Intercepts show Sessions met with Russians about campaign several times

This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"
Sessions is the second biggest liar in this administration. The first, of course, is Comrade Trump.
Yeah but Barry Hussein was in charge and he said that y'all lefties were complete fools if you thought the Russians had any influence on the presidential campaign. Which is it lefties, are y'all fools or was Hussein lying to y'all?
It's that pesky "perjury" law. Sessions said under oath to the United States Senate that he had not met with any Russians. That was during his confirmation hearing as Attorney General.
This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

They truly are trying to outdo CNN for the title of "Fake news Central".

"Obviously, I cannot comment on the reliability of what anonymous sources describe in a wholly uncorroborated intelligence intercept that The Washington Post has not seen and that has not been provided to me," Sarah Isgur Flores, a Justice Department spokeswoman, told the Post in a statement."

WashPost: Intelligence Intercepts Reveal Sessions Discussed Campaign Matters With Russian Ambassador

Thats tabloid sensationalism news from the Washington Post, because newspapers are dying they resort to this.
The news report is claiming info from illegal surveillance of Sessions that would have had to be illegally leaked (per espionage act) claiming he discussed elections, yet that can mean anything from asking what day is the election to why we don't let third parties have equal rights, and is VAGUE to sound nefarious to get people like the Op to read it or in his case spam the forum for viewership.
I guess the OP also believes Elvis is on mars hanging with BIG FOOT?

Once again, the narrative is in calling the ambassador "the Russians" and Obama met him 22 times (according to WH logs) including ordering Sessions to meet that ambassador. Now we know Obama knew about Russia's activities and that ambassador's surveillance then he (Obama)is exposed as abusing his power to spy on Sessions and eventually Trumps team for political motives like perhaps these conveniently timed slow leaks from old stories revised and revisited with new narratives.
Tell me this. Why would anyone meet with or talk to a high level Russian government representative and not think their conversation will be picked up by some unit of the USIC? Trump and his cronies were either incredibly naive or weren't but also just didn't give a damn. Given Trump's hubris, it could, for him, be both.

Regardless, the whole lot of them, and the U.S. as a whole, would have been a lot better off simply disclosing the full and complete nature of their interactions with any Russian "players." For one thing, we wouldn't be having the "Russia" investigation. Trump team members would have told the "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth," and it'd have been found to align with intercepted information and that'd have been that. The question of collusion wouldn't be in play for there'd be no apparent effort to have obfuscated the nature and extent of involvement with Russian government officials and cutouts. There'd be no question of whether there exists(-ed) any subterfuge.

It'd be different were it a U.S. ally's representative with whom the discussions were held, but it wasn't. They chose to cozy up with one of America's most ardent adversaries.

I don't know what specifically was afoot among the Trump team members. I do know that people don't time and time again get caught lying when nothing untoward is going on.
  • Sessions said he had no contact with Russian officials, yet he did.
  • Sessions said the conversation(s) didn't involve the campaign, yet we now learn it did.
  • Trump, Jr. said he didn't meet with a Russian representative, yet he did.
  • Kushner thrice forgot to list in his security clearance attestations interactions he had with Russians of note.
That nothing "shady" was going on defies all reasonable logic. One doesn't when asked did "X" happen say that it didn't and then change one's story when information appears indicating that "X" did indeed happen. Honest people would say, "'X' happened. 'Such and such' are the details." That is just not what Trump's people have done.
It's that pesky "perjury" law. Sessions said under oath to the United States Senate that he had not met with any Russians. That was during his confirmation hearing as Attorney General.
Moreover, he volunteered that attestation! That was a willful undertaking to misrepresent the truth.
Sessions is the second biggest liar in this administration. The first, of course, is Comrade Trump.
You may think so. I think there's a tie in that race. I just haven't figured out whether the tie is for first or second place.

After reading some more of the
Washington Post's claims:
I noticed a major problem with the claims, being that Sessions was not yet part of the Trump team nor informed on Trump's positions so the Post is caught lying.
AND- A Russian telling a Senator his country's positions, because he is an Ambassador and that is what they do, is perfectly normal.
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HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA man you liberals and the media liars are really reaching for anything you can,, This has already been disproved. If there is any type of evidence NOW it is MANUFACTURED. in the days of computers, the information of all of the ACTUAL discourse was available on day one of the investigation. Any "found later" shit is just lies and manufactured propaganda. Just like the emails from shitbitch they were all available on day one, the problem was finding a way to cut enough from them to keep shitbitch from being hung along with her boss. The problem with the TRUMP investigation is the time to manufacture enough to bring down the duly elected president of the country.
It's that pesky "perjury" law. Sessions said under oath to the United States Senate that he had not met with any Russians. That was during his confirmation hearing as Attorney General.

If there was ever a record for lies in the first six months of an administration, this one has broken that record.
View attachment 139952
After reading some more of the
Washington Post's claims:
I noticed a major problem with the claims, being that Sessions was not yet part of the Trump team nor informed on Trump's positions so the Post is caught lying.
AND- A Russian telling a Senator his country's positions, because he is an Ambassador and that is what they do, is perfectly normal.


This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

I don't think so--it was two reporters from the Washington Post that started and ended Watergate. They take a lot of pride in what they put out--so they verify by 3 qualified sources before it goes into print, because they HATE to retract stories.

You might want to watch "All of the Presidents Men"---

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