Interesting Statue Information

The Daughters of the Confederation put them up.
It helped heal the two divisions of the the Nation.
It recognised the woman's role in the War.
Now it's being attacked and called myths and they are leaving out a whole bunch of info. the people should know about.
One liberal guy was on the news last week saying it was all White men who erected them, which is not true.
The Daughters of the Confederation put them up.
It helped heal the two divisions of the the Nation.
It recognised the woman's role in the War.
Now it's being attacked and called myths and they are leaving out a whole bunch of info. the people should know about.
One liberal guy was on the news last week saying it was all White men who erected them, which is not true.
Desecrating the dead is always about turf-marking. None of this has anything to do with the Civil War or slavery.
The statues to Lenin were erected by the winners. The statues to Lee were erected by the losers. You see the profound implications, do you not? If the statues of Lenin were torn down by the eventual real winners, who are the "eventual real winners" when the Lee statue is removed?

You see, this is where you are confused. The people who erected statues of the Traitor, Lee, were doing it to put blacks in their place. The fact that blacks are saying "Bro, you really should tear that shit down, because it's rude" is a sign of winning, but they have a point.
The statues to Lenin were erected by the winners. The statues to Lee were erected by the losers. You see the profound implications, do you not? If the statues of Lenin were torn down by the eventual real winners, who are the "eventual real winners" when the Lee statue is removed?

You see, this is where you are confused. The people who erected statues of the Traitor, Lee, were doing it to put blacks in their place. The fact that blacks are saying "Bro, you really should tear that shit down, because it's rude" is a sign of winning, but they have a point.

It's a sign of whining. Glad I could correct that for you.

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