Interesting Article on Chinese AI vs Covid 19

The authors note that Taiwan integrated its national health insurance database with its immigration and customs database to begin the creation of big data for analytics. That allowed them case identification by generating real-time alerts during a clinical visit based on travel history and clinical symptoms.
Taipei also used Quick Response (QR) code scanning and online reporting of travel history and health symptoms to classify travelers’ infectious risks based on flight origin and travel history in the last 14 days. People who had not traveled to high-risk areas were sent a health declaration border pass via SMS for faster immigration clearance; those who had traveled to high-risk areas were quarantined at home and tracked through their mobile phones to ensure that they stayed home during the incubation period. How Taiwan Used Big Data, Transparency and a Central Command to Protect Its People from Coronavirus
So I read the first article, but not the second...….but I call BS on several factors.

1. China may or may not actually be able to do ALL that, but I'm more concerned for the reason for doing so, and think they are tracking the people alright, but not as much to contain the virus as to keep them quiet. There was no reason whatsoever for China to shut down all internet & social media, right in the midst of an epidemic (now pandemic) other than to control the people...….because they don't want the outside world to know the truth of whats going on inside the country.

2. If China was so worried about their people and shortage of medical supplies? Why did they refuse our offer of help???

3. The whistleblower Dr 'mysteriously' gets the infection and dies???? Not to mention atleast 2 others that were photo-journalists who also tried to warn the outside world have disappeared and presumed dead as well.

4. Do you have Siri? Alexa? GPS? Smartphone? SmartTV? SmartCar? That call button in your car for help??? Facebook? Google? Other tracking social media?...….Yes WE do have similar capability in use, US just hasn't used it against the people in large numbers.....YET. All those wonderful tech gadgets, have someone on the other end somewhere.

.....and a few other points as well that I can't think of at the moment.
The authors note that Taiwan integrated its national health insurance database with its immigration and customs database to begin the creation of big data for analytics.

That's likely what they're gonna try to do here. I'd mentioned that some place around here already. Seems they've always wanted to use the illegal immigration as an excuse to put Americans in a database but this virus thing combined with so-called border security is the perfect excuse for them to sell it.

They've been wanting a national biometric ID database for some time anyway. Reading past legislation, Congress pretty much said they're leaving the legislation wide open for the intelligence agences to basically put whatever info about you they want in the database, at any time they want.

Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste and whatnot. And, of course, the people will love them for it.
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