Instacart lowers its pay again. Slavery on the rise in America. Jobs all over the country lowering pay. No Democrats are speaking up about this

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.
I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum backpay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass, poverty. What are the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion. These causes of the workingman have brainwash them of their support days into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a horrible crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will practice, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lower the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.
I used Instacart during the "Cold Season" a couple of years ago. They sure charged a premium for their service. I ended up pre-ordering from a local grocery store and had my groceries brought out to me in their parking lot. I did just about anything to avoid wearing a mask. I refused that nonsense.

I wasn't planning on using Instacart again but now I'll make sure I don't. Cutting pay during Biden's horrible economy is complete B.S.
There are trans people and blacks, who work on delivery platforms and they’re getting robbed blind. This is a crime against humanity. Where is the US government on this. Where is the US government to check these criminal CEOs?. What the Democrats are doing is brainwashing people to talk about nonsense like race issues.
I used Instacart during the "Cold Season" a couple of years ago. They sure charged a premium for their service. I ended up pre-ordering from a local grocery store and had my groceries brought out to me in their parking lot. I did just about anything to avoid wearing a mask. I refused that nonsense.

I wasn't planning on using Instacart again but now I'll make sure I don't. Cutting pay during Biden's horrible economy is complete B.S.
The Indian chairman of Instacart is a monster and criminal. He’s a criminal the lowest order. He’s worth billions of dollars and he’s made billions since 2021.

He is a disgrace to the beautiful history of India.
Aren't low labor rates what many want? Americans clamor for cheap labor and rates.
The CEOs of the American past we’re much better than the filth we have today.

Again the founder of Instacart has made billions of dollars since 2021 while continuously lowing pay of his workers treating them like slaves.
I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.
So where is your link proving this? While you're at it where is the link with republican's speaking up? Add to this what businesses are lowering workers pay all over the U.S.
I used Instacart during the "Cold Season" a couple of years ago. They sure charged a premium for their service. I ended up pre-ordering from a local grocery store and had my groceries brought out to me in their parking lot. I did just about anything to avoid wearing a mask. I refused that nonsense.

I wasn't planning on using Instacart again but now I'll make sure I don't. Cutting pay during Biden's horrible economy is complete B.S.
God bless you for not wearing a mask standing up to those gov Officials

I can’t believe some people still wear masks in this country
So where is your link proving this? While you're at it where is the link with republican's speaking up? Add to this what businesses are lowering workers pay all over the U.S.
I have a friend who works for Instacart ..

It’s called simple math The minimum pay was lowered.
There are trans people and blacks, who work on delivery platforms and they’re getting robbed blind. This is a crime against humanity. Where is the US government on this. Where is the US government to check these criminal CEOs?. What the Democrats are doing is brainwashing people to talk about nonsense like race issues.
They'd go out of business in a hurry if everyone quit simultaneously. But people are happy to take the crumbs as long as they can barely stay afloat.
God bless you for not wearing a mask standing up to those gov Officials

I can’t believe some people still wear masks in this country
During that debacle, I wore a mask for 15 minutes when I had to take a mandatory drug screen for my company. It was one of those worthless, blue paper ones that did NOTHING to stop the spread of that scary cold. While I was filling out my paperwork, I had it under my chin.
I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.
Worked Instacart in Park City for a couple winters...Their "support" went from live operators, most of whom were marginally intelligible, to online chat mode of people who could barely compose simple sentences in wend English...Getting "support" over the phone is now impossible....Had a couple unwarranted sub-5-star ratings that were deemed to be undeserved, yet weren't expunged from my record for several weeks....Now their horrendously meager $7 batch pay is cut to $5?

Yeah, fuck that...That'll be a gig I never do again.
Hey are you sure you don't live in the us? Many here will tell you that you should do your best for that.
Yes, if you are free to apply your takents and ambitions youncan achieve anything you want. In Canada, it is a caste/quasi Police State
They'd go out of business in a hurry if everyone quit simultaneously. But people are happy to take the crumbs as long as they can barely stay afloat.
Sad but true....I've seen batches picked up that were pathetic....$7 base with no tip, and it didn't stay available long enough to get the $2 bump that orders that hang out on the line begin to get.
I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

One of the ways to fix inflation is lower wages. The time to go out and get a better job may be gone. With rising interest rates it's going to slow down the economy.

Even still, Joe just keep adding jobs month after month. When Republicans predicted a recession was coming. Where is it?
I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.
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