someone might like you better in a strange weird sort of way.
when I pay a price that suggest that I am getting or should be getting a quality product and then don't, then I feel I have been cheated and so should anyone else who is getting cheated in these ways and in these days. :eek:

Do you have consumer stories to tell also ?

why not check out quality before you buy so you will never get cheated again? Did the silly liberal ever think of that?
I don't need you following me around (stalking me), just so you can make some kind of funny at your own expense, but if you have a story to offer then do tell, otherwise go somewhere else where someone might like you better in a strange weird sort of way.

What not rely on capitalism to help you shop. Buy "Consumer Reports"
and read it before you buy.
Running my brand new Sears "Craftsman" Chainsaw today over at my mom's, cutting up a dead tree that I removed the day before in which was dead in her yard, and guess what, it bagan locking up and/or running hot before trying to lock up slowly, so naturally I checked the oil in the gas, in which I mixed it just the way it says to mix it, and it was green looking also, so I know I mixed it before using it. Now it didnot lock up all the way, but it came close, so what I feel was or still is the problem with it, is that these companies no longer run product QC checks/bench testing on these items before selling these items to the public, and so when you get the product, read the instructions, and begin running the product, it quickly begins to fail because of no QC running or bench testing before hand, and this before they are boxing them and selling them now. No wonder they are beginning to lose out, as this can get quite expensive on them, especially if they get to many come backs like this. I think it is the carb out of adjustment, and now they have put these special screws in the mix adjustment, where as there is no way to adjust the carb by instruction of, even if the instructions came with the manual on how to do that also, so it has to go back to the company to be fixed, causing a serious inconvienance to the consumer, who always expects better than this from these companies, but are no longer getting what they are paying for when buying something like this anymore. It is ashame what is going on these days in all of this mess, and as budgets tighten more and more across America, this kind of stuff is getting more and more serious to deal with for the consumers who should be demanding better than this always.

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