Insect population is decreasing

If bed bugs were to all of a suddenly disappear, I wouldn't miss them. I was hit with them six years ago and they are not fun to have.

God bless you always!!!

I disagree, the number of Stickbugs as well as Bedbugs have increased a lot over the past several years. Ditto for our friend, the Cockroach, both the German and Asian varieties.
I disagree, the number of Stickbugs as well as Bedbugs have increased a lot over the past several years. Ditto for our friend, the Cockroach, both the German and Asian varieties.

Yeah that report is retarded... It's probably another lead up to Global warming bullshit.
Just like the skinny Polar bears.

I disagree, the number of Stickbugs as well as Bedbugs have increased a lot over the past several years. Ditto for our friend, the Cockroach, both the German and Asian varieties.
You disagree with facts?

There has never been a Insect Census of the country. No one knows if they are more or fewer insects than there were before.

I'm just looking around and don't see a reduction in population.

i suppose the government can extend the protections given to Praying Mantises, and start sending people to prison for killing insects regardless of species. But I don't see that as necessary.
I disagree, the number of Stickbugs as well as Bedbugs have increased a lot over the past several years. Ditto for our friend, the Cockroach, both the German and Asian varieties.
You disagree with facts?

There has never been a Insect Census of the country. No one knows if they are more or fewer insects than there were before.

I'm just looking around and don't see a reduction in population.

i suppose the government can extend the protections given to Praying Mantises, and start sending people to prison for killing insects regardless of species. But I don't see that as necessary.

It's a crock.... Insects are the dominant race on this planet...not man.

I call BS on any study that thinks random sampling will tell us the bio mass weight of trillions of insects worldwide.
Nothing will bring cockroaches to extinction, they will most likely be here when we are long gone.

No question we have altered habitat and possibly affected certain species, along with world travel spreading species out of their normal range. Thing is, the bugs will adapt far faster than us.

Spend 5 minutes in the north woods naked and plenty if insects will find you.
The DNR puts up helicopters every year to kill mosquito larvae to prevent disease.
Why o why does the DNR hate the natural order.


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New study suggests insect populations have declined by 75% over 3 decades

New study suggests insect populations have declined by 75% over 3 decades - CNN
" Suggests "

From what I read the authors of the study admit it is a difficult area if study. Meaning it is very difficult to count and measure the number of insects and was even harder in the past.

They also admit they do not have comprehensive data, especially from decades ago.

They are trying to issue a warning but lack the empirical data to make it a valid conclusion.

It is peer reviewed but very speculative.

It is also interesting that it blames large scale farming more than it does global warming.

We need large scale factory farming to feed the world. Organic farming cannot do the job and if we limited to organic farming much of humanity would starve.

On the other hand if the most dire " suggestion " of this study is true much of the world's population will starve.

Is this offering a choice between two causes of starvation ?

Or are they prepping the world to accept starvation as normal and the cause for a vast decline in human population? Which may be what many wish for.

Of course you can count on the socialist left and it's prophets like AOC to jump on this and use it as an excuse for more tyranny.

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