Interesting times coming for trump in March

Ah, so Trump's butt boy ,who was defended tooth/nail ends up demonized by his supporters ,once convicted?

Does this follow suit up to what he was trying to protect?

What? You now want us to believe an admitted liar?

Lol, ewe believe tRump! The biggest liar!
You believed Obummer, the biggest liar, and President Trump still hasn't come close to.

Lol, that proves you're a loon? tRump would get boils and his skin would fall off if he told the truth!
Ah, so Trump's butt boy ,who was defended tooth/nail ends up demonized by his supporters ,once convicted?

Does this follow suit up to what he was trying to protect?

What? You now want us to believe an admitted liar?

Lol, ewe believe tRump! The biggest liar!
You believed Obummer, the biggest liar, and President Trump still hasn't come close to.

Lol, that proves you're a loon? tRump would get boils and his skin would fall off if he told the truth!
The only thing Obama didnt lie about his campaign promise was to Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world nation. How about that Hope and Change? Dumbass...

Michael Cohen sentenced to three years in prison - CNNPolitics

For his part, Cohen vowed on Wednesday that he could continue to try to assist investigators, and Cohen adviser Lanny Davis said in a statement after the sentencing that "after Mr. Mueller completes his investigation and issues his final report, I look forward to assisting Michael to state publicly all he knows about Mr. Trump."

I missed this when it first came out. So...if Whitaker tries to.keep some of trump's crimes out of the report....Cohen will blow the whistle on him. Can't wait to hear what Cohen has to say about the Criminal in Chief....

Donnie better enjoy his stay in the White House.

You forgot to mention that according to the NY POST trump inherited about 500 million. There goes the bootstrapping story about how he parlayed a million dollar paternal loan into billions.
The trumpettes are following the MO from the Liar in Chief. You praise someone as long as they do your dirty work and keep all your crimes secret until they don't. Then those people are Liars.

I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THE LIAR IN CHIEF IS OUT IN MUELLER'S REPORT! And the Blue House will make sure that the Public sees it.
I can't wait until TRUMP wins a 2nd term. By then you will probably be in a mental institution.
How about that Hope and Change? Dumbass...

cuz maga is soooOOoo much more sensible to bumper sticker addicts

Or the Redistribution of Wealth, yeah to the uber rich while Obama put the most in poverty since the war started? And the cash for Clunkers. And the Solyndra 1/2 billion dollar fiasco? Or GM is alive and now going to China with 35 billion dollars given to the unions? You are such a dumbass, I am done trying to talk to you.
You are such a dumbass, I am done trying to talk to you.

More you're every bit as deluded as the hope/change crowd was

And in good company at that....If anything else our so called leaders are phenomenal soliciting the low brow contingent

Ah, so Trump's butt boy ,who was defended tooth/nail ends up demonized by his supporters ,once convicted?

Does this follow suit up to what he was trying to protect?

What? You now want us to believe an admitted liar?

Lol, ewe believe tRump! The biggest liar!
You believed Obummer, the biggest liar, and President Trump still hasn't come close to.

Lol, that proves you're a loon? tRump would get boils and his skin would fall off if he told the truth!
The only thing Obama didnt lie about his campaign promise was to Fundamentally Transform America into a 3rd world nation. How about that Hope and Change? Dumbass...

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Ewe will have better health care at a fraction of the cost, beleev me.

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