Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
These people are given directives as to outcome and told here is the money to do it... Blatant FRAUD of the worst kind..

They even admit to dumping data that doesn't give credence to their agenda. Just like the global warming fools...
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Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Oh look. Paul Driessen, a well-paid Heartland shill, is earning his paycheck. A paid advocate for polluters is helping polluters pollute by muddying the waters. Where have we seen this before? The tobacco industry comes to find.

First case: One bad researcher at Duke.

Second case: Good science by EPA on particulates, backed up by just about everything. Meta-studies say "hell, yes" to the link. It's expected that few won't, just by statistical chance.

Third case: Who knows? Link doesn't work.
Not News: Researchers Claim to Have 'Invalidated' EPA's Core Global Warming 'Finding'
A peer-reviewed research report published last week by three highly qualified researchers with the agreement of seven others similarly accomplished charges that the entities reporting historical and current worldwide temperatures have adjusted their data to show global warming which has not actually occurred.

The trio has concluded that this data is "not a valid representation of reality," and that as a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 2009 "Endangerment Finding" — essentially that global warming has been occurring and continues to accelerate due to human activity — is, in the study's words, "invalidated." The establishment media's silence has been deafening.

Real scientists debunking the alarmist clap trap... Even addresses Mann's current legal predicament.
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Oh look. Paul Driessen, a well-paid Heartland shill, is earning his paycheck. A paid advocate for polluters is helping polluters pollute by muddying the waters. Where have we seen this before? The tobacco industry comes to find.

First case: One bad researcher at Duke.

Second case: Good science by EPA on particulates, backed up by just about everything. Meta-studies say "hell, yes" to the link. It's expected that few won't, just by statistical chance.

Third case: Who knows? Link doesn't work.
LOL.... leave it to a lying scum sucking cat to go with cherry picking data and only the shit that puts forth your socialist one world government agenda...
This is because all grant monies are political. They are all democratic. Whatever the people want to hear is what is voted for, including grant money. Gone are the days of kings and dictators who could sponsor true science because their money didn't come from public voting sentiment.
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Can universities go bankrupt when the student loan bubble burtsts?
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Can universities go bankrupt when the student loan bubble burtsts?
NO but the US tax paying citizens can... we own the loans..
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Can universities go bankrupt when the student loan bubble burtsts?
NO but the US tax paying citizens can... we own the loans..
Interesting. How? The citizens are not the administrators or the underwriters, the "elected" reps are.
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Can universities go bankrupt when the student loan bubble burtsts?
NO but the US tax paying citizens can... we own the loans..
Interesting. How? The citizens are not the administrators or the underwriters, the "elected" reps are.
If you pay taxes your holdin the bag...
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Can universities go bankrupt when the student loan bubble burtsts?
I would assume that they could and it may be advantageous for that to happen to the ones that have outgrown their usefulness. Many universities are just places to pander to special interest and a lot of them are used for political payoffs. When some of those university doctor's determined to play politics verses take care of people they f'd up in my opinion.
I put all the university grant links that showed how much money each has gotten and what they were for one early morning here on usmb but it disappeared. evidently the feds didn't like that info all on here. It is easy enough to find online.
WUWT and a blog? Silly Billy, why don't you just post straight from the National Enquirer?
feckless fool who denigrates rather than looks at what is presented.. standard left wing bigot practice... is that you Saul Alyinsky?

This is why we know everything you post is pure political bull shit..
Integrity Deficient Science, its at epidemic levels

"The epidemic of agenda-driven science by press release and falsification has reached crisis proportions.

In just the past week: Duke University admitted that its researchers had falsified or fabricated data that were used to get $113 million in EPA grants – and advance the agency’s air pollution and “environmental justice” programs. A New England Journal of Medicine (NJEM) article and editorial claimed the same pollutants kill people – but blatantly ignored multiple studies demonstrating that there is no significant, evidence-based relationship between fine particulates and human illness or mortality.

In an even more outrageous case, the American Academy for the Advancement of Science’s journal Science published an article whose authors violated multiple guidelines for scientific integrity. The article claimed two years of field studies in three countries show exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides reduces the ability of honeybees and wild bees to survive winters and establish new populations and hives the following year. Not only did the authors’ own data contradict that assertion – they kept extensive data out of their analysis and incorporated only what supported their (pre-determined?) conclusions.

You cant make this stuff up.. politically driven outcomes.. to get grant monies
The universities are getting about a trillion dollars a year and many are no better than the banking and insurance industry at this point but everyone spiritually living in egypt-double straights has their little cubicle, pillar and pedestal now don't they?
Can universities go bankrupt when the student loan bubble burtsts?
I would assume that they could and it may be advantageous for that to happen to the ones that have outgrown their usefulness. Many universities are just places to pander to special interest and a lot of them are used for political payoffs. When some of those university doctor's determined to play politics verses take care of people they f'd up in my opinion.
Then I think the ones that will go out of business will be the universities that taught traditional subjects such as science and engineering. They are not in the game, they are only lifted by it. The politically centered universities with the so called soft sciences will stay in business after the student loan bubble bursts. This seems to be the case in every industry that goes through a craftily generated bubble almost always.

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