Intolerant Younger Generation Is Destroying American Democracy

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
It's not the MAGA's. It's the young woke progressives. We can't let this continue or American democracy will be totally gone.

According to a 45,000-participant College Plus survey on respect, tolerance and open-mindedness on American campuses – the largest ever conducted – an appalling 62 per cent of students said it’s “at least sometimes acceptable” to shout down a speaker, and one in five students said that using violence to stop a campus speech is “sometimes acceptable.”

Yep, this is the result of America bending on human rights expectations from their allies. It was only a matter of time before it would bleed into the U.S. You are there now and it isn't just the woke mob I assure you.
It's not one or the other.

When it's coming out of both ends of the spectrum like water through a fire house, it's time for both ends to clean their own house.
If college students saw on tic-toc where fucking goats was considered cool 62% would support that too. That's were we are as a country with our youth now.
Yup. I have been thinking lately about all of this tranny, you can identify yourself the way you want to be identified stuff and started to wonder about incest. It kind of dissolves the term incest. What if two sisters or two brothers or non binary siblings decide they want to get married? The only real reason we don't allow incest is because of genetic consequences of offspring so, if that wasn't an issue, then what's wrong with incest?
It's not the MAGA's. It's the young woke progressives. We can't let this continue or American democracy will be totally gone.
According to a 45,000-participant College Plus survey on respect, tolerance and open-mindedness on American campuses – the largest ever conducted – an appalling 62 per cent of students said it’s “at least sometimes acceptable” to shout down a speaker, and one in five students said that using violence to stop a campus speech is “sometimes acceptable.”
Sounds like good recruiting territory for the GOP
Most people today under the age of 40 are dumber than shit.
I remember the days when I was a diehard Democrat. Republicans were for the rich and wars and Democrats were for the little people and world peace. I remember being poor and hoping for a minimum wage increase so I could earn more money. Then, one day I must have been hit with a frying pan or something because my eyes opened up and I could see more clearly that if I continued down the democratic path I would always be poor and dependent on the government. So, I picked myself up by my bootstraps and changed my life for the better, leaving the Democratic party behind in the dust.
Also, weak pussified little Libtards like this are destroying this once great country.

It's not the MAGA's. It's the young woke progressives. We can't let this continue or American democracy will be totally gone.

According to a 45,000-participant College Plus survey on respect, tolerance and open-mindedness on American campuses – the largest ever conducted – an appalling 62 per cent of students said it’s “at least sometimes acceptable” to shout down a speaker, and one in five students said that using violence to stop a campus speech is “sometimes acceptable.”

The boomers pushed them too far :dunno:

Unintended consequences
Ive always been of the mind set that it was progressive white women that were the ruin of the country but after spending time with a few 20 yr olds…
The boomers enabled them too long!

To be expected consequences
The boomers robbed their generation, plunged the nation into unpayable debt, redistributed wealth towards a tiny fraction of the citizenry, and MAGA is telling them that people who believe what they do are child grooming, terrorist sympathizers. Good luck ever winning their votes.

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