Intercepts show Sessions met with Russians about campaign several times

This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

I don't think so--it was two reporters from the Washington Post that started and ended Watergate. They take a lot of pride in what they put out--so they verify by 3 qualified sources before it goes into print, because they HATE to retract stories.

You might want to watch "All of the Presidents Men"---

I have to agree with you. Organizations like The Post don't at all care to run attestations from unnamed sources because it makes for more work for them. They have to obtain additional corroboration for anything they can't attribute to a specific person.
This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

Well two reporters from the Washington Post was what brought Nixon down. You might want watch "All of the Presidents Men" again to see how the Washington Post works--LOL They do take a lot of pride in what they put out, and will check 3 different qualified sources before printing an article--because they HATE to have to retract a story.

Here is the article--in case some of you can't get it.

"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials both in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign.

One U.S. official said that Sessions — who testified that he has no recollection of an April encounter — has provided “misleading” statements that are “contradicted by other evidence.” A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had “substantive” discussions on matters including Trump’s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S.-Russia relations in a Trump administration."
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

NEXT--ask yourselves--why is this happening NOW?

There has never been a President in this nations history that was so naive and frankly stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and now the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE--the more they will write and report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies by stating Russia is just a "ruse"--the more he implicates himself in a coverup and the deeper they will dig. He has insulted and threatened firings in the DOJ, so they will leak information.

Lately there have been rumors that Trump is considering firing special prosecutor Robert Mueller--so someone within the DOJ--FBI or CIA is leaking information to the Washington Post at this time.

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This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

I don't think so--it was two reporters from the Washington Post that started and ended Watergate. They take a lot of pride in what they put out--so they verify by 3 qualified sources before it goes into print, because they HATE to retract stories.

You might want to watch "All of the Presidents Men"---

I have to agree with you. Organizations like The Post don't at all care to run attestations from unnamed sources because it makes for more work for them. They have to obtain additional corroboration for anything they can't attribute to a specific person.

Yeah they're pretty thorough--and I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate. They will not reveal their sources--but they make certain their sources are qualified.
This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

I don't think so--it was two reporters from the Washington Post that started and ended Watergate. They take a lot of pride in what they put out--so they verify by 3 qualified sources before it goes into print, because they HATE to retract stories.

You might want to watch "All of the Presidents Men"---

I have to agree with you. Organizations like The Post don't at all care to run attestations from unnamed sources because it makes for more work for them. They have to obtain additional corroboration for anything they can't attribute to a specific person.

Yeah they're pretty thorough--and I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate. They will not reveal their sources--but they make certain their sources are qualified.
I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate.

To the best of my recollection (I haven't checked to confirm it), the moniker "fake news" is original rhetoric Donald Trump conceived and implemented. If I had to guess, I'd say the idea came to him as an outgrowth of the way things work in so-called reality television where much is staged yet made to seem authentic. Then again, it may be a result of his reading the National Enquirer, which he has cited and lauded, and that is more interested in selling copy than in accurate reporting.
Intercept of Trump Tweeter feed shows Trump Unhinged Accuses NYT of foiling US attempts at killing Al-Baghdadi and having a "sick agenda over National security"....this would be days after granting the "Failing NYT" an Interview :dunno:................

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Failing New York Times foiled U.S. attempt to kill the single most wanted terrorist,Al-Baghdadi.Their sick agenda over National Security

6:45 AM - 22 Jul 2017
Obviously Don THE Con is leaking the dirt on Sessions as a prelude to shit-canning him.
Intercept of Trump Tweeter feed shows Trump Unhinged Accuses NYT of foiling US attempts at killing Al-Baghdadi and having a "sick agenda over National security"....this would be days after granting the "Failing NYT" an Interview :dunno:................

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Failing New York Times foiled U.S. attempt to kill the single most wanted terrorist,Al-Baghdadi.Their sick agenda over National Security

6:45 AM - 22 Jul 2017

Your point?

Your a parrot.
At te end of the article, it states that the information they obtained may be an exaggeration.
But that didn't stop them from making headlines for people like you to parrot as fact.

Would you care to point that claim out in this article.

Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

Your a parrot.
At te end of the article, it states that the information they obtained may be an exaggeration.
But that didn't stop them from making headlines for people like you to parrot as fact.

Would you care to point that claim out in this article.

Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show

A scary day when the Lying Snakes are in charge.
This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

I don't think so--it was two reporters from the Washington Post that started and ended Watergate. They take a lot of pride in what they put out--so they verify by 3 qualified sources before it goes into print, because they HATE to retract stories.

You might want to watch "All of the Presidents Men"---

I have to agree with you. Organizations like The Post don't at all care to run attestations from unnamed sources because it makes for more work for them. They have to obtain additional corroboration for anything they can't attribute to a specific person.

Yeah they're pretty thorough--and I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate. They will not reveal their sources--but they make certain their sources are qualified.
I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate.

To the best of my recollection (I haven't checked to confirm it), the moniker "fake news" is original rhetoric Donald Trump conceived and implemented. If I had to guess, I'd say the idea came to him as an outgrowth of the way things work in so-called reality television where much is staged yet made to seem authentic. Then again, it may be a result of his reading the National Enquirer, which he has cited and lauded, and that is more interested in selling copy than in accurate reporting.

Well you know it's that "alternate" facts world that he & his supporters live in.

One thing for certain Sean Hannity and all these right wing talk shows are forced again to work OVERTIME this weekend for their programs on Monday. It should be hillarious as to what they come up with on Monday.


There has never been a President in this nation's history that was so naive and frankly stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE, the more they will write & report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies--by stating Russia is just a "ruse" the more he implicates himself in a coverup and the deeper they will dig. :dig: The more he attacks the DOJ with insults and threats of firing the more they will leak.

Is there anyone confused as to why this story was leaked last night?---:badgrin: John McCain stated last week after Trump Jr.'s meeting that there will be a lot more shoes to drop. He should have said a torrential rain of shoes dropping.

I guess the White House is now looking up the legal remedies for PARDONS--LOL

Sessions is the second biggest liar in this administration. The first, of course, is Comrade Trump.
I guess the Left wing Pinko would jump on this fake news band wagon with both feet. Well at least the paid trolls would.....Just smh to them.
This message brought to by the 2nd largest fake news outlet in the media!

Their motto: "We're not CNN, but we're damn well trying to outdo them in fake news!"

I don't think so--it was two reporters from the Washington Post that started and ended Watergate. They take a lot of pride in what they put out--so they verify by 3 qualified sources before it goes into print, because they HATE to retract stories.

You might want to watch "All of the Presidents Men"---

I have to agree with you. Organizations like The Post don't at all care to run attestations from unnamed sources because it makes for more work for them. They have to obtain additional corroboration for anything they can't attribute to a specific person.

Yeah they're pretty thorough--and I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate. They will not reveal their sources--but they make certain their sources are qualified.
I am certain they were accused of being FAKE news all throughout Watergate.

To the best of my recollection (I haven't checked to confirm it), the moniker "fake news" is original rhetoric Donald Trump conceived and implemented. If I had to guess, I'd say the idea came to him as an outgrowth of the way things work in so-called reality television where much is staged yet made to seem authentic. Then again, it may be a result of his reading the National Enquirer, which he has cited and lauded, and that is more interested in selling copy than in accurate reporting.

Well you know it's that "alternate" facts world that he & his supporters live in.

One thing for certain Sean Hannity and all these right wing talk shows are forced again to work OVERTIME this weekend for their programs on Monday. It should be hillarious as to what they come up with on Monday.


There has never been a President in this nation's history that was so naive and frankly stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE, the more they will write & report. The more he insults our intelligence agencies--by stating Russia is just a "ruse" the more he implicates himself in a coverup and the deeper they will dig. :dig: The more he attacks the DOJ with insults and threats of firing the more they will leak.

Is there anyone confused as to why this story was leaked last night?---:badgrin: John McCain stated last week after Trump Jr.'s meeting that there will be a lot more shoes to drop. He should have said a torrential rain of shoes dropping.

I guess the White House is now looking up the legal remedies for PARDONS--LOL

Don't you just hate it when fake news is so easy to spot. MSTI
Sessions is the second biggest liar in this administration. The first, of course, is Comrade Trump.
I guess the Left wing Pinko would jump on this fake news band wagon with both feet. Well at least the paid trolls would.....Just smh to them.

I have been on this board for around 10 years now with around 16K posts--it's funny but I didn't know anyone here was getting PAID for it.--LOL

It's that pesky "perjury" law. Sessions said under oath to the United States Senate that he had not met with any Russians. That was during his confirmation hearing as Attorney General.

Sessions said he never met any Russians? Really?
Sessions is the second biggest liar in this administration. The first, of course, is Comrade Trump.
I guess the Left wing Pinko would jump on this fake news band wagon with both feet. Well at least the paid trolls would.....Just smh to them.

I have been on this board for around 10 years now with around 16K posts--it's funny but I didn't know anyone here was getting PAID for it.--LOL


Sure, bucs90. Sure

So what seems to be the problem? They can talk to anyone they want.
Though it wouldn't be wise to talk to Democreeps. They twist things.

Then why are they all lying? Seriously, people don't just start making shit up for no good reason.

Everyday there is discovery of new lies from Trump team about Russians - why don't they just come clean already and put this behind them? My explanation is that there is fire to the smoke and lying is less damaging then the truth for them.

So what seems to be the problem? They can talk to anyone they want.
Though it wouldn't be wise to talk to Democreeps. They twist things.

Then why are they all lying? Seriously, people don't just start making shit up for no good reason.

I don't know. I never had any contact with any of them. Scout's honor.

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