Interesting that Norma McCorvey (JANE ROE, from ROE VERSUS WADE)became a STRONG PRO LIFE SUPPORTER


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Norma McCorvey - Wikipedia

McCorvey's second book, Won by Love, was published in 1998. She explained her change on the stance of abortion with the following comments:

"Abortion was about children being killed in their mother's wombs. All those years I was wrong. Signing that affidavit, I was wrong. Working in an abortion clinic, I was wrong. No more of this first trimester, second trimester, third trimester stuff. Abortion—at any point—was wrong. It was so clear. Painfully clear."


More interesting that by about 2 to 1, Americans don't want Roe v Wade overturned.
Yeah, I've read her story and regrets. She was young, and they used her.
You know Miranda ? the guy where we got the "Miranda rights" court decision? He was shot n killed in Arizona. Cause he was an asshole .
Oh please.

What does this have to do with anything at all?

OP - how did your last pregnancy end?

Yeah. That's what I thought.

Yeah, I've read her story and regrets. She was young, and they used her.

She must have been absolutely fucking disgusted at the MILLIONS of dead babies at her hands.

Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

Roughly 60 million abortions since ROE V WADE.

She is responsible.
She was victimized by elitist progressive moonbats, who see women as chattel.
Yeah, I've read her story and regrets. She was young, and they used her.

She must have been absolutely fucking disgusted at the MILLIONS of dead babies at her hands.

Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

Roughly 60 million abortions since ROE V WADE.

She is responsible.

Ya know who I always thought had it rough . The guys who dropped nukes on Japan . That sucks .
Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

None of you cultists think abortion is murder. It's an insane claim, and you're not crazy. A few pro-lifers are, but most are just sick control freaks, spending their lives obsessing about how those bad women aren't being punished enough for having sex.
Yeah, I've read her story and regrets. She was young, and they used her.

She must have been absolutely fucking disgusted at the MILLIONS of dead babies at her hands.

Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

Roughly 60 million abortions since ROE V WADE.

She is responsible.

Ya know who I always thought had it rough . The guys who dropped nukes on Japan . That sucks .

I agree.

Thing is, adults make decisions and decisions have consequences.

Adults deal with that and accept responsibility for their decisions.
She was young. I blame those that preyed on her. Read her story and you will maybe have a little more empathy for the plight she was in, and how the lawyers took advantage of it. Through the years she has tried to atone for her horrific mistake, by working with pro life groups, etc.
Yeah, I've read her story and regrets. She was young, and they used her.

She must have been absolutely fucking disgusted at the MILLIONS of dead babies at her hands.

Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

Roughly 60 million abortions since ROE V WADE.

She is responsible.
Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

None of you cultists think abortion is murder. It's an insane claim, and you're not crazy. A few pro-lifers are, but most are just sick control freaks, spending their lives obsessing about how those bad women aren't being punished enough for having sex.

I could not agree more.

The proof that they they really don't care about babies or children is what they write in threads about food stamps, single mothers, helping women get educated so they can provide more for their kids and

wait for it

dead beat dads.

If RWNJs cared about children, they would not bitch and whine about single mothers. They would congratulate women for doing the right thing. And they would address the FACT that the cause of pregnancy is men.

An interesting aside is that drumpf has waffled, flip flopped, lied and then lied again. He has said he is pro-choice, pro-life, pro-choice, pro ............

Its drumpf. He lies. He also said he would nominate a pro-life judge.

Its drumpf. He lies. And he's stupid.

Now he has nominated a judge who said today that he would not vote to overturn RvW.

Nutters - MYOB
Fact: She regretted being the poster child for abortion and stated in her book she turned pro life.

Anything else is spin.
Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

None of you cultists think abortion is murder. It's an insane claim, and you're not crazy. A few pro-lifers are, but most are just sick control freaks, spending their lives obsessing about how those bad women aren't being punished enough for having sex.

And they would address the FACT that the cause of pregnancy is men.

You win a lifetime Darwin Award for this absolutely awe inspiring example of pure stupidity.
Shit, she is the biggest mass murderer in history.

None of you cultists think abortion is murder. It's an insane claim, and you're not crazy. A few pro-lifers are, but most are just sick control freaks, spending their lives obsessing about how those bad women aren't being punished enough for having sex.

It's murder...and the majority of women who have it done have a lot of emotional problems and depression later in life. Fact
It's murder...and the majority of women who have it done have a lot of emotional problems and depression later in life. Fact

No, most women have no problems with it, and the few who do have generally been abused by pro-lifers laying guilt trips on them. Pro-lifers actively try to cause mental harm to women who have abortions, in order to push their politics.
People start out in life being Democrats, embracing liberal ideology like having little respect for life. As they grow older and mature - and as long as they aren't one of the self-benefitting/enriching DNC elites and/or politicians, they become Conservatives.

People start out in life being Democrats, embracing liberal ideology like having little respect for life. As they grow older and mature - and as long as they aren't one of the self-benefitting/enriching DNC elites and/or politicians, they become Conservatives.


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