Instead of blocking the tariffs, why aren’t Dimms trying to get Mexico to secure the border?

Guatemalans, have no food... is what was reported recently of why they are coming here or Mexico... a drought...lots of farmers with no income or food...

Hondurans and Salvadorians are leaving due to crime...

we need to find a way to stem the flow out of the originating countries....

I guess that means, we need to help solve their problems....?

It would certainly cost less than paying $750 a day, out of tax payer's money, to house each one of the children.

Maybe for Guatemala it is irrigation systems, or solar pumps for obtaining deep, ground water?
There we go with all that "fix the problem at its source" blather again... standard-issue Liberal fare.

Those places are Cosmic Black Holes... you can shovel money into them, but they are bottomless pits.

We can never shovel enough money into them, and the truth is - we can no longer afford it anyway.

The interim solution?

Close the goddamned border for one year, as part of a declared national State of Emergency to fend-off invaders.

Using whatever combination of civilian and military assets and force may be necessary.

Don't care why they're coming.

It's time for them to leave.

It's time to turn the rest away.

Even if we have to change the law or undertake a legally-defensible emergency override of such laws.

Whatever-the-hell it takes to stop this, shy of paying Tribute to the Barbarians outside the gates.

Enough of this Liberal Happy Hor$e$hit and their juicy rationalizations.

Enough of these goddamned invaders.

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Instead of blocking the tariffs, why aren’t Dimms trying to get Mexico to secure the border?

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: oh wait, was that a serious question? Demtards don't want the border secure until they have let in enough illegals to rig elections.
The better question is why isn't Congress working to fix our screwed up immigration system and secure the border with Mexico? Issues like this fall under their responsibility you did this we wouldn't have a straight shot from Centeral America through Mexico into the United States then there would be no need for tariffs and Mexico might find the incentive to secure it's own border with Centeral America.
Why does Trump think that a tax hike on consumers is going to secure the border? you people still do not understand who pays tariffs and what they are for.

It’s putting pressure on Mexico because it will hurt them.

Are you playing ignorant, or are you really ignorant?

Like telling your kid he has to get a B average or else the family won’t take that summer vacation to Hawaii.

I am pretty sure you aren’t too stupid to understand the concept.
Being a Trumpbot does not add a single point to your IQ. Don't try to lecture people on something you clearly know nothing about. We pay the tariffs placed on Mexico in increased prices on goods and the government gets the proceeds. If you think this is incorrect then say why you simple little genius. hold a honestly believe that tariffs imposed by the importing country are functionally designed to generate more revenue for the exporting country?
You can’t be fucking serious...ARE YOU?
Tariffs are federal taxes collected at the port of entry on whoever is importing goods for sale in the US. These taxes are passed directly on the American consumer. How do you not know this? Oh right, you only watch news that tells you what you want to hear.The only harm on Mexico is an eventual reduced demand for products.
Why does Trump think that a tax hike on consumers is going to secure the border? you people still do not understand who pays tariffs and what they are for.
The tariff is a club-it will get Mexico to act and make the Democrats look weak.
Why does Trump think that a tax hike on consumers is going to secure the border? you people still do not understand who pays tariffs and what they are for.

It’s putting pressure on Mexico because it will hurt them.

Are you playing ignorant, or are you really ignorant?

Like telling your kid he has to get a B average or else the family won’t take that summer vacation to Hawaii.

I am pretty sure you aren’t too stupid to understand the concept.
Being a Trumpbot does not add a single point to your IQ. Don't try to lecture people on something you clearly know nothing about. We pay the tariffs placed on Mexico in increased prices on goods and the government gets the proceeds. If you think this is incorrect then say why you simple little genius. hold a honestly believe that tariffs imposed by the importing country are functionally designed to generate more revenue for the exporting country?
You can’t be fucking serious...ARE YOU?
Tariffs are federal taxes collected at the port of entry on whoever is importing goods for sale in the US. These taxes are passed directly on the American consumer. How do you not know this? Oh right, you only watch news that tells you what you want to hear.The only harm on Mexico is an eventual reduced demand for products.

You silly fool...tariffs exist for one purpose drive the cost of imported goods up and encourage consumers to buy less of said goods. What else can I teach you?
Guatemalans, have no food... is what was reported recently of why they are coming here or Mexico... a drought...lots of farmers with no income or food...

Hondurans and Salvadorians are leaving due to crime...

we need to find a way to stem the flow out of the originating countries....

I guess that means, we need to help solve their problems....?

It would certainly cost less than paying $750 a day, out of tax payer's money, to house each one of the children.

Maybe for Guatemala it is irrigation systems, or solar pumps for obtaining deep, ground water?
No, it is the Guatemalan's responsibility to fix their country. We are broke and it is a lot cheaper to keep them away from the USA via Mexico's desire to sustain a trade partnership with us.
Why does Trump think that a tax hike on consumers is going to secure the border? you people still do not understand who pays tariffs and what they are for.

It’s putting pressure on Mexico because it will hurt them.

Are you playing ignorant, or are you really ignorant?

Like telling your kid he has to get a B average or else the family won’t take that summer vacation to Hawaii.

I am pretty sure you aren’t too stupid to understand the concept.
Being a Trumpbot does not add a single point to your IQ. Don't try to lecture people on something you clearly know nothing about. We pay the tariffs placed on Mexico in increased prices on goods and the government gets the proceeds. If you think this is incorrect then say why you simple little genius. hold a honestly believe that tariffs imposed by the importing country are functionally designed to generate more revenue for the exporting country?
You can’t be fucking serious...ARE YOU?
Tariffs are federal taxes collected at the port of entry on whoever is importing goods for sale in the US. These taxes are passed directly on the American consumer. How do you not know this? Oh right, you only watch news that tells you what you want to hear.The only harm on Mexico is an eventual reduced demand for products.

You silly fool...tariffs exist for one purpose drive the cost of imported goods up and encourage consumers to buy less of said goods. What else can I teach you?
That's only half of it professor jackass. When those Mexican goods are made by American companies they make American brands less attractive and immediately hurt them. This shit is not going to work as intended and will only hit an already softening economy. Your Emperor is not going be happy till he has a recession of his very own.
It’s putting pressure on Mexico because it will hurt them.

Are you playing ignorant, or are you really ignorant?

Like telling your kid he has to get a B average or else the family won’t take that summer vacation to Hawaii.

I am pretty sure you aren’t too stupid to understand the concept.
Being a Trumpbot does not add a single point to your IQ. Don't try to lecture people on something you clearly know nothing about. We pay the tariffs placed on Mexico in increased prices on goods and the government gets the proceeds. If you think this is incorrect then say why you simple little genius. hold a honestly believe that tariffs imposed by the importing country are functionally designed to generate more revenue for the exporting country?
You can’t be fucking serious...ARE YOU?
Tariffs are federal taxes collected at the port of entry on whoever is importing goods for sale in the US. These taxes are passed directly on the American consumer. How do you not know this? Oh right, you only watch news that tells you what you want to hear.The only harm on Mexico is an eventual reduced demand for products.

You silly fool...tariffs exist for one purpose drive the cost of imported goods up and encourage consumers to buy less of said goods. What else can I teach you?
That's only half of it professor jackass. When those Mexican goods are made by American companies they make American brands less attractive and immediately hurt them. This shit is not going to work as intended and will only hit an already softening economy. Your Emperor is not going be happy till he has a recession of his very own.

Haha...leave the thinking to us good real Americans..would ya.
Well take a recession with a smile if it means fewer wetbacks.
Being a Trumpbot does not add a single point to your IQ. Don't try to lecture people on something you clearly know nothing about. We pay the tariffs placed on Mexico in increased prices on goods and the government gets the proceeds. If you think this is incorrect then say why you simple little genius. hold a honestly believe that tariffs imposed by the importing country are functionally designed to generate more revenue for the exporting country?
You can’t be fucking serious...ARE YOU?
Tariffs are federal taxes collected at the port of entry on whoever is importing goods for sale in the US. These taxes are passed directly on the American consumer. How do you not know this? Oh right, you only watch news that tells you what you want to hear.The only harm on Mexico is an eventual reduced demand for products.

You silly fool...tariffs exist for one purpose drive the cost of imported goods up and encourage consumers to buy less of said goods. What else can I teach you?
That's only half of it professor jackass. When those Mexican goods are made by American companies they make American brands less attractive and immediately hurt them. This shit is not going to work as intended and will only hit an already softening economy. Your Emperor is not going be happy till he has a recession of his very own.

Haha...leave the thinking to us good real Americans..would ya.
Well take a recession with a smile if it means fewer wetbacks.
As I told OP: Being a Trumpbot does not automatically make you a smart person. If you were smart you would do your own thinking.
There is only one elected representative of the people who can take credit for changing Mexico’s behavior. And he did it with virtually the entire Washington establishment fighting against him.

"I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended. Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!" - President Trump

Trump will also announce tonight that he has gotten Mars to give back the moon to the US

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