Insiders Come Forward, Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order, It was Obama

Do You Believe the Four Americans at Benghazi could have been saved, if not for Obama's Stand Down?

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May 4, 2014
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.


At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.
Yes, it is in the article. Everyone wanted to rescue Stevens, but Obama ordered theme to stand down, do nothing. They eventually disobeyed orders, but it was too late for Stevens. Watch the video.
mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable

They reported the same thing a year ago, before the book, if you watch the video. Plus there is no counter evidence, it matches the rest of the evidence.

You think they made it up? BTW the fellow on left had his hand 75% severed at the wrist in the battle. Do you really want to assume he is a liar with no evidence to back that up?
Yes, it is in the article. Everyone wanted to rescue Stevens, but Obama ordered theme to stand down, do nothing. They eventually disobeyed orders, but it was too late for Stevens. Watch the video.

I think you are a little confused.
mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable

The military ALWAYS lets private companies and their employees know details:rolleyes: This one event is dwarfing the coverage of ISL for some; for the most part, a non story. Disgusting to see these private contractors making $$$$$$ off of the deaths of those serving, where were they HIDING while others died?
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.

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At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.


Benghazi Derangement syndrome from fox "news"
mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable

The military ALWAYS lets private companies and their employees know details:rolleyes: This one event is dwarfing the coverage of ISL for some; for the most part, a non story. Disgusting to see these private contractors making $$$$$$ off of the deaths of those serving, where were they HIDING while others died?

Hiding............They fought there...........How is that hiding...............

1. England removed it's people from Benghazi after their motorcade was attacked, siting that the area was too dangerous to keep their people there.............

That was known by the White House and they took no action.

2. No ready reaction force was enabled even though the area was very violent. No increase of security.

3. 13 hours for real help to arrive. We could have sent a dang force from the United States in that amount of time. That is ridiculous..........We have bases and assets all over that region.......Not to dang mention European Countries with ready action forces that could have been there in half the time.

That is incompetent.
General Dempsey denied this in front of Congress, while under Oath; yet many believe employees of a private company over a US General:

Gen. Dempsey denies US special forces were told to stand down in Benghazi TheHill

Dempsey has served since 1974, and is being denigrated, WHY? And the bizarrre claim Obama watched the events is just that, did any of those posting pay attention to the Congressional inquiry? The slain Americans changed locations, among other events that prove these claims to be loathsome inventions of money grubbing profiteers.
Peach........We have assets all over the globe.........and in the Med region.........There is no way in hell it should have taken that long. As I already said, we could have sent people from the continental U.S. in that amount of time.
Peach........We have assets all over the globe.........and in the Med region.........There is no way in hell it should have taken that long. As I already said, we could have sent people from the continental U.S. in that amount of time.

So you claim Gen. Dempsey lied, under Oath, before Congress? Still no reason given for the grave accusation against a man who served this nation for decades. Dempsey's record is impressive for such a smear to be upheld:

Dempsey received a commission as an Armor officer upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1974. As acompany-grade officer, he served in 1st Squadron, 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment as the S-1 OIC. He went on to be the Executive Officer of the 3rd Brigade 3rd Armored Division during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. As Lieutenant Colonel he commanded the 4th Battalion of the 67th Armored Regiment "Bandits" from 1992–1995 in the 1st Armored Division in Friedberg, Hesse, Germany.[5]

In June 2003, then Major General Dempsey assumed command of 1st Armored Division. He succeeded Ricardo S. Sanchez who was promoted to Lieutenant General, as Corps Commander V Corps. Dempsey's command of the 1st Armored Division lasted until July 2005 and included 13 months in Iraq, from June 2003 to July 2004. While in Iraq, 1st Armored Division, in addition to its own brigades, had operational command over the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment and a brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division; the command, called "Task Force Iron" in recognition of the Division's nickname, "Old Ironsides", was the largest division-level command in the history of the United States Army.[6]

Dempsey talks with U.S. Marine Corps drill instructorsin March 2013.
It was during this time that the U.S. intervention in Iraq changed dramatically as Fallujah fell toSunni extremists and supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr built their strength and rose up against American forces. Then Major General Dempsey and his command assumed responsibility for the Area of Operations in Baghdad as the insurgency incubated, grew, and exploded. General Dempsey has been described by Thomas Ricks in his book "Fiasco": "In the capital itself, the 1st Armored Division, after Sanchez assumed control of V Corps, was led by Maj. Gen. Martin Dempsey, was generally seen as handling a difficult (and inherited) job well, under the global spotlight of Baghdad."

On February 5, 2008, Dempsey was nominated to head the U.S. Army, Europe/Seventh Army, and was nominated for promotion to four-star general upon Senate approval.

On March 11, 2008, Dempsey's commander, Admiral William J. Fallon, retired from active service. U.S. Secretary of DefenseRobert Gates accepted this as effective on March 31. Dempsey took over command as acting commander CENTCOM.

On March 13, 2008, Dempsey was confirmed by the United States Senate as Commander, U.S. Army, Europe/Seventh Army.[7]However due, to Admiral Fallon's unexpected retirement, Dempsey never took command of U.S. Army, Europe/Seventh Army.

On July 11, 2008, Dempsey was nominated to take command of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command while Lieutenant General Carter F. Ham replaced his nomination to command the U.S. Army, Europe/Seventh Army.[8]

On December 8, 2008, Dempsey assumed command of United States Army Training and Doctrine Command.[9]

Dempsey and Lt. GeneralBenny Gantz, Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces visiting the Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem, Israel, where Dempsey paid respect to the memory of Holocaustvictims on January 20, 2012.[10][11]
On January 6, 2011, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that he would recommend that the President nominate General Dempsey to succeed General George Casey as the Army Chief of Staff.[12] On February 8, 2011, Gates announced that President Barack Obama nominated Dempsey to be the 37th Chief of Staff of the United States Army.[13] On March 3, 2011, Dempsey testified before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, [14] and on March 15, 2011, the committee affirmatively reported Dempsey's nomination.[15] On March 16, 2011, the Senate confirmed Dempsey's nomination by unanimous consent.[16] On April 11, 2011, Dempsey was sworn in as Chief of Staff of the United States Army at a ceremony at Fort Myer.
Peach.....I don't care what he said.........I know we have assets, which would include the Med...........To take that long means the higher ups couldn't make up their dang minds or took their damned time about it.
Peach.....I don't care what he said.........I know we have assets, which would include the Med...........To take that long means the higher ups couldn't make up their dang minds or took their damned time about it.

Who erred 9/11/01? In the "bad intel" Bush blamed for the Iraq disaster? I will take Dempsey's word over private contract employees out to make $$$$$$$. You may differ as is your right. Congress accepted the General's testimony, I do not care about Obama, I do care about Americans like Gen. Dempsey, that have put their lives on the line for this nation again and again.
Peach.....I don't care what he said.........I know we have assets, which would include the Med...........To take that long means the higher ups couldn't make up their dang minds or took their damned time about it.

Who erred 9/11/01? In the "bad intel" Bush blamed for the Iraq disaster? I will take Dempsey's word over private contract employees out to make $$$$$$$. You may differ as is your right. Congress accepted the General's testimony, I do not care about Obama, I do care about Americans like Gen. Dempsey, that have put their lives on the line for this nation again and again.

I will continue to disagree......My brother was stationed in Sigonella back in the day and I've been to Rota........They have assets......military with guns and a means to transport them........Irregardless of their mission classification status.
To the OP. I voted undecided as no one here can determine whether or not they could have been saved by a more timely response. The response should have happened and a hell of a lot sooner, and our State Department ignored the warnings and violence documented by the Judicial Watch site already posted. In that report the U.S. flag was the only flag still flying there as the other countries had pulled out.....Significantly the UK.............

Given all of this, why did we stay or not at least increase security. That is incompetent before the attack. It is also incompetent to not have a ready reaction force given the ongoing violence there............

Then to the main point that ticks me off.........They LIes about what happened afterwards..............They went full bore on the video even though all sources were saying otherwise.........

How about Team Obama manning up and saying the truth instead of trying to cover it up..................Even if it means you may have screwed up............Those that died deserved better than the lies spewed afterward. Which is one of my main complaints on Benghazi.
mercenaries with a book to sell are always reliable

The military ALWAYS lets private companies and their employees know details:rolleyes: This one event is dwarfing the coverage of ISL for some; for the most part, a non story. Disgusting to see these private contractors making $$$$$$ off of the deaths of those serving, where were they HIDING while others died?

Hiding............They fought there...........How is that hiding...............

1. England removed it's people from Benghazi after their motorcade was attacked, siting that the area was too dangerous to keep their people there.............

That was known by the White House and they took no action.

2. No ready reaction force was enabled even though the area was very violent. No increase of security.

3. 13 hours for real help to arrive. We could have sent a dang force from the United States in that amount of time. That is ridiculous..........We have bases and assets all over that region.......Not to dang mention European Countries with ready action forces that could have been there in half the time.

That is incompetent.

It seems it was on purpose, everyone knew they were in danger, yet Clinton refused protection and Obama help after the attack. Good points

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