US budget cannot afford a GOP President

They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

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Bidumb is on pace to add 12 trillion to the debt. He is currently adding 1 trillion every 90 days. Maybe you can adjust your graph to reality and not wishful thinking.
They really can't cut social security. People need to stop falling for the right wing lie about social securty and as you are in the financial services industry, you should know good and well that social security is not a government giveaway. Nor is medicare.

What needs to be cut is defense spending, but that will never happen as long as defense contractors ante up big cash to politicians. We spend more on military than the next 9 out of the top ten military nations combined, yet the right tells us its social security, welfare and other programs that are creating the deficit. Same goes for law enforcement. Cut the budgets, why do police need tanks, humvees, rocket launchers, etc.?
If SS and Medicare aren’t government handouts how do they add to the debt every year?
Lefties complain about tax breaks for the corporations that produce the goods and services that we depend on as a Nation but they don't seem to care about the billions we spend on illegal aliens who produce nothing and rape and murder our citizens.
Those corporations are privately owned and should use the private profits for what they make. Yet the take government handouts while setting record profots. So called illegal immigrants work in those corporations in production that ends up being the products sold that those corporations make profits from. Furthermore, those illegals are killing and raping far less than home grown legal Americans. You support a presidential candidate with 26 rapes under his belt who has stolen billions from other citizens and you're talking about immigrants. Quit being race pimped.
Bidumb is on pace to add 12 trillion to the debt. He is currently adding 1 trillion every 90 days. Maybe you can adjust your graph to reality and not wishful thinking.
According to who?
Since Republicans have set records for deficits since Reagan....
OBAMA has the record. Biden & Trump will be close.

SS & Medicare are PAID FOR by the recipients. What shit-hole country are you from?

If there is a shortfall pols stole the funds and put in IOUs. Those IOUs are now due.
Nope, the current working class is paying for the current retiree class. And what they can’t cover is borrowed and added to the debt. It’s been that way since the beginning. We had a chance to stockpile money when the boomers were working but the government stole that. It’s a failing Ponzi scheme.
Math you fucking retard.
No, math tells uds that social security is deducted from our paychecks and put into an account that corresponds with our number on the social security card. It also tells us that medicare is a premium that is deducted from an individuals social security check that pays for specific medical services.
Tax receipts versus expenditures. Once again it’s a math thing and you won’t be able to follow along.
Wrong again. I'm fine with math. I asked you to tell me who is saying this.
No, math tells uds that social security is deducted from our paychecks and put into an account that corresponds with our number on the social security card. It also tells us that medicare is a premium that is deducted from an individuals social security check that pays for specific medical services

No, math tells uds that social security is deducted from our paychecks and put into an account that corresponds with our number on the social security card. It also tells us that medicare is a premium that is deducted from an individuals social security check that pays for specific medical services.
Bwah! Hahahahaha! LMAO!
I picked 1963 due to the Kennedy Assassination and the emergence of Lyndon Johnson. Soon after massive expenditure increases with the Great Society, the Moon program and the Viet Nam War ramp up took hold. The costs of the great Society and many massive programs grew exponentially. The smaller government died with Johnson. Eventually Social Security needed massive increases in the 1980's. This will only continue to grow. In the 1960's was still a rising nation with most of our products made in the country. In the 1970's as the government grew and stagflation occurred with a malaise, we transitioned form a creditor nation to a debtor one. Without the Reagan tax cuts, we would have many tax rackets with no cost-of-living indexing and a couple earning 50 thousand a year today would be in the 50% tax bracket. People were hurting before those cuts. And this does not include the massive increases in state, local and city taxes and monopolies used from citizens.
Over the last 70 years, since 1952 the budget has averaged 20% of GDP. Thats what it was when Obama handed it over to Trump, 20% of GDP. There has been no increase in government size.

Tax cuts reduced tax income to a level $300B lower than we collected during that same 70 years by bringing in only 16.1% of GDP in tax income. Was 17.4% under Obama which was slightly above average of 17.0% for 70 years.

So average spending has occurred but below average tax collection. That’s not a spending issue.
Bidumb is on pace to add 12 trillion to the debt. He is currently adding 1 trillion every 90 days. Maybe you can adjust your graph to reality and not wishful thinking.
Trump tax cuts still in place. Read post #79.

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