Interesting times coming for trump in March


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Michael Cohen sentenced to three years in prison - CNNPolitics

For his part, Cohen vowed on Wednesday that he could continue to try to assist investigators, and Cohen adviser Lanny Davis said in a statement after the sentencing that "after Mr. Mueller completes his investigation and issues his final report, I look forward to assisting Michael to state publicly all he knows about Mr. Trump."

I missed this when it first came out. So...if Whitaker tries to.keep some of trump's crimes out of the report....Cohen will blow the whistle on him. Can't wait to hear what Cohen has to say about the Criminal in Chief....

Donnie better enjoy his stay in the White House.
Cohen's a liar. No one cares what he says. So what?
Ah, so Trump's butt boy ,who was defended tooth/nail ends up demonized by his supporters ,once convicted?

Does this follow suit up to what he was trying to protect?

Gave his services to the biggest liar working for tRump and his crime family!

Yep, but the funny thing about this is, Cohen lied to protect the Dear Leader ("I would take a bullet..."). And now the Trumpletons point to Cohen, the liar, as if his lies were anything other than more evidence to be used against Individual 1, because lies are pointers to ... issues better left under wraps. The (former) consigliere no longer seems committed to that job.
Ah, so Trump's butt boy ,who was defended tooth/nail ends up demonized by his supporters ,once convicted?

Does this follow suit up to what he was trying to protect?

What? You now want us to believe an admitted liar?
Cohen's a liar. No one cares what he says. So what?

Yes, he is a liar, but Mueller would not believe him if he did not have separate, validated, corroborating evidence. That will be hard for Rudy to ignore as he tries to defend your Liar in Chief.
The trumpettes are following the MO from the Liar in Chief. You praise someone as long as they do your dirty work and keep all your crimes secret until they don't. Then those people are Liars.

I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE LIAR IN CHIEF IS OUT IN MUELLER'S REPORT! And the Blue House will make sure that the Public sees it.
Cohen's a liar. No one cares what he says. So what?

Gave his services to the biggest liar working for tRump and his crime family!
Crime families or individuals are all over. They just think they are innocent of any wrongs if empowered or of pure arrogance. I have a relative working in an air base as a civilian who makes bookoo dollars. He is a half cripple with an ego. My point is that a stock market collapse would bring humility to him as he judges others and tens of millions of others just like him are extorting resources from others. As an aging man, he may see that. To put this in perspective. And this is not to be insulting and condemning. If the stock market ever collapses....modern african american women's appearances would revert back to another era not unlike the great depression. And that way would be the rule for the rest of us all and our backgrounds. Massive reductions in resources is a mutha phuka...
I am bored by all these predictions that damaging facts will come out about Trump.

I'm tired of waiting. Let's hear it NOW.
"Okay. I lied, but it was to defend a guy you like."

"You lie about lying, you liar."
We have him now thread #100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

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