Natural Immunity Wins: 2/3 Naturally Immune Africa with Only 14% Vaccination Rate, Has Almost No COVID Deaths. But COVID Rages Through China with 90%

There's no mystery here

The mortality rates obviously follow those countries relevant to the medical tyranny they impart

Relevant to their political connections to big pharma

And relevant to their levels of censorship

Dude, Ghina's vaccine is of poor quality.

And now they have more freedom to die.
2/3 Naturally Immune Africa with Only 14% Vaccination Rate, Has Almost No COVID Deaths.

The whole thing was a fraud. Covid 19 was here in the US Feb-May 2020 and never came back, and killed max 30k Americans.

Zionist Fascist Mass Murderers are behind it as they have been behind

USS Liberty
Marines in Lebanon 1983
And now they have more freedom to die.
which is about the only freedom they have.....
The whole thing was a fraud. Covid 19 was here in the US Feb-May 2020 and never came back, and killed max 30k Americans.
killed with vs. killed from will eventually rear it's ugly head, and result in backburn of significant caliber

which is about the only freedom they have.....

killed with vs. killed from will eventually rear it's ugly head, and result in backburn of significant caliber


Cause of death

COVID and................. motorcycle crash

Where there are LIES there is MASSIVE FRAUD
The world is one big giant vaccine trial and the results are in.

Natural Immunity Wins: 2/3 Naturally Immune Africa with Only 14% Vaccination Rate, Has Almost No COVID Deaths. But COVID Raging Through China with 90% Vaccination

"The New York Times, March 2022:

Studies that tested blood samples for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the official name for the virus that causes Covid, show that about two-thirds of the population in most sub-Saharan [African] countries do indeed have those antibodies. Since only 14 percent of the population has received any kind of Covid vaccination, the antibodies are overwhelmingly from infection.

So that’s it. With COVID “raging” across China despite a 90% vaccination rate, as China doesn’t mess around with tender Western sentiments like “medical choice,” the lesson could not be more stark. Africa with its lowest in the world average 14% COVID vaccination rate also has the lowest in the world COVID death rate, and most Africans beat COVID with their natural immune systems. The NY Times calls Africa’s low COVID death rates a “mystery.” See: NY Times: Only 14% Vaccinated Africa Has Lowest COVID Deaths in World, “Mystery” Cannot Be Accounted for by Record-Keeping.

The Chinese vaccine CoronaVac is a traditional killed-virus vaccine, which for COVID vaccines have been problematic from the start. Did the SinoVac product make people even more susceptible to COVID?

The UK Independent reported in May of 2020:

“COVID-19, like other coronaviruses, is expected to mutate at least every season, raising serious questions about claims that any vaccine will work. A successful vaccine has never been developed for any of the many strains of coronaviruses, due to the nature of the virus itself; and vaccinated people can have a higher chance of serious illness and death when later exposed to another strain of the virus, a phenomenon known as ‘virus interference.’ An earlier SARS vaccine never made it to market because the laboratory animals it was tested on contracted more serious symptoms on re-infection, and most of them died.”

The verdict is in. COVID, which came from gain-of-function research in Wuhan lab in China, illegally funded by Fauci’s NIAID, would have been easily beaten except for the murderous, coordinated state suppression of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ.) Bill Gates funded massive fraudulent HCQ studies – the WHO Solidarity Trials and the UK Recovery Trial – which gave up to five times maximum recommended dose to subjects in order to “prove” it was ineffective or even dangerous in treating COVID.

Gates is the single biggest private donor to WHO, with his donation rivaling that of the US government and giving him the power to steer the policy direction of that organization, and therefore of the world. Gates’ fingerprints, i.e. money, shows up in every key aspect of the response to COVID. The Gates-funded “Report 9,” the discredited Imperial College paper, not peer-reviewed nor based on any data, was used by governments to justify the first ever worldwide “lockdowns” and “social distancing” measures.

Gates also has an extensive track record, and an Internet propaganda operation to counter it, of using people, especially children, as guinea pigs......"

Africa 1 - Pfizer 0
which is about the only freedom they have.....

killed with vs. killed from will eventually rear it's ugly head, and result in backburn of significant caliber

Sure, can you offer a comparison of COVID responses of the countries Norway and Sweden.
If you believe the vaccine works why on earth would you believe it's better than immunity gained from getting the actual virus?

The vaccine is tricking your body into producing antibodies against one part of the virus. Natural immunity creates those antibodies and a bunch of other vectors to fight this or any other virus.

You might believe its better to get a vax'd to mitigate your illness but I dont see how you can think it works better than having had COVID before.
If you believe the vaccine works why on earth would you believe it's better than immunity gained from getting the actual virus?

The vaccine is tricking your body into producing antibodies against one part of the virus. Natural immunity creates those antibodies and a bunch of other vectors to fight this or any other virus.

You might believe its better to get a vax'd to mitigate your illness but I dont see how you can think it works better than having had COVID before.
Significantly, the all-cause death and hospital admission rates for vaccinated individuals were 37 percent lower than the rates for those with natural immunity acquired from previous COVID infection. The rate of ED visits for all causes was 24 percent lower for vaccinated individuals than for the previously infected.
Just to summarize what has been happening in China.. The government has tightly controlled all reporting of COVID cases, deaths, and so forth from day one. Up until a few weeks ago they only reported about five thousand COVID related deaths total. Now all of a sudden, they're reporting like sixty thousand and counting. Problem is, they had gotten away with relying upon their classic "dead virus" vaccines and strategic lockdowns, but the newer, far more contagious variants have rendered those approaches largely moot. So their refusal to switch to mRNA based vaccines has resulted in the people now dying off like crazy.

More precautions need to be taken in densely populated areas. The more related information is recorded and transparently shared, the better our governments can coordinate informed responses.
Yep lol.

Below: EU parliament member Rob Roos asks Pfizer president of international developed markets, Janine Small, if the mRNA vaccine was tested on preventing transmission. With introduction by MEP Roos (view at Rumble)

Rachel Maddow March 29, 2021: “The virus stops with every vaccinated person.. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.”

they said right away the first vaccine was 94% effective at stopping transmission now it's 50% or something but that is still helpful. The important thing is it basically stops hospitalization and death. Rachel Maddow took this back almost immediately and apologized, so did Biden and so did every other Democrat that made that mistake. Only you brainwashed functional morons thinks it's some kind of conspiracy, conspiracy nut job. But Many thanks to you idiot vax conspiracy nuts and the orange clown for screwing up the original reaction. And spreading that crap around the world. Great job!

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