So, we find out Jane Roe was paid to lie about her pro-life stance

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?
Yea, we heard a lot about "your body" during the protests, while other bodies have no problem infecting other bodies.

By the way, is the body in that womb experiencing life through your scientific knowledge, or because of your religious and philosophical fantasies?

Ha, if it's killing babies, when did you find out it was experiencing life? Are you God? Lol! It takes a sick fuck to act like your God you know?
Last edited:

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?
Yea, we heard a lot about "your body" during the protests, while other bodies have no problem infecting other bodies.

By the way, is the body in that womb experiencing life through your scientific knowledge, or because of your religious and philosophical fantasies?
You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".

Evidently what you said here flew right over their heads.

That view (which they openly admit to holding) is as ANTI-science as it gets. The thing is though, many of them simply don't care, and some openly admit to not caring if the preborn baby is a human life or not, because for many of them, it comes down to the bodily autonomy "argument."

It's actually easy to disprove that, but I've learned from experience that when you try to show them how that "argument" falls apart, they are never bright (or intellectually honest) enough to grasp what you're saying, and they just move the goalposts or respond with logical fallacies.

Yep. Every time I show these pro-aborts how their criteria completely falls apart when applied anywhere else on the human condition, they either clam up or ignore it. From there it typically just devolves into "you just want to control women's bodies" nonsense. Their positions are all emotion, no substance... and not an iota of critical thought.

It ultimately boils down to the core ideology amongst all leftists - a complete unwillingness to accept responsibility for their actions. It weaves into every personal and political position they have.
This post makes no sense at all, and argues nothing. I'm here whenever you think you can explain the unexplained intelligently, informatively, and scientifically. I am not here to debate your fantasies. Get to it.

It wasn't addressed to you now was it, fuckwit?

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?
Yea, we heard a lot about "your body" during the protests, while other bodies have no problem infecting other bodies.

By the way, is the body in that womb experiencing life through your scientific knowledge, or because of your religious and philosophical fantasies?

Ha, if it's killing babies, when did you find out it was experiencing life? Are you God? Lol! It takes a sick fuck to act like your God you know?

How can you be infected if you're staying home like a good little bootlicker?

As far as if babies "experience life" in the womb - they do. They learn their mothers voice. They react to light, sound, and stress. They practice breathing amniotic fluid. Etc. A simple Google search would tell you these things, but heaven forbid you actually get past your pre-conceived notions about "fetuses". So much easier to dehumanize them in order to justify killing them.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?

Then let it be that someone else's body. Remove it from being attached inside the woman's body. Let it do everything that someone else's body can do.

By the way, someone else's body isn't normally attached to another body. When that happens it's usually conjoined twins and they're usually separated.

Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

By the time there is a body it's illegal to terminate a pregnancy with the exception of there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman's life or health is in jeopardy. People who have to terminate a pregnancy that far along have already picked out names. Have already thrown a baby shower. Have already bought furniture for a nursery. They are going through a hell no one should have to endure. Yet you say they are killing. You should be ashamed of yourself for having no decency and wanting to murder a woman because her pregnancy went wrong.

So you're saying a woman who is preserving her health or saving her live is killing and you would murder her because her pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? Our society and our laws say you're wrong. Our laws and society won't allow you to murder a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong. No matter how much you want to do that.

You can make up all the lies you want. The lies don't work anymore.

The truth is if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy she can and there's absolutely zero you can do about it. Men no longer have that control. We took it from them in 1972 and will never relinquish it again.

I'm glad it bothers you so much.

By the way, tell me, what do your lies have to do with the fact that your whole movement is based on lies, deceptions and paying people to say what you want to hear?
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Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

This is a flat out lie. When it comes to unplanned pregnancies, most women don't even realize they're pregnant until they've missed at least one period, sometimes two. So by the time she confirms it and makes an appointment for an abortion, the situation is far, FAR more than just "a couple cells." In fact, the preborn is only "a couple cells" immediately after conception, and then of course the new life grows rapidly.

By 8 weeks (when many surgical abortions occur) the preborn has little arms and legs, brainwaves, a beating heart, so this "a couple cells" lie is just that - a lie.

Unless you were talking about the morning after pill, you just proved you are either dishonest or ignorant.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?

Then let it be that someone else's body. Remove it from being attached inside the woman's body. Let it do everything that someone else's body can do.

By the way, someone else's body isn't normally attached to another body. When that happens it's usually conjoined twins and they're usually separated.

Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

By the time there is a body it's illegal to terminate a pregnancy with the exception of there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman's life or health is in jeopardy. People who have to terminate a pregnancy that far along have already picked out names. Have already thrown a baby shower. Have already bought furniture for a nursery. They are going through a hell no one should have to endure. Yet you say they are killing. You should be ashamed of yourself for having no decency and wanting to murder a woman because her pregnancy went wrong.

So you're saying a woman who is preserving her health or saving her live is killing and you would murder her because her pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? Our society and our laws say you're wrong. Our laws and society won't allow you to murder a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong. No matter how much you want to do that.

You can make up all the lies you want. The lies don't work anymore.

The truth is if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy she can and there's absolutely zero you can do about it. Men no longer have that control. We took it from them in 1972 and will never relinquish it again.

I'm glad it bothers you so much.

Oh, cupcake... it doesn't bother me as much as you think it does. You see there's a blessing in disguise from your actions - Your choice to abort your offspring means there's inherently less of you sadists year after year. And while you kill your babies, we nurture and raise ours with pro-life values that will carry on to their children as well. Abortion has fallen by 56% since 1990 and pro-life support and policies are growing.

TL;DR - We're outbreeding you.

Abortion will be made illegal again in my lifetime and I take great pride in knowing that history will view you the same way it views child sacrifice - a barbarous relic perpetrated by a callous, wicked demographic that was thankfully lost to the sands of time.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?

Then let it be that someone else's body. Remove it from being attached inside the woman's body. Let it do everything that someone else's body can do.

By the way, someone else's body isn't normally attached to another body. When that happens it's usually conjoined twins and they're usually separated.

Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

By the time there is a body it's illegal to terminate a pregnancy with the exception of there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman's life or health is in jeopardy. People who have to terminate a pregnancy that far along have already picked out names. Have already thrown a baby shower. Have already bought furniture for a nursery. They are going through a hell no one should have to endure. Yet you say they are killing. You should be ashamed of yourself for having no decency and wanting to murder a woman because her pregnancy went wrong.

So you're saying a woman who is preserving her health or saving her live is killing and you would murder her because her pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? Our society and our laws say you're wrong. Our laws and society won't allow you to murder a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong. No matter how much you want to do that.

You can make up all the lies you want. The lies don't work anymore.

The truth is if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy she can and there's absolutely zero you can do about it. Men no longer have that control. We took it from them in 1972 and will never relinquish it again.

I'm glad it bothers you so much.

Oh, cupcake... it doesn't bother me as much as you think it does. You see there's a blessing in disguise from your actions - Your choice to abort your offspring means there's inherently less of you sadists year after year. And while you kill your babies, we nurture and raise ours with pro-life values that will carry on to their children as well. Abortion has fallen by 56% since 1990 and pro-life support and policies are growing.

TL;DR - We're outbreeding you.

Abortion will be made illegal again in my lifetime and I take great pride in knowing that history will view you the same way it views child sacrifice - a barbarous relic perpetrated by a callous, wicked demographic that was thankfully lost to the sands of time.
Pro-life values? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Opening up the country for infections and herd immunity, and you are exercising your pro-life values. What a joke.
Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

This is a flat out lie. When it comes to unplanned pregnancies, most women don't even realize they're pregnant until they've missed at least one period, sometimes two. So by the time she confirms it and makes an appointment for an abortion, the situation is far, FAR more than just "a couple cells." In fact, the preborn is only "a couple cells" immediately after conception, and then of course the new life grows rapidly.

By 8 weeks (when many surgical abortions occur) the preborn has little arms and legs, brainwaves, a beating heart, so this "a couple cells" lie is just that - a lie.

Unless you were talking about the morning after pill, you just proved you are either dishonest or ignorant.
The new life according to God folks. And there you have it.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

View attachment 341025

What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?
Yea, we heard a lot about "your body" during the protests, while other bodies have no problem infecting other bodies.

By the way, is the body in that womb experiencing life through your scientific knowledge, or because of your religious and philosophical fantasies?

Ha, if it's killing babies, when did you find out it was experiencing life? Are you God? Lol! It takes a sick fuck to act like your God you know?

How can you be infected if you're staying home like a good little bootlicker?

As far as if babies "experience life" in the womb - they do. They learn their mothers voice. They react to light, sound, and stress. They practice breathing amniotic fluid. Etc. A simple Google search would tell you these things, but heaven forbid you actually get past your pre-conceived notions about "fetuses". So much easier to dehumanize them in order to justify killing them.
You are unable to answer my questions. Enough said.
You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".

Evidently what you said here flew right over their heads.

That view (which they openly admit to holding) is as ANTI-science as it gets. The thing is though, many of them simply don't care, and some openly admit to not caring if the preborn baby is a human life or not, because for many of them, it comes down to the bodily autonomy "argument."

It's actually easy to disprove that, but I've learned from experience that when you try to show them how that "argument" falls apart, they are never bright (or intellectually honest) enough to grasp what you're saying, and they just move the goalposts or respond with logical fallacies.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
A right to privacy doesn’t give someone the right to kill an unborn child.

If men were “controlling” women’s bodies then they could force her to have an abortion when she doesn’t want one. When has that been put into law? Oh it hasn’t, so all this talk about “controlling women’s bodies” is BS.
Ignorant nonsense.

Murder concerns criminal law; the right to privacy civil law – one having nothing to do with the other.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she may have a child or not; the right to privacy safeguards citizens from government excess and overreach with regard to such personal decisions.
Again, no one is forcing a woman to have an abortion, although far leftwing states like China do. Interesting how you people defend China with their forced abortions yet claim you are against government dictating to women if they can have children. Which means you are all full of shit.

Outlawing the killing of human life isn’t anymore of an “overreach” of government anymore than government outlawing rape.
Again, you keep circle jerking over your same failed argument. You still fail to prove anyone is killing a fully developed human being. Why? Because there is no known science out there that identifies a fully developed human being with a functioning brain that uses reason in the womb. Keep circle jerking and you will always go back to where you started.
Really? Yet you can’t explain why killing a newborn is illegal when it isn’t a “fully developed” human being.
I never explained killing a newborn was illegal. I never offered that information, because the newborn is out of the womb. Something you don't get, or can argue about. Why do you make up shit that I never argued about? Answer, because your own argument is a failure.
In other words you can’t defend your idiotic position about “fully developed” humans not being real people. You were too dumb to realize the words you were using also described an infant.
More inventions! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Boss, you can 't help yourself can you? Let's make up another scenario, of which I never made claim to. Why do you do this? Simple, you have lost the argument, and you are not smart enough to walk away from it.

Dude, get a hold of yourself. No one said anything about a fully devoloped person not being a human being. Science identifies a fully developed human being at birth. You continue to invent nonsense and lies.
Got a link to support that bullshit? Of course you don't. Because no scientist worth his lab coat will claim a newborn is a “fully developed” human. You’re easily one of the dumbest mother fuckers to ever “chime in” on this topic.
He’s a leftwing zealot, abortion is a sacred pillar of his beliefs. Rational scientific facts won’t sway him. Calling out his bullshit only enrages him even more and make him more irrational.
You have not given rational scientific facts against the no brainer scientific facts I gave you. Do we have to school you all over again?

You can give them scientific facts all day long. You can fill message boxes with facts all day long.

The person you're replying to and those like him will never accept any honest scientific facts.

You are wasting your time.

Both of you.

Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be.

That is fact and reality in this world. Whether anti choice people like it or not.

"Roe V. Wade gave that choice to women. Not men. Women. Women decide when it's life. No one else. Not a man. Not a book. No one.

Only the woman carrying that pregnancy is the person who decides. If she decides it's not life, it's not and she has an abortion. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop it. There never will be."

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the "party of science".
Roe vs. Wade was never about a woman deciding life, because no one can. The woman was given the choice because it was her body, no one else's. Has nothing to do with determining life. That's totally ridiculous. When are you people going to get it? We are not God. What ails you folks? Seriously?

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What ails us?

Pray tell, what ails YOU? What kind of sick, twisted fucks attempt to justify killing babies?

Then let it be that someone else's body. Remove it from being attached inside the woman's body. Let it do everything that someone else's body can do.

By the way, someone else's body isn't normally attached to another body. When that happens it's usually conjoined twins and they're usually separated.

Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

By the time there is a body it's illegal to terminate a pregnancy with the exception of there's a serious problem with the fetus or the woman's life or health is in jeopardy. People who have to terminate a pregnancy that far along have already picked out names. Have already thrown a baby shower. Have already bought furniture for a nursery. They are going through a hell no one should have to endure. Yet you say they are killing. You should be ashamed of yourself for having no decency and wanting to murder a woman because her pregnancy went wrong.

So you're saying a woman who is preserving her health or saving her live is killing and you would murder her because her pregnancy went wrong.

Guess what? Our society and our laws say you're wrong. Our laws and society won't allow you to murder a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong. No matter how much you want to do that.

You can make up all the lies you want. The lies don't work anymore.

The truth is if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy she can and there's absolutely zero you can do about it. Men no longer have that control. We took it from them in 1972 and will never relinquish it again.

I'm glad it bothers you so much.

By the way, tell me, what do your lies have to do with the fact that your whole movement is based on lies, deceptions and paying people to say what you want to hear?
The women who have late term abortions haven't picked out names or bought baby furniture. They are just not as lazy as the woman who births the baby, wraps it in plastic, and puts the healthy living child in the dumpster behind the gas station. Dumpster babies happen so often that states passed safe haven laws. The newborn can be dropped off at any emergency room or fire station. There are women who STILL PREFER to kill those living healthy already born infants. Just like women who kill their children in late term abortions. Just be honest. You're okay with killing children preborn and just born. There isn't real shame in that.

There are people, usually religious, who love their children and want them. They should be having children. Let the democrats and liberals kill off their entire next generation. The world will be the better for it. Just don't lie.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
Nobody ever attempted to control a man’s body? Ever hear of something called slavery? Men have been slaves to other men since the dawn of time. Republicans outlawed that, much to the disdain of Democrats.

Dems liked to dehumanize humans for their own agenda. They did it with slavery, and now they do it with unborn children, claiming they aren’t “real people” or even humans (denying science as usual).
Nobody ever attempted to control a man's body? What do you call forcing a man to pay child support for a child he never wanted?
Saying it's someone else's body is illogical especially when most abortions in America happen before there's a body. A couple cells isn't a body.

This is a flat out lie. When it comes to unplanned pregnancies, most women don't even realize they're pregnant until they've missed at least one period, sometimes two. So by the time she confirms it and makes an appointment for an abortion, the situation is far, FAR more than just "a couple cells." In fact, the preborn is only "a couple cells" immediately after conception, and then of course the new life grows rapidly.

By 8 weeks (when many surgical abortions occur) the preborn has little arms and legs, brainwaves, a beating heart, so this "a couple cells" lie is just that - a lie.

Unless you were talking about the morning after pill, you just proved you are either dishonest or ignorant.
The new life according to God folks. And there you have it.
Another ignorant statement. If you were implying that only "God folks" are pro-life, you need to get out more, once again you don't know what you're talking about.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
Nobody ever attempted to control a man’s body? Ever hear of something called slavery? Men have been slaves to other men since the dawn of time. Republicans outlawed that, much to the disdain of Democrats.

Dems liked to dehumanize humans for their own agenda. They did it with slavery, and now they do it with unborn children, claiming they aren’t “real people” or even humans (denying science as usual).
Nobody ever attempted to control a man's body? What do you call forcing a man to pay child support for a child he never wanted?

Nothing to do with controlling his body unless his money is stashed in his abdomen and requires nine months to mature.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
Nobody ever attempted to control a man’s body? Ever hear of something called slavery? Men have been slaves to other men since the dawn of time. Republicans outlawed that, much to the disdain of Democrats.

Dems liked to dehumanize humans for their own agenda. They did it with slavery, and now they do it with unborn children, claiming they aren’t “real people” or even humans (denying science as usual).
Nobody ever attempted to control a man's body? What do you call forcing a man to pay child support for a child he never wanted?

Nothing to do with controlling his body unless his money is stashed in his abdomen and requires nine months to mature.
Slavery was never about controlling someone's body anyway.

Why can't the abortionists be honest. Give men the same right to walk away as women have.

Well now, that changes everything. So no one on the pro-life side ever had anyone to really represent them during Roe vs. Wade. That explains everything. That just means the pro-life argument has been bs from the beginning. And it still is. They knew way back then they would never be able to prove the pro-life argument from a scientific point of view, so they up and paid someone to lie about it, with their instructions. These are such disgusting people. And look at the people these pro-life nuts murdered because of lies and payoffs.
The pro-life argument was BS from the beginning?

The entire premise of the decision on Roe v Wade was this purely invented “right to privacy”.

Rehnquist said it best:
To reach its result, the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment. As early as 1821, the first state law dealing directly with abortion was enacted by the Connecticut Legislature. By the time of the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, there were at least 36 laws enacted by state or territorial legislatures limiting abortion. While many States have amended or updated their laws, 21 of the laws on the books in 1868 remain in effect today.

Obviously you've never read the 4th amendment.

It very clearly says we have the right to our person or body. Which is what Roe V Wade was decided on. The right to privacy with our body.

The part of the 4th amendment that it was decided on:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated

So what you're saying is that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to women.

Men do get the right to privacy with their body. I have never seen anyone try to pass legislation that prohibits any man from having any medical procedure they want. Nor do they have to go through a waiting period or have to sit through propaganda they don't believe that it's only purpose is to convince them to not have the procedure. Nor do they have to have a totally medically unnecessary probe test which neither he or the doctor wants which he has to pay 100%. I don't see clinics for men being bombed or harassed or people screaming for the man to not go in. I don't see legislatures writing regulations specifically designed to close medical facilities for men.

I have never seen anyone protest to protect a man's right to privacy with their body. Or any thing else for that matter.

Who do you think you are? What makes you think you have any right to say you can take someone's rights from them and violate the constitution?

You don't. Plus, no one gives a rat's ass what you think and want.

If you work and pay taxes, work hard. Pay those taxes. Women need that money to pay for their contraception and for abortions. If you pay federal or state taxes, you're paying for abortions and contraception for women. I hope I that totally pisses you off.

Yup. Nobody ever attempted to violate a male's right to sovereignty over his body. But the anti-choice folks seem to think that women are public property, not people with rights under the Constitution. They also never protest the funding of "ED" medications for men who are not attempting to conceive a child and maybe are having sex with women who are too old to conceive. The sex that they want to have is purely recreational. Where is the scrutiny of this?
Nobody ever attempted to control a man’s body? Ever hear of something called slavery? Men have been slaves to other men since the dawn of time. Republicans outlawed that, much to the disdain of Democrats.

Dems liked to dehumanize humans for their own agenda. They did it with slavery, and now they do it with unborn children, claiming they aren’t “real people” or even humans (denying science as usual).
Nobody ever attempted to control a man's body? What do you call forcing a man to pay child support for a child he never wanted?
Child support is a form of slavery that our system does to men.
OMG this changes everything !!!
I guess this now makes the killing of unborn humans totally legit and moral and ethical !

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