Info Food Chain


Sep 23, 2010
It is a new ball game now that James Comey has been taken out of the game. Not only did Hillary Clinton lose her cadre of protectors ——Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, congressional Democrats, —— Hillary’s co-criminals like Huma Abedin lost the Clinton Machine’s resources and political influence. Bottom line: Every one of Hillary’s gang is on their own.

Frankly, I expected to see more about Hillary minus her protectors. Nothing from the MSM yet, but it is still early. So far, I came across these two on social media:​

What Is He Holding?

Hillary’s prosecution is moving up the media food chain. Big name social media websites like Canada Free Press are a tick below the networks. Hillary in Jeopardy should make it to the talking heads when they are shamed into talking about it:

We are just at the beginning of the story of the extraordinary firing of FBI Director James Comey late Tuesday afternoon.

The ostensible cause for his firing by the president was his handling of the Hillary Clinton email scandal last July, not the investigation into allegations of “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia.

As Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wrote in his memo recommending that Comey be fired, the FBI director “was wrong to usurp the Attorney General’s authority on July 5, 2016, and announce his conclusion that [the Clinton email case] be closed without prosecution. It is not the function of the Director to make such an announcement.”


The real question raised by Comey’s firing is whether Justice Department prosecutors are finally getting ready to pick up the Clinton email investigation where the FBI left off last year and make a determination on whether to prosecute Hillary Clinton and her associates, based on the evidence FBI investigators so ably gathered.​

Comey got fired — will Clinton get indicted?
By Kenneth R. Timmerman, opinion contributor - 05/09/17 07:23 PM EDT

Comey got fired — will Clinton get indicted?

Finally, if anybody asks Sean Spicer about Hillary I will post his reply.
maybe its just cover for obama's birth certificate?
To PurpleOwl: Obama’s BC was known to be fake a long time ago and nothing was done about it. The issue has always been his lack of constitutional eligibility. I see no sign that the eligibility issue will be reopened. Hillary Clinton’s prosecution for espionage is another matter:
Hillary’s prosecution is moving up the media food chain.
Judge Napolitano moved it up. Slide the cursor to 5:20:


Napolitano on Comey ouster: Your behaviors have consequences

McCain Says He Has Yet to See a ‘Good Explanation’ for Firing Comey
BY: Charles Fain Lehman
May 10, 2017 11:01 am

McCain Says He Has Yet to See a 'Good Explanation' for Firing Comey

McCain must have missed this explanation —— confirm a new FBI director who will recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton based on the evidence FBI agents gathered under Comey.

To be fair to McCain, his motive for protecting Hillary from prosecution spearheaded by a new FBI Director might be his attempt to protect the US Senate’s credibility. Basically, former US Senator Clinton tried and convicted of espionage, and/or treason, will firm up an opinion held by many Americans; i.e., the US Senate is a nest of treaties. Parenthetically, James Comey may have let Hillary off the hook for a similar reason.

In Comey’s case he might believe that a trial alone would have done irreparable damage to the entire government as well as to the country.

Frankly, if my speculation is correct I disagree with Comey and McCain. Americans are not made of sugar. One more scandal involving a high-ranking government official will not do as much damage as will letting a known-criminal beat the rap.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders fell for Hillary Clinton’s rope-a-dope:

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders vigorously defended President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, saying Hillary Clinton would have fired him “immediately” if she had been elected president.​

'Hillary would've fired Comey immediately'
Posted By Garth Kant On 05/10/2017 @ 9:24 pm

‘Hillary would’ve fired Comey immediately’

James Comey and the Clintons have been joined at the hip for decades. Hillary blaming Comey for her defeat was designed to save Comey from a hostile administration —— just as Comey saved her from being prosecuted in a friendly administration. Proof: You cannot name another reason for President Hillary Clinton to fire Comey when you remove “Comey cost me the election” from the phoney BLAME COMEY scenario.

Bottom line:

Not only did Hillary Clinton lose her cadre of protectors ——Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, congressional Democrats,
Why in hell would Hillary want Trump to fire her only protector with influence?
. . . Judge Andrew Napolitano suggested that Comey’s firing was bad news for Hillary Clinton, clearing the way for her indictment for violations of the Espionage Act:​

ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Let me suggest another scenario, that Rod Rosenstein reviewed the Hillary Clinton file, which he had never seen before and decided that Comey's judgment was utterly irregular and inappropriate and that maybe she should have been, and still can be indicted for espionage, the failure to safeguard state secrets while she was Secretary of State.

MARTHA MACCALLUM (HOST): Alright, we will see.​

May 11, 2017
Comey Fired -- Now Indict Hillary
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: Comey Fired -- Now Indict Hillary

I will believe Trump fears no one after Hillary does the perp walk:

In Comey's case, it came off as a drunken arrogance of power. Investor's Business Daily notes that Comey had a history of peculiar timing, and failed to show any integrity when news of the Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch meeting on the tarmac occurred -- he went ahead and declared Hillary Clinton unprosecutable after news of her illegal private server in some guy's bathroom went public. He gave other power players such as Clinton's longtime aide, Cheryl Mills, immunity from prosecution and allowed evidence to be destroyed. New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin wrote that Comey's agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had a spectacular record of Deep State leaks.

May 10, 2017
In Firing Comey, Trump Shows He's Afraid of No One
By Monica Showalter

Blog: In Firing Comey, Trump Shows He's Afraid of No One

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