Insurrectionists have been treated unreasonably harshly.

That's all you got? What a loser, you are.

Wake up whitey, you're dreaming again. This is not still last night with the little misses still bitching at you, assuming you even HAVE a little misses and she doesn't go Woof! Woof!

BTW, bonehead, commas don't go in the middle of simple sentences. You know--- grade school.
Yeah, probably all that or maybe you can just go FUCK yourself, drop dead, eat shit, and clog up a sewer somewhere. :fu:
I think you might have the order a bit wrong.

I would suggest having him eat the shit BEFORE he dropped dead, instead.
What about all the antifa and blm insurrectionists? Do they get the same treatment?

When Antifa (not real) or the blm (almost 100% peaceful protests) suddenly invade our Capital Building using force yes, I would say the same thing about them. The purpose for the invasion was to damage our Republic. Next time (and there will be a next time) shoot them and haul them off in bundles.
You know the thing is you retards don't even know what "fascism" is, its impossibly fucking comical how you fucktards toss that around, "fascism," as a pejorative, and you are literally clueless what fascism, and fascists are! This is of course due to the public schooling you were subjected to, where they performed an intellectual abortion upon your defenseless mind in grades 1-12, then cut you loose.

Fascism sweetie-pie, is "woke" woke is textbook fascism, as is a media that serves the interests of a ruling elite political/industrial class by fomenting one accepted line of intellectual reasoning, one accepted political orientation, whilst ruthlessly attacking, and suppressing any other!

Textbook fascism is where the entire educational system of a nation, its industrial/technology base, and its dominant popular culture, are wedded to a single accepted line of intellectual reasoning, one acceptable political orientation, whilst ruthlessly isolating, marginalizing, and ultimately eliminating all dissenting opinion by refusing to educate the dissenters, represent politically the dissenters, and ultimately barring them from meaningful work!

Now I understand your IQ is running in the mid, to upper 70's, but even you should now, after above tutorial, understand, that Trump, whilst perhaps an asshole, and his base of American support while somewhat aggravating, are about as far removed from fascism, as "woke" is from sensible! :poke:

Actually, I had an IQ twice what you claim I have now. But you may be right. Trying to debate you does kill a brain cell or two in the process.
Imprisoned for a year, starved, beaten and tortured. One of the people is at risk of dying now because they deny him the healthcare he needs.

No charges, no bail, no hearing, no court date. No attorney, no family, no visitation, no company, no personal needs or care.

Now what if this man finally comes to trial and all charges dropped? What if his crime merits 40 days?

This is inhuman, it is unAmerican, it is unconstitutional, it is illegal.

America the Gulag for political prisoners of the Left as they sit back laughing and loving it all.

All involved should be shot as traitors once the truth comes out and justice and law prevails in America again.
Yep and when they are released and one or more decides to live by the feud on democrats the dems should not be a bit surprised.

"Who radicalized you?....You did" comes to mind.
Actually, I had an IQ twice what you claim I have now. But you may be right. Trying to debate you does kill a brain cell or two in the process.
Sweetie-pie, you humiliate self, massively, speaking such imbecilic lies.... You are just another dope smoking basement dweller, either in mentality, or actuality, either way, you are decisively below average, thats dull average sweetie-pie.... :poke:
You know the thing is you retards don't even know what "fascism" is, its impossibly fucking comical how you fucktards toss that around, "fascism," as a pejorative, and you are literally clueless what fascism, and fascists are! This is of course due to the public schooling you were subjected to, where they performed an intellectual abortion upon your defenseless mind in grades 1-12, then cut you loose.

Fascism sweetie-pie, is "woke" woke is textbook fascism, as is a media that serves the interests of a ruling elite political/industrial class by fomenting one accepted line of intellectual reasoning, one accepted political orientation, whilst ruthlessly attacking, and suppressing any other!

Textbook fascism is where the entire educational system of a nation, its industrial/technology base, and its dominant popular culture, are wedded to a single accepted line of intellectual reasoning, one acceptable political orientation, whilst ruthlessly isolating, marginalizing, and ultimately eliminating all dissenting opinion by refusing to educate the dissenters, represent politically the dissenters, and ultimately barring them from meaningful work!

Now I understand your IQ is running in the mid, to upper 70's, but even you should now, after above tutorial, understand, that Trump, whilst perhaps an asshole, and his base of American support while somewhat aggravating, are about as far removed from fascism, as "woke" is from sensible! :poke:
.....and since the very symbolism of the implement chosen to represent fascism -- the fasces -- references the political power wielded by a group of people that allows for no dissent whatsoever, I would offer that cancel culture is certainly indicative of just that.

Of course, this child knows nothing of fascism and is just making it up as he goes.
Yep and when they are released and one or more decides to live by the feud on democrats the dems should not be a bit surprised.

"Who radicalized you?....You did" comes to mind.

I've thought the same thing. If these people weren't true "enemies of the state" before, Nancy sure has given them every reason now to truly despise the Left.
Sweetie-pie, you humiliate self, massively, speaking such imbecilic lies.... You are just another dope smoking basement dweller, either in mentality, or actuality, either way, you are decisively below average, thats dull average sweetie-pie.... :poke:

Thank you for not adding to the discussion. Have a nice life, Comrade.
The January 6 rioters were shameful idiots who enabled the Democrats to distract the public away from the evidence of serious election fraud. Every rioter who assaulted police officers should spend some time in jail.

The January 6 riot enraged many centrist Independents and Republicans who may otherwise have been more willing to consider the evidence of election fraud. But, since the Democrats/media associated the rioters with "election denial," many centrists/moderates closed their minds on the issue.
When Antifa (not real) or the blm (almost 100% peaceful protests) suddenly invade our Capital Building using force yes, I would say the same thing about them. The purpose for the invasion was to damage our Republic. Next time (and there will be a next time) shoot them and haul them off in bundles.
They HAVE been treated overly harsh to the point it's cruel and unusual punishment. I see where an antifa punk showed up at the Pinellas County court last Friday with a bomb to blow up a peaceful protest. They were protesting the harsh treatment their local war hero is getting for being at the Jan 6 protest. Let's see what they do with this bomber, or maybe Kamala will arrange his bail.
They HAVE been treated overly harsh to the point it's cruel and unusual punishment. I see where an antifa punk showed up at the Pinellas County court last Friday with a bomb to blow up a peaceful protest. They were protesting the harsh treatment their local war hero is getting for being at the Jan 6 protest. Let's see what they do with this bomber, or maybe Kamala will arrange his bail.
They think we have attention span only as long as theirs. We will remember.
When Antifa (not real) or the blm (almost 100% peaceful protests) suddenly invade our Capital Building using force yes, I would say the same thing about them. The purpose for the invasion was to damage our Republic. Next time (and there will be a next time) shoot them and haul them off in bundles.

Got it. YOu are just here to talk shit, and want to keep seeing your side get kid glove treatment while you gun down your enemies like dogs.

Here is the deal Vrenn. YOu can lie to yourself about this shit, but the people you are killing, will not care about the lies you tell yourself. THe blow back will be fierce.

You really ready for that? Or will you be one of those people that start some shit and then whine like a faggot when it comes back and bites you on the ass?
Got it. YOu are just here to talk shit, and want to keep seeing your side get kid glove treatment while you gun down your enemies like dogs.

Here is the deal Vrenn. YOu can lie to yourself about this shit, but the people you are killing, will not care about the lies you tell yourself. THe blow back will be fierce.

You really ready for that? Or will you be one of those people that start some shit and then whine like a faggot when it comes back and bites you on the ass?

Actually, I could give a crap about the insurrectionist political motives. The next time anyone group does that, shoot them dead. Protesting in the streets is not Insurection. But invading our capital building to prevent what they tried to do then we shoot them dead. The fact that YOUR bunch is more likely to try that again means that YOUR bunch will be the most likely people shot and killed. So much for your BS about supporting the Cops. Next time you are going to have to be in a gun fight.
Actually, I could give a crap about the insurrectionist political motives. The next time anyone group does that, shoot them dead. Protesting in the streets is not Insurection. But invading our capital building to prevent what they tried to do then we shoot them dead. The fact that YOUR bunch is more likely to try that again means that YOUR bunch will be the most likely people shot and killed. So much for your BS about supporting the Cops. Next time you are going to have to be in a gun fight.

Yeah, I heard your excuses the first time. My point stands. YOu can talk all the shit you want. That won't mean shit when shit gets real.

You are starting shit and your plan to deal with it, is to tell lies to yourself, as though that will protect you or yours.

How many of your people you willing to see die to have your way?
Yeah, I heard your excuses the first time. My point stands. YOu can talk all the shit you want. That won't mean shit when shit gets real.

You are starting shit and your plan to deal with it, is to tell lies to yourself, as though that will protect you or yours.

How many of your people you willing to see die to have your way?

If it means protecting our Republic against you terrorists then as many as it needs to be. And that means ANYONE or ANY GROUP regardless of political creed.

And it wasn't me that started this. You blood thirsty Rumphumper Terrorists did.
If it means protecting our Republic against you terrorists then as many as it needs to be. And that means ANYONE or ANY GROUP regardless of political creed.

And it wasn't me that started this. You blood thirsty Rumphumper Terrorists did.

Your side was rioting for years before 1/6.

That your ignore that reality and focus on the one little right leaning riot, and pretend it is the whole story, is just you telling yourself shit.

Which as I said, none of us over here are buying at all.

Before you start shit, you should take a moment and think about the potential cost and if you are really willing to pay it.

AFterwards, will be too late.

So which will it be? Are you a grown up, or are you a child, who thinks that wishing something will make it true?

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