Introduce yourself shortly everyone


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Say what you feel like you want or can reveal like gender sexual orientation ethnicity country of residence political affiliation religion if you want you can also post a picture of yourself. I know there are many introduction threads but this is a collection also older members who introduced themselves a long time ago. Me Male heterosexual serbian/gypsy/russian reside in austria have no party or political affiliation but I'm a mix of liberal and conservative ideas believe in freedom and justice equality cisgender christian my picture is in my profile I speak serbian german and english
Say what you feel like you want or can reveal like gender sexual orientation ethnicity country of residence political affiliation religion if you want you can also post a picture of yourself. I know there are many introduction threads but this is a collection also older members who introduced themselves a long time ago. Me Male heterosexual serbian/gypsy/russian reside in austria have no party or political affiliation but I'm a mix of liberal and conservative ideas believe in freedom and justice equality cisgender christian my picture is in my profile I speak serbian german and english
Well, Mortimer, hello. I know you've been here a while, but it's nice to formally meet you. Have a donut.
Say what you feel like you want or can reveal like gender sexual orientation ethnicity country of residence political affiliation religion if you want you can also post a picture of yourself. I know there are many introduction threads but this is a collection also older members who introduced themselves a long time ago. Me Male heterosexual serbian/gypsy/russian reside in austria have no party or political affiliation but I'm a mix of liberal and conservative ideas believe in freedom and justice equality cisgender christian my picture is in my profile I speak serbian german and english
I am not short and my name isnt Lee, but welcome to the mudpits. This place you will get very dirty, but if you have thick skin, you will do fine. I am a libertarian/conservative and dont give a shit what everyone else does, as long as it is legal and doesnt bother me. You get in my face and tell me I have to accept immoral actions as normal, then I have an issue.

Welcome again.

I'm an idiot. HOWEVER if'n I cant fix it, it aint broke, and if'n I can't build it it can't be done !

I'm still an old goofball.
Say what you feel like you want or can reveal like gender sexual orientation ethnicity country of residence political affiliation religion if you want you can also post a picture of yourself. I know there are many introduction threads but this is a collection also older members who introduced themselves a long time ago. Me Male heterosexual serbian/gypsy/russian reside in austria have no party or political affiliation but I'm a mix of liberal and conservative ideas believe in freedom and justice equality cisgender christian my picture is in my profile I speak serbian german and english

Hi, I’m shortly everyone. Nice to meet you.

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