
Welcome! You sir, are are a hero. Never let what people have done in the past or the present stop you from believing that. Ignore the trolls. Remember, you're a leatherneck. You've given the enemy hell, don't let them give you hell. You are free to believe in whatever you want to believe in, without the resident liberals on this board telling you otherwise.

And Mert, stop being a noob. ;)
note when the lie is challenged.....he just he did hit the person

excuse boots just dont go this high

I wonder where all these "protectionist" nice people are when a Lib introduces himself and the trolls poop all over their intro thread.....hmmmmm, double standards?
note when the lie is challenged.....he just he did hit the person

excuse boots just dont go this high

I wonder where all these "protectionist" nice people are when a Lib introduces himself and the trolls poop all over their intro thread.....hmmmmm, double standards?

And look no further than for you to perpetuate those double standards, Mert. Smooth move.

I think it would be good if we didn't attack members in this section. Or, even better, at all.

Breakout, there's some pretty good sections of USMB to frequent. If you're a new member who wants a smooth start, try posting more in the Clean Debate Zone. The USMB Lounge is another place that boasts a lot of really good threads. If you want to sit back, drink a hot coffee and talk over the day's issues, that's the place to be.

That'll be one bag of Doritos, please. :D:smiliehug:
Trying to see where the OP came in insulting people. Oh. Wait. Cuz he isn't a fan of Obama. Gotcha. Um hm. Okey dokey. Eye roll.

I guess you missed this..."Obama nor his corrupt administration". Eye roll back....:eusa_whistle:

That's not an insult, Mert. That's the truth. It takes a woefully oblivious person not to see it.

And how did I insult him? Just cause I told him I'd like to see his BS be exposed.....since when are conservatives conservative? You, of all people Tk, don't need to be chastising anyone, you don't adhere to what he preaches, either.
Well, all the Liberals aren't insulting him. I don't agree with everything he said but he has a right to say it in his intro thread. I thought this was where we all said hi and welcome and if we want to fight with him, we do it elsewhere? Am I wrong here? I'm friendly to everyone in intros.
Trying to see where the OP came in insulting people. Oh. Wait. Cuz he isn't a fan of Obama. Gotcha. Um hm. Okey dokey. Eye roll.

I guess you missed this..."Obama nor his corrupt administration". Eye roll back....:eusa_whistle:

So he thinks Obama and his administration is corrupt. And? So do I. And?

Bigger eye roll back attcha. :lol:

And....what wolfsister said. This is an intro thread. Save the attacks of supposed "BS" to another place and time. Remember how YOU were treated when you first got here. Don't do the same to him.
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note when the lie is challenged.....he just he did hit the person

excuse boots just dont go this high

I wonder where all these "protectionist" nice people are when a Lib introduces himself and the trolls poop all over their intro thread.....hmmmmm, double standards?

Who, like me? I defend Obama till I'm blue in the face. People even call me a Lib for doing it. Now I'm a Republican? I can't keep up.

So he has opinions - who cares, get "disagreement" insurance from Flo.
Hello, My screen name is Breakout because I ride a 2014 Harley Davidson Breakout. I am, as you can see a former US Marine. I served two tours in Vietnam in special operations at Marble Mountain in Vietnam. I am a conservative independent, last election I voted for Mitt Romney. I believe in a smaller and less controlling Federal Government. I strongly believe in lowering taxes and letting the private sector dictate and direct our economy, not the government. I believe in fewer regulations and more accountability, more transparency and less government spending. I believe in a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility. I believe in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I truly believe the reason America is great is because of it's people and their hard work, ingenuity and generosity, not the government. As you probably have guessed I am not a big fan of Obama nor his corrupt administration. I was proud to fight for my country and be a Marine but I was disappointed to be spat upon by fellow Americans when I returned from combat, I was called a baby killer, a murderer. I just did my job and I was lucky to come home alive. I am an electrical power engineer and I work for one of the Fortune 100 companies in the US. I work hard and pay my taxes, which are considerable. I own a home and my wife also works hard every day. We both love America and I consider myself very lucky to be an American and in the U.S.A. I look forward to some lively debate and I look forward to meeting many of you here.
Firstly, thank you for your service, Breakout. Welcome to USMB and hope you enjoy the boards!
"spat on really that is one of the biggest" truths "of the war ...."

Saw it. Heard dozens of other service members say it happened to them or saw it happened.

The nonsense that the actions did not happen is simply not true

The interesting thing: is why the lies? To what point?
Anyway..with that said....welcome to USMB, Breakout..thank you for your service....and I'll see ya around the boards I guess.

Thank you all for your comments. For those of you who have a somewhat negative opinion, I thank you also. I believe each person has a right to their own opinion. I learned early on in the military that sometimes you need to fight for the rights of those you may find offensive, wrong or even insulting, even when you disagree with them. I look forward to some lively debate and I want all of you to know I am a big boy and I keep my big boy pants on. I have a pretty thick skin but I also know how to dish it out when I am attacked or insulted. I think most folks are actually really nice people, they may disagree with my opinions but that is all good, they have that right. I am not a pragmatist, I think I am a realist. I will promise all of you that I will try to show each of you respect, regardless of our disagreements. I did not come here to piss in anyone's corn flakes, I came here to expand my knowledge and hear different points of view from every side. I am not a kid and I have been around the block a few times, met a lot of different type people. So no matter what any of you may think or believe about me I would ask that you refrain from contempt prior to investigation. I think we are gonna have a good time and even a few laughs.
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"spat on really that is one of the biggest" truths "of the war ...."

Saw it. Heard dozens of other service members say it happened to them or saw it happened.

The nonsense that the actions did not happen is simply not true

The interesting thing: is why the lies? To what point?

i have no clue why people lie on the net...but you must be aware that all these veterans etc....many of them are simply lying...

now show me one article one bit of proof of what you just said....

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