Introduction to Martial Law?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
U.S. confirms its eighth case of coronavirus; Pentagon to provide quarantine housing

Concerns about the virus spurred the Trump administration to declare a public health emergency and bar entry to the United States for foreign nationals who have recently visited China.

In addition, U.S. citizens who have traveled within the past two weeks to Hubei will be subject to a mandatory quarantine of 14 days, believed to be the incubation period of the virus, officials said.

Americans who visited other parts of mainland China will undergo special health screening upon their return, followed by up to 14 days of "monitored self-quarantine," under the temporary restrictions.

In a statement on Saturday, the Pentagon said Defense Secretary Mark Esper approved a request for assistance from the Department of Health and Human Services for housing support for 1,000 people who may be subject to quarantine on arrival from overseas.

Health officials had asked the Defense Department to provide several facilities capable of housing at least 250 people in individual rooms through Feb. 29.

Before going off on a tangent ask yourself; What has the fed gov't done ro earn your trust? Ever?
This combined with the possibility that Ukraine will try to meddle in our election again would be valid reasons for martial law later on in the year.
This combined with the possibility that Ukraine will try to meddle in our election again would be valid reasons for martial law later on in the year.

Well, too early to tell what is going to happen with this virus...itt does not look good and in fact it just keeps getting worse....and add to that some folks want to play politics with it...a prescription for disaster.

If it gets bad enough I can see where it will be a necessity for martial law to preserve law and order.

If thousands start droping dead it will wreck havoc like we have never seen before....count on the msm to help make it worse.

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