US budget cannot afford a GOP President

Republicans promise the country a diet of candy and ice cream and then the country gets sick. After a few years eating right candy and ice cream diet sounds fun again so we try Republicans…again. It is nuts.

Unfortunately, when times are good people get dumb.

It seems that only in times of adversity do some people use their brains - and some not even then.
Fixing Obama's dying US military.... they were stealing parts off one truck to fix another... don't you remember those stories... when Obama was asked about those reports he just chuckled...
So now you admit Trump had an increasing deficit without covid but now you dont care and want to spin it as necessary. Fucking brilliant. You people never cease to amaze me with how you will lie to yourselves.
Fixing Obama's dying US military.... they were stealing parts off one truck to fix another... don't you remember those stories... when Obama was asked about those reports he just chuckled...
We did that back in the 1960's in the Army. During motor pool inspections we would shuttle tools from one area to another ahead of the inspectors making it look like our tool inventory was complete.
So now you admit Trump had an increasing deficit without covid but now you dont care and want to spin it as necessary. Fucking brilliant. You people never cease to amaze me with how you will lie to yourselves.
Yes he did but he was also was bringing in more money to the treasury... people were investing starting businesses and paying taxes... other nations were held to paying tariffs... it was working...
Republicans may be mostly DEMS in sheep clothing but they never intentionally create a crisis to harm Americans or kill the country to re-gain power. Dems have done it routinely since 2007. Let me count the ways....uh everyone who is honest knows.
No matter how much it costs American Taxpayers to repair the damage inflicted, DEMS don't care. DEMS own 75% of $34T due to Crisis inflicted. The rest is owned by DEM and phony "R" in congress.
You still left out covid emergency spending and paying for a vaccine... and business relief... so anything you say now is suspect....

And now 15 million un-invited, un-vetted costing $0.5T-$1T annually to house and feed. DEMS cause that to inflate the voter roll and to kill the country faster so they can implement some sort of Elite and other Socialism/Communism. Constitution no matter.
Trump said it himself, under Democratic Presidents, the economy improves, but under Republican Presidents, the deficit explodes, and w/that, the economy crumbles.

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$11.5T to repair the housing crisis when they created the $1T stimulus then kept it in the non-existent budget over 8 years. Congress caused the housing bust and did not prevent it (as Obama voted present).

Big spending to fix the Military and Country from Obamas' build up of Deep state corruption. Next Russian Collusion hoax and Fauchi Flu ran up massive deficit spending. All DEMS and phony "R" on all of that desperate to regain power to destroy the records of their crimes and hide 2020 Election fraud.
Trump said it himself, under Democratic Presidents, the economy improves, but under Republican Presidents, the deficit explodes.

Are you really that desperate or clueless or trolling or all of the above? Get off the boards you big dumb OX. And fix you font!
A. Republicans never cut spending either.

B. Republicans always inherit low deficits and increase them each year of their term. Democrats do the opposite.
1. True. Republicans cut taxes and claim that will "grow" the economy. Never happens, the only thing that grows is the DEBT

2. False. Deficits don't change much between Rs & Ds. Democrats always overspend to buy votes.

......YEAR...............BUDGET DEFICIT......................ADD TO DEBT.............................................DEFICIT / GDP RATIO
Keynesian theory is that government should increase spending and debt when there are economic downturns, but once the economy has recovered the government should pay down the debt.

Only after the debt is paid down should the government consider tax cuts.

Unfortunately, the Republicans never follow up with paying down the debt and just jump into tax cuts - no matter what the state of the economy.

The Democrats keep fixing the economy, the American people get stupid and elect Republicans, then the Republicans ruin the economy again.

The American people never seem to learn.

Keynesian theory is that government should increase spending and debt when there are economic downturns, but once the economy has recovered the government should pay down the debt.

Only after the debt is paid down should the government consider tax cuts.

When the economy recovers, the Democrats should cut spending.
When have they done that?
They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

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The only President on this chart who did any actual decreasing of the deficit was Clinton, but I'm not convinced he'd have done so if not for Gingrich and the House Republicans.
They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

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LOL Says the party who wants to spend at least another 50 trillion dollars fighting mother nature.

You still left out covid emergency spending and paying for a vaccine... and business relief... so anything you say now is suspect....
Not in 2017 2018 2019 which were all increased deficits. Run away Forrest.
They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

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Actually, the US budget can't afford a congress, especially the Democrat type who find no problem using scarce tax dollars to run their campaigns. MAGA

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