Interesting videos & photos thread...

Moslem woman in love with Russian President, Vladimir Putin:

Moslem leader, Louis Farrakhan & rap artist, Eminem:

Beyoncé & husband Jay-Z holding up alleged devil-worship hand-signs:

Singer & actor, Beyoncé holding up "goat-horns" (Satanism) hand-sign:

Video of Moslem men beating woman, with Qur'an (the Moslems' scripture book) 4:34 which allows wife-beating printed across video:

MOSLEM WOMEN WATCH college girls twerk with each other (this video was OK'd by a mod if anyone is wondering haha:)

Last edited:
Documentary about American F.B.I.'s historical war on American Blacks:

Moslem men throw money on Moslem women as they twerk:

African college girls surprisingly (maybe) listening to American teen music as the play (this video was OK'd by a mod as it is not a firewalled video, but be advised, lesbianic play and girls in their delicates in the video:)

(Someone is tampering with my 36 should have read:)

African college girls surprisingly (maybe) listening to American teen music as they play (this video was OK'd by a mod as it is not a firewalled video, but be advised, lesbianic play and girls in their delicates in the video:)

Pope John Paul II kissing the Qur'an, the Moslem scripture book:

Pictures showing that the man that the Moslem group, the Nation of Islam claims is "God in the flesh" — they say that his name is W. Fard Muhammad — is a convicted drug dealer who was convicted in 1926 of selling narcotics, named Wallace Ford...information about his conviction is on the net and can be found by googling: "Wallace Ford 1926 state poison act conviction"...:

Picture 1: Side by side of Wallace Ford mugshot & "W. Fard Muhammad:"

Picture 2: Full Wallace Ford mugshot

Picture 3: Various mugshots of Mr. Ford:
Picture with Pres. Obama quote on Islam and interesting contradicting quote from the Moslem scripture book, the Qur'an...:


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