Inside the Mind of a Trump Voter


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Inside the Mind of a Trump Voter

Why they aren’t moved by the mountain of legal charges heaped upon the former president.
18 Jun 2023 ~~ By Leesa K. Donner

The left is doing its level best to keep former President Donald Trump from winning a second term as Commander in Chief. Exhibits A, B, and a forthcoming C are evidence of this if one counts the Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith indictments and those still dangling out there in the divisive politisphere known as American politics. Democrats and progressives believe their cause is righteous, if not noble, and are flummoxed by the reaction of the average Trump voter to these numerous prosecutions.
There are two essential elements that lead to their confusion: One is a perverted perception of pro-Trump supporters. The other stems from the left’s imperious attitude.

A Leftist View of the Trump Voter​

What those on the left read and write about the average Trump voter is worth a brief examination because it informs their views. A recent article in Salon is indicative of their perceptions about those still backing 45. The title pretty much tells the story: “New research on Trump voters: They’re not the sharpest tools in the box” posits, “Now there’s proof: Trump’s voters lack ‘cognitive sophistication,’ [and] often believe Bible is literal word of God.”
In the article, Salon senior writer Chauncey Devega toils at length to make the case that the Trump voter is a result of an inherently flawed nation, i.e., “American society was founded on white settler colonialism, genocide and slavery. This unresolved birth defect at the foundation of the American democratic experiment meant that the country was racially exclusionary by design, from the founding well into the 20th century.”
In a nutshell, they perceive Trump voters as stupid, poorly educated Bible literalists, which they claim are vital elements needed to create a fascist. And Trump supporters, they conclude, are fascists. Such marginalization of a wide swath of the electorate has led them to believe in their derogatory suppositions rather than trying to truly comprehend the mind of a Trump voter.
So, here is a more accurate depiction for those on the left.

The Trump Voter Mindset​

First, it should be noted a sense of equality and fairness animates those who back the former president. The charges of illegally holding classified documents are a case in point. Trump supporters are willing to consider obvious questions like why one president is indicted for doing what many presidents, vice presidents, and high-ranking public officials have done. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago boxes bad, Joe Biden’s boxes good somehow doesn’t seem fair to them.
Last, by nature the Trump voter epitomizes the American spirit of individualism that was abundant during the birth of the nation. These people tend to question authority, are independent thinkers, and distrust statist attitudes and platitudes. Unlike those on the left, they don’t believe this is an inherently flawed nation founded on genocide and slavery. Instead, they believe that – while not perfect – America is the greatest nation on earth.
The reality is the anti-Trump movement may be making its case throughout various courts, but they have not made it to the court of public opinion. An unctuous, imperious attitude toward Trump supporters only broadens the national divide and ultimately reveals the left’s ignorance about millions of Americans they simply can’t – or won’t – understand.

The Stasi/FBI has already lost all credibility with their Operation Crossfire hurricane/Russia, Russia in the 2016 election and into the Trump presidency. Then, the FBI interfered in the 2020 election to coordinate the media’s denial of the Hunter Biden laptop. This is why practically all conservatives want to do something about the FBI (and want the next President to review their convictions for pardons or commutations of sentence). For example, Ron DeSantis, has laid out a plan to relocate the FBI out of Washington, DC, into its field offices, to re-focus it on law enforcement instead of politics.
Each addition to this growing mountain of legal challenges and persecution of Trump moves more skeptics to the conservative column. Maoist/DSA Democrats are scared for the rule of law which distinguishes our country from the rest.
Ever since the great unwashed, those deplorables handed the political left Hillary’s butt, the political left apparatchiks have doubled down in all sorts of methods to teach them a lesson. In doing so, the Trotskyites have failed, except to show the depth of their corruption, which in turn, brings more folks to become the unwashed!
Maoist/DSA Democrats politicians now inhabit their own self-created infested media echo chamber, which functions as a type of lie-filled and toxic closed science and sealed-off universe. The creation of such an alternate reality is an important attribute of Fascism and Socialism, in which truth itself must be destroyed and replaced with fantasies and fictions in support of the leader and his movement.
Remember, these are the same Democrats who have actually voted for convicted criminals for public office. Marion Berry, Alcee Hastings, come to mind. I’m sure there are others.
Why anyone would consider this anti-Trumpist drivel written by Chauncey Devega is ideologically blind, he's well known for Marxist Socialist leanings.
Aw geez, what retard can't tell from "“American society was founded on white settler colonialism, genocide and slavery. This unresolved birth defect at the foundation of the American democratic experiment meant that the country was racially exclusionary by design, from the founding well into the 20th century.”
that the article is Project 1619 commie agitprop?

Here's something they can suck on, let's see them explain this:

Blacks have been part of America since the beginning. Everybody has and not everybody was slaves, and there were white slaves

and black slaveowners, too.

Motherfuckers need to lose that retarded Obama racism bullshit. That MFer ain't got ary a drop of real Black American blood at all!

Obama has zero Black American heritage.

I have friends whose families have been here for 5 generations. That's black Americans.

No, not "African Americans". :nono:

By the time a family has been in America for 5-6 generations, there ain't no "Africa" about it.

Using that term means either you cow to the leftists, or are a racist, or both.

I probably could do with less cussing, that's just the port. At the port, no sentence is ever complete without 2 "fucks".
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Look, I agree with you, but why would you make a thread dedicated to an article by fucking Chauncey DeVega of all people? He's the resident clown on Salon which is an extreme clown organization. Known commodity, should be ignored. We only get 24 hours per day. Why waste any time or energy on this?
Look, I agree with you, but why would you make a thread dedicated to an article by fucking Chauncey DeVega of all people? He's the resident clown on Salon which is an extreme clown organization. Known commodity, should be ignored. We only get 24 hours per day. Why waste any time or energy on this?
Yeah when there are so many other important conservative causes...

Like who shows up on a bud light can, stopping a pizza parlor from running a child trafficking scheme, telling us how popular Tucker Carlson still is (eventhough popularity would normally speak for itself), and trying to find some new way to set yourselves up as a victim.
You still think Mexico paid for the wall...all 45 miles that got built? LOL
No, I live in the UK, no Mexico wall over here.

When you decide to mock one candidate without looking at your own candidate, it's quite telling IQ is low.

If you guys can put character assassinations to one side and simply focus on policies, you lot might get somewhere.

Inside the Mind of a Trump Voter

Why they aren’t moved by the mountain of legal charges heaped upon the former president.
18 Jun 2023 ~~ By Leesa K. Donner

The left is doing its level best to keep former President Donald Trump from winning a second term as Commander in Chief. Exhibits A, B, and a forthcoming C are evidence of this if one counts the Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith indictments and those still dangling out there in the divisive politisphere known as American politics. Democrats and progressives believe their cause is righteous, if not noble, and are flummoxed by the reaction of the average Trump voter to these numerous prosecutions.
There are two essential elements that lead to their confusion: One is a perverted perception of pro-Trump supporters. The other stems from the left’s imperious attitude.

A Leftist View of the Trump Voter​

What those on the left read and write about the average Trump voter is worth a brief examination because it informs their views. A recent article in Salon is indicative of their perceptions about those still backing 45. The title pretty much tells the story: “New research on Trump voters: They’re not the sharpest tools in the box” posits, “Now there’s proof: Trump’s voters lack ‘cognitive sophistication,’ [and] often believe Bible is literal word of God.”
In the article, Salon senior writer Chauncey Devega toils at length to make the case that the Trump voter is a result of an inherently flawed nation, i.e., “American society was founded on white settler colonialism, genocide and slavery. This unresolved birth defect at the foundation of the American democratic experiment meant that the country was racially exclusionary by design, from the founding well into the 20th century.”
In a nutshell, they perceive Trump voters as stupid, poorly educated Bible literalists, which they claim are vital elements needed to create a fascist. And Trump supporters, they conclude, are fascists. Such marginalization of a wide swath of the electorate has led them to believe in their derogatory suppositions rather than trying to truly comprehend the mind of a Trump voter.
So, here is a more accurate depiction for those on the left.

The Trump Voter Mindset​

First, it should be noted a sense of equality and fairness animates those who back the former president. The charges of illegally holding classified documents are a case in point. Trump supporters are willing to consider obvious questions like why one president is indicted for doing what many presidents, vice presidents, and high-ranking public officials have done. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago boxes bad, Joe Biden’s boxes good somehow doesn’t seem fair to them.
Last, by nature the Trump voter epitomizes the American spirit of individualism that was abundant during the birth of the nation. These people tend to question authority, are independent thinkers, and distrust statist attitudes and platitudes. Unlike those on the left, they don’t believe this is an inherently flawed nation founded on genocide and slavery. Instead, they believe that – while not perfect – America is the greatest nation on earth.
The reality is the anti-Trump movement may be making its case throughout various courts, but they have not made it to the court of public opinion. An unctuous, imperious attitude toward Trump supporters only broadens the national divide and ultimately reveals the left’s ignorance about millions of Americans they simply can’t – or won’t – understand.

The Stasi/FBI has already lost all credibility with their Operation Crossfire hurricane/Russia, Russia in the 2016 election and into the Trump presidency. Then, the FBI interfered in the 2020 election to coordinate the media’s denial of the Hunter Biden laptop. This is why practically all conservatives want to do something about the FBI (and want the next President to review their convictions for pardons or commutations of sentence). For example, Ron DeSantis, has laid out a plan to relocate the FBI out of Washington, DC, into its field offices, to re-focus it on law enforcement instead of politics.
Each addition to this growing mountain of legal challenges and persecution of Trump moves more skeptics to the conservative column. Maoist/DSA Democrats are scared for the rule of law which distinguishes our country from the rest.
Ever since the great unwashed, those deplorables handed the political left Hillary’s butt, the political left apparatchiks have doubled down in all sorts of methods to teach them a lesson. In doing so, the Trotskyites have failed, except to show the depth of their corruption, which in turn, brings more folks to become the unwashed!
Maoist/DSA Democrats politicians now inhabit their own self-created infested media echo chamber, which functions as a type of lie-filled and toxic closed science and sealed-off universe. The creation of such an alternate reality is an important attribute of Fascism and Socialism, in which truth itself must be destroyed and replaced with fantasies and fictions in support of the leader and his movement.
Remember, these are the same Democrats who have actually voted for convicted criminals for public office. Marion Berry, Alcee Hastings, come to mind. I’m sure there are others.
Why anyone would consider this anti-Trumpist drivel written by Chauncey Devega is ideologically blind, he's well known for Marxist Socialist leanings.
Word salad for a convicted criminal, you people are desperately needing your desperado. I'd get a hobby.
No, I live in the UK, no Mexico wall over here.
Quite telling indeed.
When you decide to mock one candidate without looking at your own candidate, it's quite telling IQ is low.
The piece is correct. Trump supporters are emphatically stupid; embrace conspiracy theories as gospel, and sadly believe that they are the victim of some nebulous "deep state" which is everywhere and nowhere at teh same time.
If you guys can put character assassinations to one side and simply focus on policies, you lot might get somewhere.'s that English empire doing? LOL
Inside the mind of a Trump voter.

Goddamn, who wants to go down that rabbit hole?
Well, I'm afraid we need to. This whole fucking thing is sociological, anthropological.

I don't think this is about intelligence. This is about mass manipulation, and historically that doesn't end well. We're already seeing the damage, and this could just be early on.
Well, I'm afraid we need to. This whole fucking thing is sociological, anthropological.

I don't think this is about intelligence. This is about mass manipulation, and historically that doesn't end well. We're already seeing the damage, and this could just be early on.
The mass manipulation goes both ways. You're not earning my respect claiming that only one side is being manipulated.

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