Insurrection 2016


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Let's test those goldfish memories

The Democrats’ pompous characterization of the mini-riot at the Capitol on January 6 as an “insurrection” is a transparent political ploy. The idea of appointing a “9/11-style” commission to investigate a riot in which no one was killed or seriously injured by the rioters is self-refuting. How about a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the murders of Trump supporters in Portland and Denver during the campaign? Or the people who died in the Minneapolis riots? That would make more sense.

Actually, if you want to talk about insurrection, the violence and violent rhetoric that the Democratic Party marshaled after Donald Trump’s election in 2016 more nearly fits the definition. I recently looked at a couple of posts that I did in November 2016 that make the point. This one was titled Violence on the Left

Let's test those goldfish memories

The Democrats’ pompous characterization of the mini-riot at the Capitol on January 6 as an “insurrection” is a transparent political ploy. The idea of appointing a “9/11-style” commission to investigate a riot in which no one was killed or seriously injured by the rioters is self-refuting. How about a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the murders of Trump supporters in Portland and Denver during the campaign? Or the people who died in the Minneapolis riots? That would make more sense.

Actually, if you want to talk about insurrection, the violence and violent rhetoric that the Democratic Party marshaled after Donald Trump’s election in 2016 more nearly fits the definition. I recently looked at a couple of posts that I did in November 2016 that make the point. This one was titled Violence on the Left

And still, not one picture of anyone storming the know...BEFORE Trump was inaugurated....trying to get Congress to overturn the election. :)
Damn, there goes that narrative.
Let's test those goldfish memories

The Democrats’ pompous characterization of the mini-riot at the Capitol on January 6 as an “insurrection” is a transparent political ploy. The idea of appointing a “9/11-style” commission to investigate a riot in which no one was killed or seriously injured by the rioters is self-refuting. How about a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the murders of Trump supporters in Portland and Denver during the campaign? Or the people who died in the Minneapolis riots? That would make more sense.

Actually, if you want to talk about insurrection, the violence and violent rhetoric that the Democratic Party marshaled after Donald Trump’s election in 2016 more nearly fits the definition. I recently looked at a couple of posts that I did in November 2016 that make the point. This one was titled Violence on the Left

And still, not one picture of anyone storming the know...BEFORE Trump was inaugurated....trying to get Congress to overturn the election. :)
Damn, there goes that narrative.
Trying to get Congress to investigate the election which they did not do when they knew 40% of voters thought there was fraud. Congress failed miserably.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than were in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

Holy shit, you're stupid. Or maybe you're just playing dumb to push your violent fascist agenda.

It doesn't matter. Your fascist traitor buds are still going to prison, regardless of how many phony fascist tears you shed on their behalf. You still won't be able to stage another violent fascist coup attempt. And the country is glad of that. Your violent fascist cult is despised by most Americans.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!

Its like car jacking an Amazon truck and declaring you now run Amazon.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

Holy shit, you're stupid. Or maybe you're just playing dumb to push your violent fascist agenda.

It doesn't matter. Your fascist traitor buds are still going to prison, regardless of how many phony fascist tears you shed on their behalf. You still won't be able to stage another violent fascist coup attempt. And the country is glad of that. Your violent fascist cult is despised by most Americans.
What have I ever said that is fascist? I'll wait.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!

Its like car jacking an Amazon truck and declaring you now run Amazon.

I thought that I'd never see the day when I disavow my own Gov't!
But the time has come.
Let's test those goldfish memories

The Democrats’ pompous characterization of the mini-riot at the Capitol on January 6 as an “insurrection” is a transparent political ploy. The idea of appointing a “9/11-style” commission to investigate a riot in which no one was killed or seriously injured by the rioters is self-refuting. How about a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the murders of Trump supporters in Portland and Denver during the campaign? Or the people who died in the Minneapolis riots? That would make more sense.

Actually, if you want to talk about insurrection, the violence and violent rhetoric that the Democratic Party marshaled after Donald Trump’s election in 2016 more nearly fits the definition. I recently looked at a couple of posts that I did in November 2016 that make the point. This one was titled Violence on the Left

What definition of insurrection are you using... can you post it?
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!

Its like car jacking an Amazon truck and declaring you now run Amazon.

I thought that I'd never see the day when I disavow my own Gov't!
But the time has come.

Its so sad. The ChiComs run America...thanks to these dumb liberal fucks.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!

Its like car jacking an Amazon truck and declaring you now run Amazon.

I thought that I'd never see the day when I disavow my own Gov't!
But the time has come.

Its so sad. The ChiComs run America...thanks to these dumb liberal fucks.

Biden's open border policy IS a threat to my well-being as I live in the Southwest. This makes my own Gov't a threat!!
Let's test those goldfish memories

The Democrats’ pompous characterization of the mini-riot at the Capitol on January 6 as an “insurrection” is a transparent political ploy. The idea of appointing a “9/11-style” commission to investigate a riot in which no one was killed or seriously injured by the rioters is self-refuting. How about a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the murders of Trump supporters in Portland and Denver during the campaign? Or the people who died in the Minneapolis riots? That would make more sense.

Actually, if you want to talk about insurrection, the violence and violent rhetoric that the Democratic Party marshaled after Donald Trump’s election in 2016 more nearly fits the definition. I recently looked at a couple of posts that I did in November 2016 that make the point. This one was titled Violence on the Left

Oh. Let's go back further and talk about the insurrection and violence by the right in 2008.

But none of them attacked the capital and attempted to over turn an election.

Nice try but no cigar.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!

Its like car jacking an Amazon truck and declaring you now run Amazon.

I thought that I'd never see the day when I disavow my own Gov't!
But the time has come.

Its so sad. The ChiComs run America...thanks to these dumb liberal fucks.

Biden's open border policy IS a threat to my well-being as I live in the Southwest. This makes my own Gov't a threat!!

Absolutely....and just a few years ago Biden and all the Dems were talking about border security.

Biden has kids in cages, too. :auiqs.jpg:

If Hispanics tended to vote conservative, that border would be sealed up tighter than a Rolex Submariner.
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government. You did. Stop redefining words.
You overthrow nothing without guns. Especially a government. Period.

They think some guy in Viking hat taking a shit on Pelosi’s desk is a fucking insurrection.

So goddamn stupid. I have more guns in my house than wer in that entire “INSURRECTION”. Its such bullshit.

Their installed Dimm Gov't is no longer MY GOV'T!!

Its like car jacking an Amazon truck and declaring you now run Amazon.

I thought that I'd never see the day when I disavow my own Gov't!
But the time has come.

Its so sad. The ChiComs run America...thanks to these dumb liberal fucks.

Biden's open border policy IS a threat to my well-being as I live in the Southwest. This makes my own Gov't a threat!!
That’s claim is absurd. Why must you be so dramatic?
The Democrats didn't try to overthrow a government.

You're KIDDING, right? The Capitol protesters merely tried to protest an illegal election forced down our throats in violation of state laws many times over.

The Democrats tried to nullify an election then tried to overthrow the government:
  • When they wiretapped the Whitehouse.
  • Planted the fraudulent Steele Dossier
  • Lied to the FISA Court.
  • Had many within the FBI and DOJ helping.
  • Repeatedly encouraged outsiders to attack Cabinet and Administration officials.
  • Carried out a baseless Mueller investigation to sidetrack the press and public.
  • Used shadow whistleblowers to spy on the president distorting a legitmate investigation as a fragile basis for impeaching the POTUS.
  • Supported the rioting and looting of America in 2020, the takeover of cities, and the attacks on federal buildings and employees.
And WHY? Because if the election is admitted or shown fraudulent, not only does it bring questions upon Joe's legitimacy and put many people in very hot water, but it makes it impossible now to prosecute the rioters as "insurrectionists" as their cause was just!

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