Interesting article on muslims in america

Ah...probably because it was an email that someone sent him.

THE EMAIL THAT I RECEIVED: (already posted by the Chickenfish)...and a response...

This is truly disgusting, hateful bullshit!

And to say that we have a Muslim president shows true ignorance and disregard for the facts in order to spread a hateful agenda antithetical to the Christian religion.

Please allow me to refute point by point the statements in the original email.

First, many American Muslims have spoken out, and continue to speak out against atrocities, as have millions of Muslims around the world..

Allah, the 'moon God of Arabia' is the same God that Christians and Jews pray to. To refer to Allah as a 'moon God' is a blasphemy against the God of Christians and Jews. Muslims trace their lineage from Abraham just as Christians and Jews do. They recognize Jesus Christ as a prophet in their religion.

Many Christian denominations also accept no other religion and believe that the only path to salvation is to be saved by giving your life over to Jesus Christ. This is not unique to Muslims.

Being a good American does not require a belief in any particular scripture, or belief in a scripture at all. One of the pillars of our great Constitution that has sheperded this country for more than two hundred years is the absolute freedom of religion.

A Muslim's allegiance to Mecca is no more powerful, nor is it any different than a Roman Catholic's allegiance to Rome, or other Christians' allegiance to sacred places in the Holy Land. Mecca is simply sacred to Muslims because that's where the prophet Mohammed was located.

I have had Muslim friends who had no qualms about being friends with Christians or Jews. That is an absurdly preposterous statement.

While it is true that some radical Muslim mullahs preach hatred, the vast majority do not. That is no different than other religions. Most religions have extremist elements, including the Christian, Jewish, and Hindu religions. That doesn't mean that all Christians, Jews and Hindus are extremists any more than it means that all Muslims are extremists.

Some religions, including Mormons and Muslims, have historically allowed plural marriages. In some traditional Muslim countries this is still allowed. In others, it is not. Times have changed since the Quran was written, just as they've changed since the Bible was written. There are references in the Bible to stoning women who commit adultery. That doesn't mean that all Christians stone women who commit adultery.

The American Constitution is not based on Biblical principles. It guarantees freedom of religion, Christian or otherwise, or no religion at all. One of our great founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, was not known as a religious man at all.

Democracy and Islam coexist in a number of countries. Turkey's population is almost completely Muslim, and it has been a democracy for many decades. Pakistan and Malaysia are two other Muslim countries that are democratic. There have been many Christian nations over the centuries that have not been democratic. That doesn't mean that Christianity and democracy can't coexist.

I find it ironic that the author of the email refers to the Christian God as 'loving and kind' when (s)he is spreading hatred and lies, and therefore if a Christian, (s)he is certainly not following the Christian precepts of a loving and kind God.

It is certainly part of the right-wing agenda in this country to spread suspicion about anybody who is not just like they are. Why? Because fear is an easy thing to spread and an easy hypocritical way of getting votes for right-wing politicians. If that weren't true, people who preach hate such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck wouldn't have an audience. It's just unfortunate that so many Americans fall for this hateful drivel. Amercans should be proud that we have a country that welcomes all kinds of people - black, white, brown, yellow, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, straight, gay - and that we have developed into a pluralistic society like none ever seen before in the world. We should celebrate that we have a great nation and embrace our differences and the many different people we come in contact with. Isn't that what a 'loving and kind' God would want us to do?
Redfish copynpasting a nativist chain email. Say it aint so. :lol:

Hardly an article- just an opinion.

Meanwhile- who to believe- you- and your bigotry- or the American patriotism of these soldiers?

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Redfish is a PoS
Harry Truman

Was he acting as an American and within the US Constitution when in 1949 he allowed the Zionist.......

He was acting as a politician seeking votes in 1948 when he formally recognized Israel. He did not allow the state to exist. In reaction to a UN General Assembly vote on the Partition Plan in 1947, the Arab population played into the Zionist hands and turned to violence against the Jewish Immigrants. Giving the Zionist the justification they sought. Before the UNSC had a chance to vote on it. Before the British quit the mandate. Before the State of Israel was declared.

Considering how our forefather took land from the native Americans I'd say yes he did. I see nothing unconstitutional about his recognition of Israel.

Can you be HONEST and admit that you have never heard , nor are you familiar with the US Constitution (1787)?

Feel free to expand on why you feel Truman's recognition of Israel in 1948 was unconstitutional.

1, 500,000 Muslims were deprived of due process of law, please see the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.

And don't give me the bullshit that the Constitution does not apply in Palestine. It does apply to government officials who reside in DC. The ONLY entity qualified to rule on the matter was the International Court of Justice.

The zionists presented the same request to FDR who REFUSED because to recognize Israel would have necessitated a PERMANENT MILITARY PRESENCE.

Truman's recognition did not deprive anyone due process. The president makes foreign policy which has been upheld by the Supreme Court many times.

FDR's refusal was not of the same request.

Franklin Roosevelt, Founder of Israel ?

Only some one who is massively retarded or conflicted by interest would conclude that depriving 1,500,000 individuals of their property without due process of law is American and Constitutional.

And then to claim that their families and successors do not have a RIGHT TO RETALIATE is even more retarded.

We are done here.

He was acting as a politician seeking votes in 1948 when he formally recognized Israel. He did not allow the state to exist. In reaction to a UN General Assembly vote on the Partition Plan in 1947, the Arab population played into the Zionist hands and turned to violence against the Jewish Immigrants. Giving the Zionist the justification they sought. Before the UNSC had a chance to vote on it. Before the British quit the mandate. Before the State of Israel was declared.

Considering how our forefather took land from the native Americans I'd say yes he did. I see nothing unconstitutional about his recognition of Israel.

Can you be HONEST and admit that you have never heard , nor are you familiar with the US Constitution (1787)?

Feel free to expand on why you feel Truman's recognition of Israel in 1948 was unconstitutional.

1, 500,000 Muslims were deprived of due process of law, please see the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.

And don't give me the bullshit that the Constitution does not apply in Palestine. It does apply to government officials who reside in DC. The ONLY entity qualified to rule on the matter was the International Court of Justice.

The zionists presented the same request to FDR who REFUSED because to recognize Israel would have necessitated a PERMANENT MILITARY PRESENCE.

Truman's recognition did not deprive anyone due process. The president makes foreign policy which has been upheld by the Supreme Court many times.

FDR's refusal was not of the same request.

Franklin Roosevelt, Founder of Israel ?

Only some one who is massively retarded or conflicted by interest would conclude that depriving 1,500,000 individuals of their property without due process of law is American and Constitutional.

And then to claim that their families and successors do not have a RIGHT TO RETALIATE is even more retarded.

We are done here.

You have yet to describe how President Truman's recognition of Israel in 1948 deprived anyone in Palestine due process. Nor have you provided any proof that the recognition of Israel was somehow unconstitutional.

I accept your surrender.
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We have around two million Muslims in America

As a group, they tend to be well educated, family focused and law abiding

all true-----but even from secularized muslim families-------a CALIPHATIST can
(and a lot TOO OFTEN) does arise. Caliphatism is as central to Islamic ethos
as "jesus saves" is to christianity

true, but the difference is significant. Christians are not instructed to destroy non-Christians, whereas muslims are not considered good muslims unless they vow and practice the destruction on non-muslims.

Now, it is true that many American muslims to no follow those teachings. But it only takes a few like the San Bernardino and Ft Hood shooters.

To pretend that this is not a problem is very very naïve and dangerous.

There are some violent and intolerant biblical passages that if Christians were to follow - they would be no different than Muslim extremists. Likewise there are plenty of passages in the Quran urging restraint and tolerance and measured violence in self defense as defining a "good Muslim".

the "VERSES" are not the issue. The issue is the interpretation thereof. Islamic law as it has existed in the past 1400 years and AT THE PRESENT TIME-----is
nothing more or less than Nazism. ISLAMIC LAW!!!!! ----that is not some vague
and POSSIBLE and "maybe" thing------ISLAMIC law describes coyote's heroes-----TASHFEEN MALIK and SYEDFAROOK was martyrs for a NOBLE CAUSE OF A "god"
And then to claim that their families and successors do not have a RIGHT TO RETALIATE is even more retarded.

Not only do you accuse me of something I didn't do but then you follow up with the same lame insult.

One word.

You quitter.

Okay it was two.......
nothing in the OP is untrue, then or now.

Says who? So far you've cited an anonymous and provably altered email that's roughly a decade old. And yourself.

Neither of which I consider credible or reliable.

which statements do you think are untrue? Here's an idea, do you know any muslims? ask them.

The 'moon god' claim seemed a little tenuous. And the premise that someone can't be religious and patriotic in general is logically shaky to begin with.

Start with those.

first, semantics, I'll give you that one

second, if the teachings of islam are followed to the letter, they are in violation of the US constitution because they put religion above all else.

Man, have you made a fool of yourself!

The God of Islam is the same God of the Israelites, which is the same God of Christians, which is the God of Abraham he worshiped! All three religions are monotheistic worshipping the SAME GOD. Calling that semantics is idiotic and a dodge! That ~10 year old chain email you purloined is damned bigoted and contrived garbage and you are a lazy shit stirring IDIOT!

I realize that the OP has been around for some time. What it says about Islam is accurate. The teachings of Islam differ from those of Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Shintoism, or any other religion in that Islam is the only religion that calls for the killing of non-believers and is totally intolerant of the existence of any other religion.

Islam also differs in that it is not just a religion, it is a political and legal system as well.

If you think that the God of Christianity is the same as the god of islam, then how do you reconcile that the teachings of the two religions are so different?

What is also true is that the current world wide reign of terror is being conducted exclusively by radical muslims in the name of their religion. To ignore that reality is foolish and very dangerous.

Only if they firmly renounce the basic concepts of Islam and Sharia Law.

Like we require Jews to renounce the basic concepts of Judaism and Hebraic law?

Do those jewish concepts call for the murder of all non jews? Do they call for a jewish based system of government and body of law? NO, only islam does those things.
Says who? So far you've cited an anonymous and provably altered email that's roughly a decade old. And yourself.

Neither of which I consider credible or reliable.

which statements do you think are untrue? Here's an idea, do you know any muslims? ask them.

The 'moon god' claim seemed a little tenuous. And the premise that someone can't be religious and patriotic in general is logically shaky to begin with.

Start with those.

first, semantics, I'll give you that one

second, if the teachings of islam are followed to the letter, they are in violation of the US constitution because they put religion above all else.

Man, have you made a fool of yourself!

The God of Islam is the same God of the Israelites, which is the same God of Christians, which is the God of Abraham he worshiped! All three religions are monotheistic worshipping the SAME GOD. Calling that semantics is idiotic and a dodge! That ~10 year old chain email you purloined is damned bigoted and contrived garbage and you are a lazy shit stirring IDIOT!

I realize that the OP has been around for some time. What it says about Islam is accurate. The teachings of Islam differ from those of Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Shintoism, or any other religion in that Islam is the only religion that calls for the killing of non-believers and is totally intolerant of the existence of any other religion.

Uh no Chickenfish, Christianity does too. It's even one of the commandments. "You shall have no other gods"...ring a bell? And then there's this:

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die." -- Dt.13:6-1

Islam also differs in that it is not just a religion, it is a political and legal system as well.

Ah, like Catholicism.

If you think that the God of Christianity is the same as the god of islam, then how do you reconcile that the teachings of the two religions are so different?

I highly recommend a comparative religion course. No one should go through life as ignorant as you are. Heck, just google Abrahamic Religions.

What is also true is that the current world wide reign of terror is being conducted exclusively by radical muslims in the name of their religion. To ignore that reality is foolish and very dangerous.

Nope, not even close.
someone please tell witchy that I am not reading her crap. That's what being on ignore entails. I don't want to see her BS, and I don't.
YOU could be the next victim of a San Bernardino style muslim attack. I hope you aren't...

i do not hope the same, i would like to see a group of these who call muslimes good Americans get their asses kicked severely by those so called peaceful muslimes!! :up:

that is exactly why the so-called good muslims will not stand up to the radicals, they know that standing up to them would result in their deaths and the deaths of their families.
YOU could be the next victim of a San Bernardino style muslim attack. I hope you aren't...

i do not hope the same, i would like to see a group of these who call muslimes good Americans get their asses kicked severely by those so called peaceful muslimes!! :up:

that is exactly why the so-called good muslims will not stand up to the radicals, they know that standing up to them would result in their deaths and the deaths of their families.
They are kind of like the mafia.

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