Injured Players

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
Watched last nights game between the Redskins and Cowboys. Tony Romo was playing with a broken rib. He was wearing a flack jacket for protection and had pain injections to deaden the pain. Is it "responsible" leadership to allow a player, any player, to play in a game hurt as Romo was last night? There doesn't seem to be very much concern for the health and welfare of players when coaches allow players to enter a game with obvious injuries. What say you?
I say Romo, Jerry Jones and the rest of the Cowboys coaching staff are fools, and the team doc is borderline criminally negligent.

Read this to see what they were risking, over a silly-assed football game:

million dollar business....simple as that...he is paid to play

unlike vick he is not a total pussy and understand that
I say Romo, Jerry Jones and the rest of the Cowboys coaching staff are fools, and the team doc is borderline criminally negligent.

Read this to see what they were risking, over a silly-assed football game:


Everything I heard said that the lung puncture was healed before the game. I don't claim any medical expertise, but without direct knowledge of Romo's case I wouldn't feel right making any kind of definitive comment. I don't know where the fracture(s) are in the ribs, how bad they are, the chances of them causing worse injury when he's hit again, etc.

As strolling said, it's a multi-billion dollar business, on top of which football has a culture of toughing it out. It's at least a lot safer now (as far as players/coaches/the league being concerned about playing when injured) than it was in the past.
Point being that a relatively routine sack could've dislodged either or both ribs and caused a pneumo...Then, it's possible that without rather immediate treatment that he'd lose something a tad more valuable than a few weeks on IR.
Watched last nights game between the Redskins and Cowboys. Tony Romo was playing with a broken rib. He was wearing a flack jacket for protection and had pain injections to deaden the pain. Is it "responsible" leadership to allow a player, any player, to play in a game hurt as Romo was last night? There doesn't seem to be very much concern for the health and welfare of players when coaches allow players to enter a game with obvious injuries. What say you?

Romo's not a child. He's a highly paid professional. If he feels he can play and the coaches think he can be effective then that's what he'll do.
million dollar business....simple as that...he is paid to play

unlike vick he is not a total pussy and understand that

Romo said something about his wife not wanting a hurt husband laying around the house.....

No one can say Romo isn't tough as they come, foolish maybe but tough.
Cowboys are all about the money. That is why I like the Steelers they are a true team with Salary caps they still are able to keep key players despite of the money issue. Look Troy Palamalu just signed for 4 more years he will retire with the Steelers. He said he wanted to say with this team and it wasnt a money thing. He could have went with any team and got more money he is a beast on the field and any team would love to have him but I am happy he stayed with Pittsburgh!
Cowboys are all about the money. That is why I like the Steelers they are a true team with Salary caps they still are able to keep key players despite of the money issue. Look Troy Palamalu just signed for 4 more years he will retire with the Steelers. He said he wanted to say with this team and it wasnt a money thing. He could have went with any team and got more money he is a beast on the field and any team would love to have him but I am happy he stayed with Pittsburgh!

You think he would play for free? It's all about the mighty dollar no matter the team. They have a players union not a Dallas union or a Steelers union....
It's important to remember that teams also want to maintain the long-term health of a long-term contractual investment. If it was deemed that he was in serious danger of of a serious injury he would have sat.
Well, I think it depends on the game plan. Perhaps if the player still wants to play even if he is injured, the first-aider must do something to lessen the pain.
This makes me wonder why Cutler isn't playing with his broken thumb. ;)
Watched last nights game between the Redskins and Cowboys. Tony Romo was playing with a broken rib. He was wearing a flack jacket for protection and had pain injections to deaden the pain. Is it "responsible" leadership to allow a player, any player, to play in a game hurt as Romo was last night? There doesn't seem to be very much concern for the health and welfare of players when coaches allow players to enter a game with obvious injuries. What say you?

I say you need to take off Mrs. BBD's panties and enjoy the damn game.


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