Interesting data - 2020 Deaths


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Per CDC, this is supposed to chart the leading cause of deaths in the USA. Some interesting data perhaps, and what's left out.

1. If this is supposed to represent the leading causes of deaths, how come there's no mention of "overdose deaths reached a record high of 93,331 in 2020"? Anyone?

2. Why did death by heart disease rise so much in 2020?

3. Why did death by stroke rise so much in 2020?

4. Why did unintentional deaths rise so much in 2020?

5. How the fuck did death by chronic lower resp. disease fall like this in 2020, and in fact, 2020 saw the only decline for data provided, anyone?

6. Interesting how the number of flu deaths didn't change much, I don't know what to think about that one.

7. HTF did deaths by Alzheimer's rise so quickly for 2020? Fuck if you take this data at face value it sure validates some theories about what's going on today.

8. Suicides were down for 2020? No shit, I don't buy it. What happened to things such as reported by CDC "Newly released data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal a surge in self harm and hospitalizations from poor mental health among teens in 2020."....

Is the lesson learned suicides were down because people like isolation, masks, riots and BS elections? Hmm!

9. Then there's COVID deaths. How fun. Shit, apparently it was 3rd on the list of causes for my step dad, but hundred bucks says they counted it for their total., am I right? Fuck yeah. Speak of, where's the list of deaths because the elderly were put down with Remdesivir?

The underlying and well-publicized fact was that the vast majority of Covid deaths were people who were already figuratively at Death's Door. I have read - but cannot confirm - that the average age of a Covid-related death was actually older than the statistical life expectancy of the deceased class. Had these people not died of Covid-related issues in 2020, they would be dead by now anyway.

The next few years will tell that story clearly. The total deaths in 2021 and 2022 will be LOWER than in prior years, because the old bastards who died of Covid in 2020 are already gone.
Dems had to manipulate Covid to take down Trump in the 2020 election, period. That's what all the Dem theatre was about.
Covid19 certainly merits concern, but so to do the statistics that show 70% of Covid fatalities are over the age of 70 and/or with prior health issues. Otherwise, Covid is 98-99% survivable by the majority. And not to mention the actual effectiveness of the "Trump vaccine" Democrats refused last year but now mandate. This is stuff O. Henry or Rod Serling or would have loved.
The underlying and well-publicized fact was that the vast majority of Covid deaths were people who were already figuratively at Death's Door. I have read - but cannot confirm - that the average age of a Covid-related death was actually older than the statistical life expectancy of the deceased class. Had these people not died of Covid-related issues in 2020, they would be dead by now anyway.

The next few years will tell that story clearly. The total deaths in 2021 and 2022 will be LOWER than in prior years, because the old bastards who died of Covid in 2020 are already gone.
Just today my barber's partner was telling me her dad who has been doing very poorly & has dementia is dying and just happens to have COVID.

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