Intercepts show Sessions met with Russians about campaign several times

If you were a mature adult you wouldn't post infantile crap like this.

You mean infantile crap like this?

Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?
He has no Russian ties, let alone illegal ones. Podesta, Hillary and Slick, on the other hand, have plenty of shady Russian ties.
Post by: bripat9643, Yesterday at 2:44 PM in forum: Politics

Technically you're right. Trump has no Russian ties. They're all made in china.

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
One of many reasons I absolutely hate leftists is that although they watched 0bama lies continuously for 8 years, that was ok, now all of a sudden lies bother these assholes.
If you were a mature adult you wouldn't post infantile crap like this.

You mean infantile crap like this?

Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?
He has no Russian ties, let alone illegal ones. Podesta, Hillary and Slick, on the other hand, have plenty of shady Russian ties.
Post by: bripat9643, Yesterday at 2:44 PM in forum: Politics

Technically you're right. Trump has no Russian ties. They're all made in china.

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
The way he acted all offended at the accusation. He said it was proposterous! I think when a politician is caught lying (and not about an extra marital affair), we should cut their lying tongues out.

If I were Superman I would fly the liars up 2 miles and drop them.

I wouldn't go that far, but maybe Sessions should bring himself up on charges.
Why do we protect politicians right to lie to us? There should be a punishment for getting caught lying. One they fear getting.

Trump can't just pardon his lying tongue back in his little dweeby lying racist evil selfish mouth
It's called "The First Amendment," dumbass. Only a fascist would want the government deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. If lying was a crime then both Obama and Hillary would have been in prison long ago.

I marvel at how snowflakes believe Dim politicians don't lie. It's a good indication of just how pathetically stupid they are.
Why do we protect politicians right to lie to us? There should be a punishment for getting caught lying. One they fear getting.

Trump can't just pardon his lying tongue back in his little dweeby lying racist evil selfish mouth

The problem is the Lyin' King, has the power to pardon any of his henchmen for federal crimes. So they can lie their ass off, usually to protect Trump, and not fear the DOJ which they're in charge of, doing anything about it.

And even if the DOJ is forced to act, Trump can pardon them. That's what the white house has been working on for the last week. Not healthcare, not tax reform, not infrastructure, but presidential pardons.

Maybe that's what Trump will do while on vacation.
It's called "The First Amendment," dumbass. Only a fascist would want the government deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. .

Actually we want a group of 12 of his peers making that determination. Do you agree?
I marvel at how snowflakes believe Dim politicians don't lie. It's a good indication of just how pathetically stupid they are.

We all know people pick their noses, but Trump and his cronies lie so much, it's like having their fingers up their nose constantly.
Last edited:
Don't expect me to pay good money to read the Washington Post.

Not when InfoWars is free. And worth every penny.
As Trump supporters go do they like leaks or not?
I really hate doing this ... I know it's going to destroy your world. You're not going to have a reason to go on living when you get done.

You're right - Trump supporters con't care. And, I'm going to tell you why.

First of all, the "Russians hacked the election" mantra. Let's tell the truth - the Russians didn't "hack the election". The Russians DID release information detrimental to the Democrat campaign. Some claim they got it from hacking the DNC computers, but even that, is unproven. Intelligence agencies say the Russians did, but that is based on information provided by the DNC, not by actual investigation of the crime. The DNC "conveniently" refuses to provide the server for investigation. That would be the server that could provide conclusive evidence - one way or the other. Makes you wonder why they would refuse, doesn't it?

But, let's assume that is true - the Russians hacked the DNC server and got derogatory information on the Democrats. We also hear that the Russians tried to hack the RNC computers, but were unsuccessful. So, the Russians released the information they were able to collect.

Explain to me how the Russians releasing that information is any different than the information provided by or any other of a number of liberal hit organizations. We have seen the American media take sides, controlling the release of information in order to negatively influence the Republican campaign just as the Russians have released information to negatively influence the Democrat campaign. Maybe you remember how the New York Times sat on the "pussy grabber" tapes until it could have the maximum negative impact. Are you going to tell us that the Democrats have ignored information illegally obtained that reflected negatively on Republican candidates? I think not.

It's really much simpler - it's not about the press, and it's not about the blather. It's about performance. So, let's talk about performance ...

Healthcare - we have watched the Democrats blow that all out of proportion, and somehow they believe we're supposed to be as stupid as they are. We all recognize that it's a difficult issue. For the Democrats to whine and cry about the normal legislative process is both disingenuous and dishonest. They seem to have conveniently forgotten their responsibility to the people and the truth. I am comfortable with the process - and with the negotiations necessary to accomplish the goal.

The Wall --- Ahhh! The dreaded wall. We believe in the wall, we believe in border control. We know the wall will work. We know it's necessary. The project is moving forward, and we're comfortable with the progress. We expect that, as soon as the Democrats shake off their delirium about the RUSSIANS, they will focus on the wall project. We expect to hear all about the xenophobe in the Oval Office, how Republicans are racist, etc., etc., etc. It will all be in vain. We are comfortable in the need, and we're comfortable in the answer.

So --- do we care? Of course, we care. But, in the relative scheme of things, it's irrelevant, especially when measured against the results.

So what seems to be the problem? They can talk to anyone they want.
Though it wouldn't be wise to talk to Democreeps. They twist things.

Then why are they all lying? Seriously, people don't just start making shit up for no good reason.

Everyday there is discovery of new lies from Trump team about Russians - why don't they just come clean already and put this behind them? My explanation is that there is fire to the smoke and lying is less damaging then the truth for them.

I have an exercise for you to illustrate the problem. I want a list from you of every person that could possible be classified as a foreigner, with the specifics of how you interacted from the time you were born until this date. If you talked to them, sent them an e-mail, called them on the phone, or if they belong to a common Facebook page.

Good luck in your efforts.

Now assume you had contacts with literally hundreds of people each day. Can you see how difficult this process is?

Bullshit and I'm not buying it

Discussing getting dirt on Clinton from Russian government and discussing compaign with Russian embassador are events VERY easy to remember when topic #1 for half a year is Russians Russians Russians since that Flynn fiasco...which happened because he too "forgot" and lied through his teeth to everyone including FBI and VP
"Discussing the campaign" is a phrase so nebulous that it tells you virtually nothing. What about the campaign did he discuss, how CNN is constantly spewing fake news? How everyone loves Trump?

We all know you want everyone to believe they discussed what Trump could do for Russia in exchange for favors of some sort, but that dog doesn't hunt. It would be astounding if there wasn't some small talk about the campaign since Sessions was a major player at the time.

This is the kind of sleazy innuendo that the fake news likes to spew. It's how we know this "investigation" is a witch hunt.

LOL no dummy it is not "nebulous", it is OBVIOUS.

“I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians,”

When Sessions said he did not have communications with Russians, HE LIED.

he then tried to "explain it" this way:

"I never had meetings with Russian operatives or Russian intermediaries about the Trump campaign.”

When he said he did not have conversations with Russians about campaign he again LIED.

Get your head out of the sand, these are not complicated concepts here. Sessions was clearly not on the level.
It's called "The First Amendment," dumbass. Only a fascist would want the government deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. .

Actually we want a group of 12 of his peers making that determination. Do you agree?

No. That would still make it a crime. A jury of twelve isn't any better at making the determination than a judge. I see no reason to alter the Bill of Rights. Only fascists think it needs fixing.
I marvel at how snowflakes believe Dim politicians don't lie. It's a good indication of just how pathetically stupid they are.

We all know people pick their noses, but Trump and his cronies lie so much, it's like having their fingers up their nose constantly.

Puhleeze. Trump doesn't lie 1/10th as much as Obama or Hillary, and most of his lies are harmless, whereas Obama's lies were designed to hoodwink voters into supporting something that was harmful to them.

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"
So what seems to be the problem? They can talk to anyone they want.
Though it wouldn't be wise to talk to Democreeps. They twist things.

Then why are they all lying? Seriously, people don't just start making shit up for no good reason.

Everyday there is discovery of new lies from Trump team about Russians - why don't they just come clean already and put this behind them? My explanation is that there is fire to the smoke and lying is less damaging then the truth for them.

I have an exercise for you to illustrate the problem. I want a list from you of every person that could possible be classified as a foreigner, with the specifics of how you interacted from the time you were born until this date. If you talked to them, sent them an e-mail, called them on the phone, or if they belong to a common Facebook page.

Good luck in your efforts.

Now assume you had contacts with literally hundreds of people each day. Can you see how difficult this process is?

Bullshit and I'm not buying it

Discussing getting dirt on Clinton from Russian government and discussing compaign with Russian embassador are events VERY easy to remember when topic #1 for half a year is Russians Russians Russians since that Flynn fiasco...which happened because he too "forgot" and lied through his teeth to everyone including FBI and VP
"Discussing the campaign" is a phrase so nebulous that it tells you virtually nothing. What about the campaign did he discuss, how CNN is constantly spewing fake news? How everyone loves Trump?

We all know you want everyone to believe they discussed what Trump could do for Russia in exchange for favors of some sort, but that dog doesn't hunt. It would be astounding if there wasn't some small talk about the campaign since Sessions was a major player at the time.

This is the kind of sleazy innuendo that the fake news likes to spew. It's how we know this "investigation" is a witch hunt.

LOL no dummy it is not "nebulous", it is OBVIOUS.

It's obvious" only to douche bag snowflakes like you. As I explained, complaining about the fake media coverage of the campaign would constitute "discussing the campaign," but the article implies something entirely different and more sinister.
You just doubled down on that sleazy bit of propaganda. What does that say about your character?

“I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians,”

When Sessions said he did not have communications with Russians, HE LIED.

he then tried to "explain it" this way:

"I never had meetings with Russian operatives or Russian intermediaries about the Trump campaign.”

When he said he did not have conversations with Russians about campaign he again LIED.

Get your head out of the sand, these are not complicated concepts here. Sessions was clearly not on the level.

That's a great big nothing burger. No one considers shaking hands with the ambassador in front of 300 people to be "communications with the Russians." The fake media attempt to turn this into something sinister only shows how desperate and dishonest they are. Everyone who uses this line of argument is ethically retarded.
If you were a mature adult you wouldn't post infantile crap like this.

You mean infantile crap like this?

Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?
He has no Russian ties, let alone illegal ones. Podesta, Hillary and Slick, on the other hand, have plenty of shady Russian ties.
Post by: bripat9643, Yesterday at 2:44 PM in forum: Politics

Technically you're right. Trump has no Russian ties. They're all made in china.

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
Bripat was wrong so why listen to anything else he has to say.
One of many reasons I absolutely hate leftists is that although they watched 0bama lies continuously for 8 years, that was ok, now all of a sudden lies bother these assholes.
No, suddenly blatent lies from the right are ok.

This is part of the GOP game plan. Convince their constituents the left lies so it's ok that they do.

Lie about bj < treason with Russia.

Playing politics with Benghazi and lost emails is nothing. Bush deleted emails, remember? And bush lied us into Iraq. Benghazi and emails are nothing
The way he acted all offended at the accusation. He said it was proposterous! I think when a politician is caught lying (and not about an extra marital affair), we should cut their lying tongues out.

If I were Superman I would fly the liars up 2 miles and drop them.

I wouldn't go that far, but maybe Sessions should bring himself up on charges.
Why do we protect politicians right to lie to us? There should be a punishment for getting caught lying. One they fear getting.

Trump can't just pardon his lying tongue back in his little dweeby lying racist evil selfish mouth
It's called "The First Amendment," dumbass. Only a fascist would want the government deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. If lying was a crime then both Obama and Hillary would have been in prison long ago.

I marvel at how snowflakes believe Dim politicians don't lie. It's a good indication of just how pathetically stupid they are.
What about getting bush? Did he ever lie? About what?

So Trump has freedom to lie? Seems like every time Republicans lie you blow it off.
If you were a mature adult you wouldn't post infantile crap like this.

You mean infantile crap like this?

Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?
He has no Russian ties, let alone illegal ones. Podesta, Hillary and Slick, on the other hand, have plenty of shady Russian ties.
Post by: bripat9643, Yesterday at 2:44 PM in forum: Politics

Technically you're right. Trump has no Russian ties. They're all made in china.

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China

Donald Trump suits and ties are made in China
Bripat was wrong so why listen to anything else he has to say.
I wasn't wrong. Your crap is infantile.
The way he acted all offended at the accusation. He said it was proposterous! I think when a politician is caught lying (and not about an extra marital affair), we should cut their lying tongues out.

If I were Superman I would fly the liars up 2 miles and drop them.

I wouldn't go that far, but maybe Sessions should bring himself up on charges.
Why do we protect politicians right to lie to us? There should be a punishment for getting caught lying. One they fear getting.

Trump can't just pardon his lying tongue back in his little dweeby lying racist evil selfish mouth
It's called "The First Amendment," dumbass. Only a fascist would want the government deciding who is lying and who is telling the truth. If lying was a crime then both Obama and Hillary would have been in prison long ago.

I marvel at how snowflakes believe Dim politicians don't lie. It's a good indication of just how pathetically stupid they are.
What about getting bush? Did he ever lie? About what?

So Trump has freedom to lie? Seems like every time Republicans lie you blow it off.
When did any snowflake hypocrite in this forum ever criticize a Dim for lying?

It's legal for every politicians to lie, just as it's legal for you to spew the most incredible whoppers into this forum. You should be relieved that lying is not against the law. It's truly sad that you want to return us to a Medieval form of society where you could be burned at the stake for contradicting the established wisdom. People all like to think that they are civilized, but the sad fact is most are little better than the most primative savages. There's a small minority of men who make the world civilized. The rest are dragged along unwillingly. They would be stoning their neighbors tomorrow if the law allowed it.
When are y'all going to get the message that nobody cares? Less than 7% of the country consider this a "critical issue".

First, fhey do. second, the only one that matters now is Mueller. When he starts handing down indictments, MANY will care.

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