Inhofe Exposes Global Warming Hoax

Now of course, the satellite record doesn't support your lie. The 13 month running average shows an increase of +.4C from 1980 to 2011. But deniers being dishonest, they cherry pick individual months to falsely claim we are at the same temperature as 30 years ago. I can do the same cherry picking and say that the temp has gone up +.6C the last 25+ years.

Thank you again for showing the dishonesty of denier's data.

How often was that equipment calibrated? What is the margin of error? Did the calibration favor the positive side or the negative side?
Seriously, if it was 3 degrees C in the last 25 years, with the limited number of samples taken (compared to the surface area of the planet), it would be a neglible number. If you could demonstrate one area (say 1000 square miles) increased "steadily" by 5 degrees or more, you might be on to something. .6 C, please....

Logical, that is a graph from Dr. Roy Spencer, the fellow Rush Limpbaugh calls his own scientist. And his data leaves out the worst of the warmng in the Arctic.

You did not answer the questions. If you are stating this data should "change" our lives, then you should be able to tell me if the equipment was within calibration and if it was calibrated, regularly.

Comparison of satellite, thermochron and air temperatures at
Summit, Greenland, during the winter of 2008/09
Lora S. KOENIG, Dorothy K. HALL
Cryospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 614.1, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT. Current trends show a rise in Arctic surface and air temperatures, including over the
Greenland ice sheet where rising temperatures will contribute to increased sea-level rise through
increased melt. We aim to establish the uncertainties in using satellite-derived surface temperature for
measuring Arctic surface temperature, as satellite data are increasingly being used to assess temperature
trends. To accomplish this, satellite-derived surface temperature, or land-surface temperature (LST),
must be validated and limitations of the satellite data must be assessed quantitatively. During the 2008/
09 boreal winter at Summit, Greenland, we employed data from standard US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) air-temperature instruments, button-sized temperature sensors
called thermochrons and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite
instrument to (1) assess the accuracy and utility of thermochrons in an ice-sheet environment and (2)
compare MODIS-derived LSTs with thermochron-derived surface and air temperatures. The thermochron-
derived air temperatures were very accurate, within 0.10.38C of the NOAA-derived air
temperature, but thermochron-derived surface temperatures were 38C higher than MODIS-derived
LSTs. Though surface temperature is largely determined by air temperature, these variables can differ
significantly. Furthermore, we show that the winter-time mean air temperature, adjusted to surface
temperature, was 118C higher than the winter-time mean MODIS-derived LST. This marked difference
occurs largely because satellite-derived LSTs cannot be measured through cloud cover, so caution must
be exercised in using time series of satellite LST data to study seasonal temperature trends.

Doesn't that say, use SWAG?????
Inhofe, the completely owned whore for the energy corperations.

The only economic sector that will survive the EPA is the impotent, directly-subsidised, and over-hyped "green" industries. And if Obama has his way, it will be done at the expense of hundreds of thousands of jobs that actually contribute to the GDP of this country.
How often was that equipment calibrated? What is the margin of error? Did the calibration favor the positive side or the negative side?
Seriously, if it was 3 degrees C in the last 25 years, with the limited number of samples taken (compared to the surface area of the planet), it would be a neglible number. If you could demonstrate one area (say 1000 square miles) increased "steadily" by 5 degrees or more, you might be on to something. .6 C, please....

Logical, that is a graph from Dr. Roy Spencer, the fellow Rush Limpbaugh calls his own scientist. And his data leaves out the worst of the warmng in the Arctic.

You did not answer the questions. If you are stating this data should "change" our lives, then you should be able to tell me if the equipment was within calibration and if it was calibrated, regularly.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.
Logical, that is a graph from Dr. Roy Spencer, the fellow Rush Limpbaugh calls his own scientist. And his data leaves out the worst of the warmng in the Arctic.

You did not answer the questions. If you are stating this data should "change" our lives, then you should be able to tell me if the equipment was within calibration and if it was calibrated, regularly.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.

If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
You did not answer the questions. If you are stating this data should "change" our lives, then you should be able to tell me if the equipment was within calibration and if it was calibrated, regularly.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.

If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?

even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.
You did not answer the questions. If you are stating this data should "change" our lives, then you should be able to tell me if the equipment was within calibration and if it was calibrated, regularly.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
Yet another environmental expert who doesn't know how anomalies work.

Let's say the meter is off by 5 degrees. Every reading will be off by the same 5 degrees. The 30 year average will be off by the same 5 degrees. The anomaly will be calculated by comparing the current reading, off by 5 degrees, to the 30 year average, also off by 5 degrees, and the DIFFERENCE is recorded as the anomaly. If the DIFFERENCE is positive the TREND is up and if the DIFFERENCE is minus the TREND is down. Anomalies accurately show the direction of the trend no matter how inaccurate the meter is. Anomalies only show trends, they do not give the actual temperature.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
Yet another environmental expert who doesn't know how anomalies work.

Let's say the meter is off by 5 degrees. Every reading will be off by the same 5 degrees. The 30 year average will be off by the same 5 degrees. The anomaly will be calculated by comparing the current reading, off by 5 degrees, to the 30 year average, also off by 5 degrees, and the DIFFERENCE is recorded as the anomaly. If the DIFFERENCE is positive the TREND is up and if the DIFFERENCE is minus the TREND is down. Anomalies accurately show the direction of the trend no matter how inaccurate the meter is. Anomalies only show trends, they do not give the actual temperature.

and you dont understand that going back and lowering past temp data while increasing more recent data also dramatically affects the trends. these adjustments areo
on the order of half of the trend.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.
You gotta love how deniers operate. They whine and bitch that some temperature stations are in bad locations and should be removed from the data. When they are removed and the new data is charted deniers then condemn them for "adjusting" the data, while these same deniers ignore their side deliberately using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to create data that shows global cooling. You never see the deniers post a blink comparator of Christy and Spencer's UAH satellite charts.
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.
You gotta love how deniers operate. They whine and bitch that some temperature stations are in bad locations and should be removed from the data. When they are removed and the new data is charted deniers then condemn them for "adjusting" the data, while these same deniers ignore their side deliberately using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to create data that shows global cooling. You never see the deniers post a blink comparator of Christy and Spencer's UAH satellite charts.

so they magically found that old data was too high and new data was too low? riiiiiiiight.

post up a link to Spencer and Christie' fraud. I'm sure we would all be interested.
even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.
You gotta love how deniers operate. They whine and bitch that some temperature stations are in bad locations and should be removed from the data. When they are removed and the new data is charted deniers then condemn them for "adjusting" the data, while these same deniers ignore their side deliberately using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to create data that shows global cooling. You never see the deniers post a blink comparator of Christy and Spencer's UAH satellite charts.
so they magically found that old data was too high and new data was too low? riiiiiiiight.

post up a link to Spencer and Christie' fraud. I'm sure we would all be interested.
I've already done that at least a dozen time for YOU and each time you cut and run.

  1. How can you tell natural from man caused warming? - US Message ...

    7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jun 1, 2010
    Before UAH were caught using the opposite sign, deniers claimed ... by using the OPPOSITE sign to compensate for diurnal satellite drift, ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

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  2. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    Jun 1, 2010 ... Before UAH were caught using the opposite sign, deniers claimed Spencer and ... has no idea how to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... - Cached
  3. warmest January on record - Page 7 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 13, 2010
    ... his partner in crime Christy at UAH who got caught cooking the data by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

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  4. Record cold Across California - Page 4 - US Message Board ...

    10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 30, 2010
    Now that Christy and Spencer can no longer use the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift and even their data shows warming, ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

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  5. 2010 The hottest year on record - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 21, 2010
    ... satellite data to contradict global warming by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, deniers said their UAH ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  6. 2010 The hottest year on record - Page 3 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 2, 2010
    Christy and Spencer, the two frauds who got caught deliberately using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  7. warmest January on record - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 11, 2010
    ... using the opposite sign to "correct" for diurnal satellite drift, the deniers were claiming UAH satellite Troposphere data was the ONLY ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

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  8. Global Temps are dropping fast - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 6, 2010
    Now look at that 25 month running average on the UAH graph. ... where they used the opposite sign to correct for Diurnal Satellite Drift. ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

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  9. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 6 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2010
    Not only that, but after Christy at UAH was caught using the opposite sign to correct for Diurnal Satellite Drift, he co-authored a paper ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  10. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 3, 2010
    CON$ never use the RSS satellite data or the UAH data using the correct sign for Diurnal Satellite Drift, they only and exclusively use data ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  11. Roy Spencer has been showing evidence, for years, that climate ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 4
    I've gone over Spencer and Christy's dishonestly and their deliberately using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift with ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  12. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 26 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 13, 2010
    ... set were deniers Christy and Spencer at UAH. They were caught red-handed using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift. ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  13. Arctic Sea Ice Continues Expansion - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    12 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Dec 18, 2009
    Here is a chart of the Troposphere temps from RSS and UAH along with ... to use the opposite sign to calculate Diurnal Satellite Drift and ... - Cached

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  14. Global Cooling Chills Summer - Page 10 - US Message Board ...

    Aug 2, 2009... the opposite sign in their "correction" for diurnal satellite drift. ... But what does that have to do with the undeniable fact that UAH ... - Cached
  15. 97% of Scientists agree..........Al Gore knows what he is talking ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 30, 2010
    ... all attempts by deniers Christy and Spencer at UAH to cook the data by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  16. Lets have some fun at the expense of Libs - Page 3 - US Message ...

    Feb 11, 2010 ... Notice when CON$ lie about temp they ALWAYS use the UAH data that used the opposite sign to "correct" for diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached
  17. 2010 is the 23rd warmest year since 1895 in USA - Page 2 - US ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 16
    ... the satellite data at UAH by using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to create data that showed global cooling, ... - Cached

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  18. How those record temperatures were derived - Page 4 - US Message ...

    Jul 9, 2010 ... Yet, the temp curves from the UAH satellite data is almost exactly ... by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... - Cached
  19. The Death of Real Science - Page 11 - US Message Board - Political ...

    Jul 6, 2010... willingly using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift! ... You cited his partner in crime at UAH John Christy as an ... - Cached
  20. The Death of Real Science - Page 2 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jun 20, 2010
    ... the UAH satellite data of Christy and Spencer, they got caught fudging ... the OPPOSITE sign in correcting for diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached

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  21. Climate Change: It's the Sun, Stupid - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    Dec 20, 2010... falsifying the numbers by using the opposite sign to compensate for diurnal satellite drift were deniers Spencer and Christy at UAH. ... - Cached
  22. The Death of Real Science - Page 10 - US Message Board - Political ...

    Jul 1, 2010 ... You used Spencer who got caught willingly using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift!!!!! Your "criteria" involves any ... - Cached
  23. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 8 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2010
    As I have already posted, only the cooked UAH satellite data showed ... by using the opposite sign for correcting diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached

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  24. The new normal.....rising temperatures - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 4 authors
    ... partner in crime Christy at the UAH have no credibility. They were caught deliberately using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  25. Answers wanted from "global warming" supporters - Page 6 - US ...

    Dec 21, 2009 ... The Reference Frame: UAH MSU: temperatures for 2009 and ranking ... data which used the opposite sign to calculate Diurnal Satellite Drift, ... - Cached
  26. The new normal.....rising temperatures - Page 4 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 27, 2010
    ... Christy at the UAH have no credibility. They were caught deliberately using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in ... - Cached

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  27. March, Dr. Roy Spencer - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political ...

    Apr 10, 2010... using the opposite sign when calculating diurnal satellite drift, ... For a decade deniers claimed Christy and Spencer's cooked UAH data ... - Cached
  28. How those record temperatures were derived - Page 5 - US Message ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 9, 2010
    When Spencer and Christy at UAH were cooking the data to show global ... by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... - Cached
You gotta love how deniers operate. They whine and bitch that some temperature stations are in bad locations and should be removed from the data. When they are removed and the new data is charted deniers then condemn them for "adjusting" the data, while these same deniers ignore their side deliberately using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to create data that shows global cooling. You never see the deniers post a blink comparator of Christy and Spencer's UAH satellite charts.
so they magically found that old data was too high and new data was too low? riiiiiiiight.

post up a link to Spencer and Christie' fraud. I'm sure we would all be interested.
I've already done that at least a dozen time for YOU and each time you cut and run.

  1. How can you tell natural from man caused warming? - US Message ...

    7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jun 1, 2010
    Before UAH were caught using the opposite sign, deniers claimed ... by using the OPPOSITE sign to compensate for diurnal satellite drift, ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  2. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    Jun 1, 2010 ... Before UAH were caught using the opposite sign, deniers claimed Spencer and ... has no idea how to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... - Cached
  3. warmest January on record - Page 7 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 13, 2010
    ... his partner in crime Christy at UAH who got caught cooking the data by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  4. Record cold Across California - Page 4 - US Message Board ...

    10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 30, 2010
    Now that Christy and Spencer can no longer use the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift and even their data shows warming, ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  5. 2010 The hottest year on record - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 21, 2010
    ... satellite data to contradict global warming by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, deniers said their UAH ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  6. 2010 The hottest year on record - Page 3 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 2, 2010
    Christy and Spencer, the two frauds who got caught deliberately using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  7. warmest January on record - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 11, 2010
    ... using the opposite sign to "correct" for diurnal satellite drift, the deniers were claiming UAH satellite Troposphere data was the ONLY ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  8. Global Temps are dropping fast - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 6, 2010
    Now look at that 25 month running average on the UAH graph. ... where they used the opposite sign to correct for Diurnal Satellite Drift. ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  9. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 6 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2010
    Not only that, but after Christy at UAH was caught using the opposite sign to correct for Diurnal Satellite Drift, he co-authored a paper ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  10. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 3, 2010
    CON$ never use the RSS satellite data or the UAH data using the correct sign for Diurnal Satellite Drift, they only and exclusively use data ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  11. Roy Spencer has been showing evidence, for years, that climate ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 4
    I've gone over Spencer and Christy's dishonestly and their deliberately using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift with ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  12. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 26 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 13, 2010
    ... set were deniers Christy and Spencer at UAH. They were caught red-handed using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift. ... › US Discussion › Environment - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  13. Arctic Sea Ice Continues Expansion - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    12 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Dec 18, 2009
    Here is a chart of the Troposphere temps from RSS and UAH along with ... to use the opposite sign to calculate Diurnal Satellite Drift and ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  14. Global Cooling Chills Summer - Page 10 - US Message Board ...

    Aug 2, 2009... the opposite sign in their "correction" for diurnal satellite drift. ... But what does that have to do with the undeniable fact that UAH ... - Cached
  15. 97% of Scientists agree..........Al Gore knows what he is talking ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 30, 2010
    ... all attempts by deniers Christy and Spencer at UAH to cook the data by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  16. Lets have some fun at the expense of Libs - Page 3 - US Message ...

    Feb 11, 2010 ... Notice when CON$ lie about temp they ALWAYS use the UAH data that used the opposite sign to "correct" for diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached
  17. 2010 is the 23rd warmest year since 1895 in USA - Page 2 - US ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 16
    ... the satellite data at UAH by using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift to create data that showed global cooling, ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  18. How those record temperatures were derived - Page 4 - US Message ...

    Jul 9, 2010 ... Yet, the temp curves from the UAH satellite data is almost exactly ... by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... - Cached
  19. The Death of Real Science - Page 11 - US Message Board - Political ...

    Jul 6, 2010... willingly using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift! ... You cited his partner in crime at UAH John Christy as an ... - Cached
  20. The Death of Real Science - Page 2 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jun 20, 2010
    ... the UAH satellite data of Christy and Spencer, they got caught fudging ... the OPPOSITE sign in correcting for diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  21. Climate Change: It's the Sun, Stupid - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    Dec 20, 2010... falsifying the numbers by using the opposite sign to compensate for diurnal satellite drift were deniers Spencer and Christy at UAH. ... - Cached
  22. The Death of Real Science - Page 10 - US Message Board - Political ...

    Jul 1, 2010 ... You used Spencer who got caught willingly using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift!!!!! Your "criteria" involves any ... - Cached
  23. Coldest Winter in 100 Years - Page 8 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2010
    As I have already posted, only the cooked UAH satellite data showed ... by using the opposite sign for correcting diurnal satellite drift. ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  24. The new normal.....rising temperatures - Page 5 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 4 authors
    ... partner in crime Christy at the UAH have no credibility. They were caught deliberately using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  25. Answers wanted from "global warming" supporters - Page 6 - US ...

    Dec 21, 2009 ... The Reference Frame: UAH MSU: temperatures for 2009 and ranking ... data which used the opposite sign to calculate Diurnal Satellite Drift, ... - Cached
  26. The new normal.....rising temperatures - Page 4 - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 27, 2010
    ... Christy at the UAH have no credibility. They were caught deliberately using the OPPOSITE sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in ... - Cached

    Get more discussion results
  27. March, Dr. Roy Spencer - Page 3 - US Message Board - Political ...

    Apr 10, 2010... using the opposite sign when calculating diurnal satellite drift, ... For a decade deniers claimed Christy and Spencer's cooked UAH data ... - Cached
  28. How those record temperatures were derived - Page 5 - US Message ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 9, 2010
    When Spencer and Christy at UAH were cooking the data to show global ... by using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift, ... - Cached

are there any links to anything besides you saying there was a fraud?
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
Yet another environmental expert who doesn't know how anomalies work.

Let's say the meter is off by 5 degrees. Every reading will be off by the same 5 degrees. The 30 year average will be off by the same 5 degrees. The anomaly will be calculated by comparing the current reading, off by 5 degrees, to the 30 year average, also off by 5 degrees, and the DIFFERENCE is recorded as the anomaly. If the DIFFERENCE is positive the TREND is up and if the DIFFERENCE is minus the TREND is down. Anomalies accurately show the direction of the trend no matter how inaccurate the meter is. Anomalies only show trends, they do not give the actual temperature.

I'm not quite sure about this specific equipment, or what "anomaly" they have. I do, however, know something about instrumentation. The problem with instrumentation is that it's designed to work a certain way, therefore, people assume that it is working correctly and how it's designed to work. On top of that, they also assume that an instrument will only have one "anomaly" at a time. Anyone involved in instrumentation knows that one anomaly is usually linked to another. Are we sure that if the instrument was off 5 degrees, that this was the only anomaly caused by a certain problem? I watch trends that are created by the monitoring of highly sensitive transmittors and radars. I work with level transmittors, temperature transmitters, PH transmittors, pressure transmittors and turbidity transmittors every day. There's one thing I've learned about these transmittors and this expensive equipment. You CANNOT trust them.
edthecynic- is this the fraud you keep talking about but never showing us?

While their criticism of the UAH diurnal cycle adjustment method is somewhat speculative, Mears & Wentz were additionally able to demonstrate to us, privately, that there is an error that arises from our implementation of the UAH technique. This very convincing demonstration, which is based upon simple algebra and was discovered too late to make it into their published report, made it obvious to us that the UAH diurnal correction method had a bias that needed to be corrected.

Since we (UAH) had already been working on a new diurnal adjustment technique, based upon the newer and more powerful AMSUs that have been flying since 1998, we rushed our new method to completion recently, and implemented new corrections. As a result, the UAH global temperature trends for the period 1979 to the present have increased from +0.09 to +0.12 deg. C/decade -- still below the RSS estimate of +0.19 deg. C/decade.
Some Convergence of Global Warming Estimates - TCS Daily in responce to RSS paper

as an aside, RSS has made a correction to their post 1999 figures that drops them very close to UAH. so far no explanation for the change has been put forth
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
Yet another environmental expert who doesn't know how anomalies work.

Let's say the meter is off by 5 degrees. Every reading will be off by the same 5 degrees. The 30 year average will be off by the same 5 degrees. The anomaly will be calculated by comparing the current reading, off by 5 degrees, to the 30 year average, also off by 5 degrees, and the DIFFERENCE is recorded as the anomaly. If the DIFFERENCE is positive the TREND is up and if the DIFFERENCE is minus the TREND is down. Anomalies accurately show the direction of the trend no matter how inaccurate the meter is. Anomalies only show trends, they do not give the actual temperature.

I'm not quite sure about this specific equipment, or what "anomaly" they have. I do, however, know something about instrumentation. The problem with instrumentation is that it's designed to work a certain way, therefore, people assume that it is working correctly and how it's designed to work. On top of that, they also assume that an instrument will only have one "anomaly" at a time. Anyone involved in instrumentation knows that one anomaly is usually linked to another. Are we sure that if the instrument was off 5 degrees, that this was the only anomaly caused by a certain problem? I watch trends that are created by the monitoring of highly sensitive transmittors and radars. I work with level transmittors, temperature transmitters, PH transmittors, pressure transmittors and turbidity transmittors every day. There's one thing I've learned about these transmittors and this expensive equipment. You CANNOT trust them.
The meter being off by 5 degrees is NOT the anomaly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An anomaly is the deviation from the 30 year average for that meter.
edthecynic- is this the fraud you keep talking about but never showing us?

While their criticism of the UAH diurnal cycle adjustment method is somewhat speculative, Mears & Wentz were additionally able to demonstrate to us, privately, that there is an error that arises from our implementation of the UAH technique. This very convincing demonstration, which is based upon simple algebra and was discovered too late to make it into their published report, made it obvious to us that the UAH diurnal correction method had a bias that needed to be corrected.

Since we (UAH) had already been working on a new diurnal adjustment technique, based upon the newer and more powerful AMSUs that have been flying since 1998, we rushed our new method to completion recently, and implemented new corrections. As a result, the UAH global temperature trends for the period 1979 to the present have increased from +0.09 to +0.12 deg. C/decade -- still below the RSS estimate of +0.19 deg. C/decade.
Some Convergence of Global Warming Estimates - TCS Daily in responce to RSS paper

as an aside, RSS has made a correction to their post 1999 figures that drops them very close to UAH. so far no explanation for the change has been put forth
Questions about the "accuracy" of the UAH data began in 2000, and Christy and Spencer refused to check their "method." That simple algebraic correction was using the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift. We're supposed to believe that the formost experts on satellite data were too stupid to know what sign to use and as deniers just happened to GUESS the sign that showed global cooling.

And even though Mears & Wentz showed them their algebraic error in 2005, Christy and Spencer didn't get around to correcting it till 2007.
That's why they use ANOMALIES. With anomalies calibration is unimportant. But as an expert on the environment you already knew that.

If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?

even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.

That's my point. There's no zero point. If we had a baseline we could at least derive some useful information.
If the equipment is not correct how do you know the ANOMALIES even exist?
even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.
That's my point. There's no zero point. If we had a baseline we could at least derive some useful information.
The baseline is the 30 year average for that particular meter!!!!
Geeeeezzzz you guys are THICK!
even if the equipment was inaccurate but precise you would still get useful information on trends. unfortunately it is those very trends that have been 'adjusted' by Hansen et al in data sets like GISS.
That's my point. There's no zero point. If we had a baseline we could at least derive some useful information.
The baseline is the 30 year average for that particular meter!!!!
Geeeeezzzz you guys are THICK!

No, thicker person, there is no baseline for the actual instruments because Hansen keeps "adjusting" them. Try to keep up with what;s being discussed instead of blathering on about your particular bit of drivel. We don't KNOW what the measurements are because they keep getting changed. Got it? That's the issue. If the instruments keep getting adjusted after the fact you don't know what the hell the readings are do you smart guy.
That's my point. There's no zero point. If we had a baseline we could at least derive some useful information.
The baseline is the 30 year average for that particular meter!!!!
Geeeeezzzz you guys are THICK!
No, thicker person, there is no baseline for the actual instruments because Hansen keeps "adjusting" them. Try to keep up with what;s being discussed instead of blathering on about your particular bit of drivel. We don't KNOW what the measurements are because they keep getting changed. Got it? That's the issue. If the instruments keep getting adjusted after the fact you don't know what the hell the readings are do you smart guy.

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