Instacart lowers its pay again. Slavery on the rise in America. Jobs all over the country lowering pay. No Democrats are speaking up about this

Lowered pay can actually look like real growth in production increases in GDP. Corrupted politicians have done this over eons.
We had better CEOs in the American past than the filth we have today.

as a poker player I do OK for myself and I feel for my fellow Americans just like so many Americans across the country. we see that this country is going to shit. But the American spirit is always there and I think we’re gonna be fine it’s just going to take hard work and determination to get us back on the right track.
We have modern day slavery in America. We have the government that is putting out garbage jobs or that is saying if he want the service industry. So it’s the government saying that the service industry is the way forward. OK then they need to do something about the corrupt CEOs, paying a garbage salary. When you have a situation where pay a solo Americans are relying on Social Security that’s a form of slavery. So Americans are relying on other people for money that’s a form of slavery. They are relying upon low income housing the relying upon government assistance for rent. They are relying on somebody else to do something for them…. wasn’t like this back in the day. It’s easy for Americans in their 60s 70s and 80s to say oh you know what get another job. No that’s not how it works.

We don't. Slavery is involuntary. Enslaved people have no rights. They can be murdered, mutilated, castrated, raped or brutally beaten. Enslaved people can be sold to other owners, their families can be separated, their children are born as property. It is one of the most evil, draconian and oppressive institutions in the history of our race.

These Instacart folks are just not being paid enough for the work that they do.
There are millions of Americans involved in the gig economy. And so what’s gonna be done about this the lowering of the pay on DoorDash and Instacart. Let’s see what the Democrats are going to do because so far I’ve seen them say nothing about this.

Oh, the Democrat party the party of John F Kennedy, the party that once stood up for the workingman has turned into trash. Let’s hope that there’s some Democrats left who care.

Thanks everyone for the contribution to this thread I hope everyone is having a wonderful time. God bless you all.
By the way, apparently, Instacart lowered the pay of their workers without even telling them. This is unbelievable, a shocking thing that this would happen in America.

We need change in this country positive change for the better for sure.
I have some choice words in this thread, and assure everyone that they are all targeted against corrupt CEOs of this country. Many of them left wingers almost all of them left wingers …who have literally made billions of dollars in the past few years while lowering the pay of their workers. It’s an unbelievable series of events. And we need to right the wrongs.
Under Trump, we had the best real wage growth in 40 years.

Massive illegal immigration has a slippery slope effect on wages. Biden has presided over ~7 million illegals in less than three years.
This is something that should galvanize people across America. There should be protests across the country. This is a real legitimate issue for workers in this country. So we have the BLM protests that turned into riots in 2020 that was disgraceful.

What is the US government doing? It Is distracting people with the BLM and radical LGBT issues. It’s a distraction from our horrible economy. There should be no concern about that. It’s not a real issue. Everyone in America is equal. The issue is workers are not paid what they used to be paid in this country.

And that includes LGBT workers, trans. Workers and black workers. These are our fellow Americans, their life matters.

Now this is a moment in American history, where we should have protesters across -country about Instacart and DoorDash lowering the pay of their workers significantly. What an issue, to galvanize the people of this country.
You need to tell your friend to stop fucking off in life and get a real job. He should learn a useful and valuable skill or trade. Being a delivery driver is not a career.
Instacart is a legit service.

Though I made most of my money from rather wealthy vacationers getting their groceries delivered, I also delivered to a number of customers who had difficulty getting out and negotiating the streets and transit in the winter.

The asshole CEO is fucking over his ground troops.
There are trans people and blacks, who work on delivery platforms and they’re getting robbed blind. This is a crime against humanity. Where is the US government on this. Where is the US government to check these criminal CEOs?. What the Democrats are doing is brainwashing people to talk about nonsense like race issues.
Again, what do YOU think Democrats should do about this?
Instacart is a legit service.

Though I made most of my money from rather wealthy vacationers getting their groceries delivered, I also delivered to a number of customers who had difficulty getting out and negotiating the streets and transit in the winter.

The asshole CEO is fucking over his ground troops.
It’s this female CEO from France. I think she’s a part of it. She joined Instacart in 2021. She’s one of those far left wing people who is on the board of some women’s rights thing. So much for women’s rights so much for female Instacart delivery workers whose pay has been lowered drastically by the Instacart, CEO and the Indian chairman

Instacart employees huge numbers of Americans. This is a serious concern.

Hope all is going well with you my friend

I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

The delivery guy is now your friend.

So happy for you.
Instacart is a legit service.

Though I made most of my money from rather wealthy vacationers getting their groceries delivered, I also delivered to a number of customers who had difficulty getting out and negotiating the streets and transit in the winter.

The asshole CEO is fucking over his ground troops.
Here in Buffalo, I talk to some people who did these jobs before the coronavirus they were making sometimes $2000 a week. Mind you working 50 hours but that’s a great rate.

Oh but according to those anti-Americans apparently they don’t deserve that money apparently for them it’s OK that since 2021 the Indian Instacart chairman literally made billions of dollars ….while during that same time Consistently lowering the pay of his workers. If this is not the issue to galvanize Democrat politicians nothing will galvanize them. If this issue doesn’t spur action from Democrat politicians, nothing will.

The Democrat party used to be the proud party of John F Kennedy. It has turned into the anti-American party.

But I think that the American spirit will prevail. I think the future will be better when we get the right politicians in office to right the wrongs.
The enemies of humanity. The enemies of free speech are trying to block this news, but nothing will stop this from getting out.

It’s the far left wing Democrats not the traditional Democrats but the far left. Want workers to be treated like slaves or indentured servants. They want them to be treated like shit and be happy about it. They want people to not be able to own a home, but Ijust rent.
Traditional Democrats, far left? What's the difference? Both the biggest threat to America and Americans. They need to be put down before they destroy this country.
Dems only care about the job numbers that they can show.....Never mind you need three of them to even have a chance at a lower middle class life.....They want you dependent and on the EBT.
We had better CEOs in the American past than the filth we have today.

as a poker player I do OK for myself and I feel for my fellow Americans just like so many Americans across the country. we see that this country is going to shit. But the American spirit is always there and I think we’re gonna be fine it’s just going to take hard work and determination to get us back on the right track.
And fix the stolen elections. Democrats learned how to cheat nationally.
When Instacart first came about the shopper was shopping for one person making $.40 per item and there was all sorts of incentives involved like an extra five dollars at the order was over $200. Those incentives are now gone and so is the $.40 per item pay.

Now, in the video in the original post, by the way, there are other videos detailing the lowering of pay on Instacart. But sure occasionally the shopper might still have a good day, but all together the pay has been lower drastically.

So, on Instacart workload has increased, but the pay has lowered. This is a bad situation. You might as well call it slavery or indentured servitude. This is why more Americans are going on government assistance. So they rely on the government for rent assistance for Social Security. This is not the American dream. This is completely unacceptable.

And check this out nowadays Instacart wants shoppers to shop for two or three people at the same time making far less money than they did when they had to shop for one person. The writings on the wall will this galvanize, the Democrats of America God willing it does. Because this is the cause of the workingman.

What about the black Americans , white Americans the LGBT Americans working these jobs their life matters. Who is going to step up? Who’s going to look out for them.

God bless everybody.
Traditional Democrats, far left? What's the difference? Both the biggest threat to America and Americans. They need to be put down before they destroy this country.

We're not the one's that attacked the capitol. That's your ilk. We're not the one's that have called for the termination of the constitution. That's your ilk. We're not the one's that created fraudulent election certifications to try and overturn a lawful election. That's your ilk. We're not the one's that roamed the halls of the capitol calling for the execution of the Vice President. That's your ilk.

Nor are we the ones calling for civil war. That's your ilk.

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