international investors say US is the place to be


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
Poll: U.S. economy bouncing back - MJ Lee -

The American economy is rebounding in the eyes of international investors, winning its highest marks in more than two years as one of the markets expected to perform the best over the next year, a new Bloomberg poll out Wednesday shows.

More than two in five people surveyed, 41 percent, said they expect the U.S. will have one of the strongest performing economies in the world in the coming year – the highest percentage the country has seen since the Bloomberg Global Poll began in Oct. 2009.

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You see its not just me who understands this country is getting set for much better things
believe it or not we are living in the most war free time in history according to some
The American economy is rebounding in the eyes of international investors, winning its highest marks in more than two years as one of the markets expected to perform the best over the next year, a new Bloomberg poll out Wednesday shows.

More than two in five people surveyed, 41 percent, said they expect the U.S. will have one of the strongest performing economies in the world in the coming year – the highest percentage the country has seen since the Bloomberg Global Poll began in Oct. 2009.

So the highest in the entire 2 year history of the poll? Amazing!
This is up from just one in three people who felt that way in September, and the U.S. market had double the percentage of the next two highest-rated economies, Brazil and China.

Almost four in 10 people, 38 percent, said they believed the American economy is improving – almost four times as many who said the same back in September

Read more: Poll: U.S. economy bouncing back - MJ Lee -
Almost Half of Americans Take At Least One Prescription Drug
Is America the most medicated nation on Earth? Could be, according data just released by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) showing that at least half of all Americans takes at least one prescription drug, with one in six taking three or more medications.
Prescription drug use is rising among people of all ages, and use increases with age. Five out of six persons 65 and older are taking at least one medication and almost half the elderly take three or more.
Adult use of antidepressants almost tripled between 1988-1994 and 1999-2000. Ten percent of women 18 and older and 4 percent of men now take antidepressants. Prescriptions for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, blood glucose/sugar regulators and cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, in particular, increased notably between 1996 and 2002.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found a 13 percent increase between 1988-1994 and 1999-2000 in the proportion of Americans taking at least one drug and a 40 percent jump in the proportion taking three or more medicines. Forty-four percent reported taking at least one drug in the past month and 17 percent were taking three or more in the 2000 survey.
Hey man, got any Soma? :D
Is it an uptick?

I agree that the US economy is gaining steam; I see it getting better every day. And I'm a US cheerleader; I don't care who's in office or how little I like their policies, I want the US to succeed (which, by the way, it will, despite foolish policies on both sides). However, someone should have read that article for context. The assertion that this was the highest since the poll started two years ago may have been true, but it doesn't add support to the results.
Well yeah, hasn't every other country collapsed economically because of policies that Obama and other democrats continue to support and try to implement in our country. Where else is there for investors to go?
You see its not just me who understands this country is getting set for much better things

It "is" getting set for much better things, TM.

Watch how our economy takes off once Barack Obama isn't in the Oval Office.
You see its not just me who understands this country is getting set for much better things

Well of course it's getting set for much better things........Obama will be removed in next years election and we can begin to rebuild his wreck.
The TREASURY keeps selling bonds that are paying doodlesquat interest.

Clearly SOMEBODY thinks that the USD is still a safe place to put their wealth.

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